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Important notice. Due to an agreement between PoliganToysTM and the author of this blog, no actual image of any Key RaidersTM prototypes may be posted.

Friday 29 January 2016

KR Review #27: Li-Gah-Tor

I have already brought you a look at a KR crocodilian figure. In sharp contrast to the all-white character reviewed some weeks ago, let's change colour to look at his all-green offspring, who is ready to join the Rexodon army on my shelf: Li-Gah-TorTM!

The brutal son of the cruel Li-Meh-Zor, Li-Gah-Tor is the 21st action figure prototype I have received from PoliganToys.

Name: Li-Gah-Tor
Subtitle: tail-striking warrior
Classification: archosauromorph reptile
Sex: male
Relationships: son of Li-Meh-Zor
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Rexodon
Rank: major general.

Li-Gah-Tor makes his first appearance in the fourth KR comic issue A fateful secret, where he is presented as Li-Meh-Zor's hard-hearted son. It is recounted that Li-Gah-Tor grew up bitter under the rule of his despotic father. After years of training in Rokang Tar, he finally struck a deal to help lead the Rexodon forces in a raid against the Therioms, but at last he was put aside. Nevertheless, the plan failed and Li-Meh-Zor was severely wounded. Following his father's untimely defeat, Li-Gah-Tor was taken in by his master Bi-Harr and quickly rose up through the ranks, serving as his major general. His rough character and headstrong impulsiveness have made him more than a match for the Therioms, who have to withstand the demolishing power of his thrashing tail.

Standard, with the addition of a tail, which is a ball jointed separate piece. It features two articulation points, two swivels at about one-third and two-thirds of its length.

Head: similar to an alligator, characterised by a wide and rather short U-shaped snout, dark-green skin, a large light-green cranial crest, two short ossicones covered in skin, long pointy ears, evil large dark eyes with vertical yellow pupils, a small nose adorned with a septum piercing, and a prominent chin spike. Despite the closed mouth, many sharp teeth (including three large fangs in the upper jaw) are visible along the edges of the jaws
Body: dark-green scaly skin (except for the abdomen, which is smooth), claw hands and feet; his limbs display large light-green ridges which run down the sides. He has a long, thick tail that ends with a ridged mace-like ball
Wearables: a light-green armour with dark-green details, two light-green bracelets, two light-green boots (with purple claw protectors), a light-green belt and a Roman-style dark-green leather loincloth decorated with blue studs.

Li-Gah-Tor's stylised armour.

Action feature
Like in the case of his father's action feature, Li-Gah-Tor's main characteristic is his menacing tail. Despite the apparent similarities, the two figures' appendages are pretty different: while Li-Meh-Zor's tail is permanently connected to the back armour, Li-Gah-Tor's one is a completely separate piece that snaps into a socket under his loincloth. This solution makes it possible not to hamper any movements and the total of three articulation points (ball joint plus two swivels) allows for tons of poses.

Weapons and accessories
Li-Gah-Tor includes one accessory, his macuahuitl, i.e., a dark-green wooden sword whose sides are embedded with blades made from black volcanic glass. This type of weapon was actually used by ancient civilisations in Meso-America including the Aztec and the Mayan. I have to admit that, way back, when I studied archaeology, I never really appreciated this weapon... Li-Gah-Tor's sword finally speaks to me! Sure, details like some strange symbols, cracks and also something that looks like circuitry have been added to make the design more inspired, but the weapon is true to its historical origin.

Together with the action figure we get the fourth comic issue A fateful secret. Some villages are suffering due to the raids of the Rexodons and their cruel leader Bi-Harr, so Tir-Hing gives Xonedar and Elykta the task to scout those territories for signs of lurking evil. The heroes meet with the two Independent Warriors Bellius and Fai-Rha, and, together, they try to rescue villagers who are transported into slavery. Fai-Rha gets distracted for a moment and is overpowered by the brutal warrior Li-Gah-Tor. Being used as a hostage, the heroes have to watch Fai-Rha leave without being able to fight back. The Rexodons reach their headquarters in Rokang Tar, where they imprison their captive in a dungeon. Afterwards, Bi-Harr attacks Theriom City and threatens to kill Fai-Rha if the defenders don't surrender. Elykta, suspecting that Fai-Rha's is actually Rhadiel, Masq-Lor's younger sister who was also abducted as a baby, proposes a plan of action. Being occupied with their coup, the Rexodons don't notice Sei-Lha and Mor-Rak sneaking away. The Therioms buy time long enough for the two heroes to carry a prodigious helmet to Fai-Rha, who is successfully rescued and taken to Theriom City. There, Fai-Rha uses her helmet to transform into a powerful combatant. With the help of her new powers, she hacks the Rexodon Troopers into pieces and fights Bi-Harr. Meanwhile, all the Therioms manage to get away from their captors and regain control of their residence. Together, they defeat Bi-Harr and chase the Rexodons away. Later, Fai-Rha finally recognises her true identity. Her family is joyful to see her again after so many years, but Fai-Rha realises that she's still needed among the Independent Warriors, with whom she has fought for a long time.

