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Wednesday 6 January 2016

KR Review #22: Li-Meh-Zor

I would have never pegged Li-Meh-ZorTM as the figure to start the new year (by the way, happy 2016!), but given his refreshing look, mostly white, perhaps it’s appropriate.

Li-Meh-Zor is the 16th action figure prototype I've received from PoliganToys.

Name: Li-Meh-Zor
Subtitle: tail-striking adviser
Classification: archosauromorph reptile
Sex: male
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Rexodon
Rank: counsellor.

Li-Meh-Zor's first and only significant appearance is in the third KR comic issue Clash of the leaders, where he plays a key role in leading a joined battalion of Rexodon and Destructomorph warriors. Shortly after Bi-Harr had begun his war against the Therioms, Li-Meh-Zor joined the new evil army and started fighting for the reptilian supremacy. Both reptilian and mammalian people were plunged into a war that would continue to ravage the kingdom of Tahron for centuries. It was not until the Therioms' project of transforming Tahron into a republic emerged that Li-Meh-Zor, in addition to combating as a member of the Rexodons, also served as a political adviser to Bi-Harr.

Standard, plus two swivels on the tail.

Head: slightly similar to a crocodile, characterised by a narrow and long V-shaped snout, a large bony cranial crest, two short whitish horns, small pointy ears adorned with copper stretched earlobe piercings, a large nose and a double chin (similarly to a Komodo dragon). He has an albino character, with ivory-coloured skin and deep sunken cool-white eyes. Despite the closed mouth, many sharp white teeth (including four large fangs in the lower jaw) are visible along the edges of the jaws. His neck is spread to form a flattened, widened hood similarly to a cobra, but with a characteristic square shape rather than round
Body: ivory-coloured scaly skin (except for the abdomen, which is smooth), webbed claw hands and feet; his shoulders, forearms and calves are adorned with several bony spikes. His back is armoured with large osteoderms, a few of which bear fins and sails; this scaly back armour is thick and rugged, seemingly providing some protection, and extends downwards forming a long, thick tail that ends with a spiky mace-like ball. The front of his torso displays a large longitudinal surgical suture; this peculiar and mysterious wound has been closed with stitches by means of a red rope
Wearables: a pair of dark-green braces (similar to suspenders) decorated with spike-shaped blueish-grey steel studs, two dark-green bracelets, two dark-green shin protectors, a dark-green belt and a furry dark-blue loincloth. The brace design feeds into a large belt piece with the Rexodon insignia (i.e., a red reptile skull) positioned at its center.

Action feature
Of course, Li-Meh-Zor's main feature is his threatening tail. The back armour, to which the tail belongs, is a separate piece that clips onto his back. The tail features two articulation points - two swivels at about one-third and two-thirds of its length. I think there is no need of more articulation, since the two joints allow for plenty of poses. The only downside is that the combination of the back armour with the neck-hood hampers the head movement a little bit, but good poses are still possible.

Weapons and accessories
Li-Meh-Zor comes with a very elaborate weapon - a long dark-blue metal shaft with two interchangeable bony tips, i.e., a three-pronged spear (the central spike is much larger than the two lateral ones) and a curved blade (similar to an axe at the base and a sickle at the end, like in a bill-guisarme). The staff can fire either tip thanks to a spring-loaded mechanism.

Overall, Li-Meh-Zor isn’t one of my favourite KR characters. I just think he is ok, but the all-white skin colour is kind of odd to me. Nevertheless, I love his sculpt and I’m impressed by the overall level of detail, especially on the tail. Finally, I’m glad that he got a badass weapon; hopefully, folks at PoliganToys know that we want more stuff like this.

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