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Monday, 11 January 2016

KR Review #24: Loghar

Being a very important character in the KR mythos, probably one of the most expected figures in the line has to be LogharTM!

Loghar is the 18th action figure prototype I've received from PoliganToys.

Name: Loghar
Subtitle: ruthless sorcerer and engineer
Classification: archosauromorph reptile
Sex: male
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Rexodon
Rank: lieutenant general.

Loghar's first appearance is in the third KR comic issue Clash of the leaders, where he is presented as an evil Rexodon fellow with skills in both sorcery and engineering. He has assisted Bi-Harr (often in a scheming manner) in his ambition to rule Tahron for centuries, systematically wiping out many mammalian enemies. Loghar made his greatest mistake when he attempted to kill a renegade Theriom member named Ir-AshTM using his flamethrowing techno-device; foolishly, he didn't ensure his mission was accomplished, never realising that doing so he set about a series of events, which years later would lead to the rise of Deptilion's menace.

Standard, except that the left wrist is ball jointed.

Head: Loghar sports a black hood with a V-shaped point in the centre of the edge over the forehead; his face is covered by a demonic golden mask that personally reminds me of a traditional African mask. The eye holes emit a red glow, while whitish tendril-like beard and moustache emerge out of the lower edge of the mask
Body: the right arm and the left leg display a grey scaly skin with a black armband and a sort of black garter (both not removable) around the biceps and thigh respectively; the left arm and the right leg have a black metallic look, showing lots of machinery/circuitry patterns. The reptilian limbs bear a claw hand and a claw foot, the robotic leg is equipped with a silver tripod instead of a foot and the robotic arm ends in a ball&socket connection
Wearables: a silver armour with black details (not removable), a silver gauntlet and a silver boot (the latter with a spike sticking out of the side) on the reptilian limbs, a silver cuff on the robotic arm, a silver belt and a Roman-style black leather loincloth decorated with silver studs. He also wears a black shoulder armour with silver details, which has an attached cape. The hood naturally looks part of the mantle, while actually being a separate piece (together with the head) and allowing for full head movement; the cape is bicolour, black at the top and red at the bottom, with the two colours separated by a jagged motif.

Loghar's stylised armour.

Action feature
Loghar's obvious feature is his robotic arm extremity, which is actually a silver mechanical device that holds a black spinning 3-fireball thrower. This weapon consists of a pivot with three curved blades attached, each ending in a bowl-shaped element (or hemisphere); when flicked, the blades spin around a rotation axis that is perpendicular to Loghar's arm. The whole weapon can be detached to make the forearm look like a sort of cannon.
Loghar also carries a technological backpack, which has a sort of insulated tube that runs to the cuff on the robotic forearm; this backpack is supposed to be a portable fuel tank engineered to feed the incendiary device and is extremely detailed with plenty of sculpted wires, panels, piping, tubes and dials. Since the backpack is quite large, the cape cannot cover it completely and has a square hole in order to accommodate its upper part.

Weapons and accessories
Loghar comes with few accessories. The main one is his staff, which is composed of a black shaft topped with a greyish Iguanodon skull. Additionally, we also get three nicely sculpted plug-in flaming effects for the fireball thrower, one for each hemisphere. If you like, any one of these effects can also be connected to the arm-cannon when the incendiary device is detached, which is a nice touch.

Overall, this figure is great to me, mostly because I can’t not be amazed by the uncanny contrast between reptilian and robotic elements when I look at him. He’s an essential character to the series and he definitely helps fill out the small group that makes up the Rexodon army so far. And his background story, full of puzzling details, makes him even more interesting...

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