Overall, Li-Gah-Tor is a very well-designed action figure and makes a great army-builder for the Rexodon faction. Even between more high-profile reptilian characters, like Bi-Harr and Loghar, there is no denying that this alligator is one impressive warrior. I'm glad it didn't turn out to be a Li-Meh-Zor repaint; on the contrary, the new character-specific pieces, above all the head, really won me over.
About the comic, well, it's again the villains' (not very ingenious) kidnapping plan to threaten the heroes. We've seen that quite a few times - too often, actually. But the generally well executed fight scenes and the introduction of Fai-Rha make this story one of the better versions of this standard plot. On the whole, this issue is not bad, but still suffers from the "helmet solves everything" mentality of the KR episodes. One important detail - at some point in the story it is briefly recounted that Li-Gah-Tor, during his youth, was devoured by his father after an altercation, but he eventually managed to save himself by tearing his father's abdomen; this creepy action shows Li-Gah-Tor's extremely combative and furious nature, and explains Li-Meh-Zor's mysterious surgical suture.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Key Raiders Board Game Teaser

PoliganToysTM hasn't spared surprises about Key RaidersTM during the last weeks. We got the first creature, the first vehicle and the first variants prototypes. But what I'm going to show was totally unexpected.

As I already explained in a previous post, the idea of Key Raiders was initially conceived in the form of a board game. We also know that a simplified version of the original Key Raiders board game, named WallBreachTM, is (hopefully) in the making.

But now PoliganToys has leaked this interesting preliminary drawing of what looks like a card prototype:

Are they really developing the new Key Raiders board game? During my consultancy period at PoliganToys to help creating the KR action figures, the general idea was "now the toys; the game maybe later". So, I'm really surprised to see this. Perhaps it's just a move to get more attention on the KR universe, but who knows...

For sure, a board game will be the next great KR thing that will really excite me!

Monday 18 January 2016

KR Review #26: Bellius

He’s finally here! After months of waiting, BelliusTM has finally arrived!

The waiting was due to the fact that this action figure prototype (the 20th I have received from PoliganToys) features a huge chunk of new parts, in order to get its signature centaur look not only down, but thankfully improved with a few techno additions. The result is the mix of barbarian and cyber details that I enjoy greatly.

Name: Bellius
Subtitle: ground-shaking leader
Classification: catlipomor* mammal
Sex: male
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Theriom (formerly belonging to the Independent Warriors group)
Rank: first lieutenant (formerly leader of the Independent Warriors).
*CatlipomorsTM are fictional rare intelligent hybrid mammals, composed of the parts of several animals.

Bellius makes his first appearance in the fourth KR comic issue A fateful secret, where he's presented as a member of a race of centaur-like creatures. Growing up just outside the Northern Forest, Bellius lived in a village that was always under threat from the evil reptilian forces. During the frequent attacks, he gained several skills, such as the ability to wield a gigantic mace and to grow his neck to incredible length. Eventually, he found himself in the services of the Independent Warriors, a group of mammalian combatants who don't belong to any official affiliations, and was soon designated to lead them. Now, taking the role of Lieutenant, he serves the Republic's army as a core member of the Therioms, using his amazing abilities to spy on and ram into the enemies.

Standard in the human upper body, with an additional hinged, pivoting lower abdomen; in the quadrupedal lower body, besides a ball jointed tail, each leg features three hinge joints: at the shoulder/hip, at the knee/hock and at the fetlock.

Head: similar to a bighorn sheep, characterised by light brown hair, large curved horns, pale eyes with horizontal slit-shaped dark pupils and a fairly long beard. His mouth is slightly open, exposing the teeth in the lower jaw and suggesting that he is ready to attack
Body: centaur structure, light brown coat with a few dark blotches, the arms seem a bit longer than the average length. The quadrupedal part of the body shows features that are typical of different ungulates, e.g., a goat (even-toed hooves), a giraffe (blotched coat) and a horse (general shape)
Wearables: a white armour with red details, a white belt and a red leather-texture loincloth/peytral decorated with silver studs. The left arm bears a silver armband and a white glove, while the right arm has a silver shoulder armour and a white bracelet (with knuckle protector) that are connected by a sort of silver exoskeletal device. The front legs carry two silver cyber knee protectors (the left one has a little side-compartment, probably used to store some small item) and two white cannon bone protectors (the right one displays a sheath with a small silver dagger, which is not removable), while the hind legs show two black bondage-like strings on the gaskins and two white cannon bone protectors. When the armour is removed, his back shows a silver techno-mechanism (composed of gears, shafts and even a small display, supposedly for calibration purposes), by which power is transmitted to the right arm exoskeleton through the shoulder armour; this is really a cool detail, but apparently there is no way to understand where the power comes from and how the mechanism is attached to Bellius' body.

Bellius' stylised armour.

Action feature
In the comics Bellius can stretch his neck considerably, getting a more giraffe-like look. This neck elongation skill has two purposes: either to give powerful headbutts and break through obstacles or to raise the head and see farther. So, the figure includes a number of accessories related to these action features. First of all we have two interchangeable neck extensions, one shorter (4 cm) and one longer (11 cm); besides their awesome blotched design, I like the fact that they still work with the ball-joint on the neck and can even be stacked. Then there is a removable silver helmet (which clips onto the figure's head thanks to two small notches on the horns) with two interchangeable pivoting add-ons: a protective face mask (or chanfron) and a magnifying visor. These accessories are fictionally produced by the helmet itself. The chanfron extends from the horns/ears to the muzzle, while the eyes receive no protection; it is worth noting that the hinged lower abdomen allows Bellius to pose like he is using his body as a battering ram. In contrast, the reflective glass visor (which looks a bit like a virtual reality display) just swings into place over the eyes.

Weapons and accessories
In addition to the neck extensions and the helmet with its two add-ons, Bellius includes three other accessories, the most noticeable of which is his enormous boulder-mace. This is basically a long, thick reddish-brown wooden stick with a three-branched end that holds a large grey boulder. His slightly longer (compared to other figures) arms and his right arm exoskeleton allow him to hoist this mace high and slam it down, striking the boulder on the ground and producing a powerful quake. It could also cause serious hurt to anyone in its downward path.
The other accessories are a smashing axe and an alternative head. The axe is a sort of Independent Warriors' trademark, whose wooden handle and stone blade (with the cutting edge parallel to the handle) are made of the same materials as the boulder-mace. The alternative head is inspired by a comic issue in which Bellius' face is drawn in a slightly different way; this is characterised by a less menacing look, with no beard and a divided upper lip, and wears a helmet (not removable) with transparent binocular goggles. The interesting thing is that by looking through a window on the back of the helmet, it's possible to see what Bellius sees; or, alternatively, by using a torch, the light passes through the window and makes the goggles glow.
Potentially, Bellius is capable of carrying another figure into battle on his lower back and I know that the guys at PoliganToys initially had plans to include a saddle for this purpose. The idea was eventually discarded to cut production costs and, to be honest, I'm glad things went that way... can you picture it? It'd look a bit weird...

Overall, I’m very happy with Bellius. I can’t argue that this guy looks like he fits right in with the Theriom army. Once you put him among the ranks, he just impresses like he should. There is definitely a lot to love here, ranging from the tech details, to the vac metal on the visor, to the neck extensions, which are all fantastic elements.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

KR Review #25: Possessed Sei-Lha

If we had ever proposed a "Most Requested Variant" contest, I'm sure that the winner would have been none other than Possessed Sei-LhaTM!

Well, no need of a contest, since she’s quickly moved from my personal wish list to my shelf as the 19th action figure prototype from PoliganToys.

Name: Possessed Sei-Lha
Subtitle: demoniac soldier
Classification: spirit-human hybrid
Sex: female
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Destructomorph (temporarily)
Rank: demonic accomplice.

The first KR comic issue The hidden halberd establishes a lot of plot elements that sum up what the whole series is about. However, there is an idea that stays unique to the episode, which is Sei-Lha being merged with the evil demon Nemhisto at the hands of Deptilion and Demo-Rha, in order to gain entry into the ancient Quartz Tower.

Standard, excluding hinged abdomen, like the regular version.

Head: it's a repaint of the original helmet-less head, with orange skin, short white hair and glow-in-the-dark eyes (the latter is also the only action feature)
Body: orange skin, claw hands
Wearables: a dark-green brassiere with golden armoured cups, two golden cuffs, two golden bracelets decorated with emeralds around the biceps, two golden boots, a golden belt, a dark-green loincloth and a red cloak. The bra straps and the loincloth seem made of a sort of grass; the cloak fastens at the neck using a big gold brooch topped with an emerald.

Weapons and accessories
Possessed Sei-Lha includes three surprisingly new accessories: a sword, a shield and a sceptre. I think these weapons are also meant to be for Nemhisto, who finally gets some accessories. Indeed, they can be held by both figures... I can’t choose who looks better with which weapon!
I love the innovative sculpt of the sword - the combined shape of the greenish oxidised bronze hilt and the end of the golden blade, similar to two small tridents one above the other, reminds me of the Chinese character 出 (out). I also appreciate that the sword can be stowed on the back of Sei-Lha's bra when the cloak is removed.
I do like the shield as well. This piece is a larger replica of the brooch that fastens both Nemhisto's and Sei-Lha's mantles, with the interesting addition of a corroded portion. Sei-Lha can yield it just fine, but I think I would have probably liked it to be a bit bigger, to fit in better with the stature of Nemhisto.
Finally, the sceptre is a four-pronged golden spear (each prong is set at a 90° angle to the adjacent ones), which holds a large emerald at the top; these characteristics are obvious recreations of the other accessories details, such as the sword's multi-pronged shape and the gold/emerald materials.

Overall, figures like this always keep my interest in the line healthy. Possessed Sei-Lha has a great sculpt with great accessories and shows that PoliganToys is willing to expand the line with many variants. That does keep me very excited!

Monday 11 January 2016

KR Review #24: Loghar

Being a very important character in the KR mythos, probably one of the most expected figures in the line has to be LogharTM!

Loghar is the 18th action figure prototype I've received from PoliganToys.

Name: Loghar
Subtitle: ruthless sorcerer and engineer
Classification: archosauromorph reptile
Sex: male
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Rexodon
Rank: lieutenant general.

Loghar's first appearance is in the third KR comic issue Clash of the leaders, where he is presented as an evil Rexodon fellow with skills in both sorcery and engineering. He has assisted Bi-Harr (often in a scheming manner) in his ambition to rule Tahron for centuries, systematically wiping out many mammalian enemies. Loghar made his greatest mistake when he attempted to kill a renegade Theriom member named Ir-AshTM using his flamethrowing techno-device; foolishly, he didn't ensure his mission was accomplished, never realising that doing so he set about a series of events, which years later would lead to the rise of Deptilion's menace.

Standard, except that the left wrist is ball jointed.

Head: Loghar sports a black hood with a V-shaped point in the centre of the edge over the forehead; his face is covered by a demonic golden mask that personally reminds me of a traditional African mask. The eye holes emit a red glow, while whitish tendril-like beard and moustache emerge out of the lower edge of the mask
Body: the right arm and the left leg display a grey scaly skin with a black armband and a sort of black garter (both not removable) around the biceps and thigh respectively; the left arm and the right leg have a black metallic look, showing lots of machinery/circuitry patterns. The reptilian limbs bear a claw hand and a claw foot, the robotic leg is equipped with a silver tripod instead of a foot and the robotic arm ends in a ball&socket connection
Wearables: a silver armour with black details (not removable), a silver gauntlet and a silver boot (the latter with a spike sticking out of the side) on the reptilian limbs, a silver cuff on the robotic arm, a silver belt and a Roman-style black leather loincloth decorated with silver studs. He also wears a black shoulder armour with silver details, which has an attached cape. The hood naturally looks part of the mantle, while actually being a separate piece (together with the head) and allowing for full head movement; the cape is bicolour, black at the top and red at the bottom, with the two colours separated by a jagged motif.

Loghar's stylised armour.

Action feature
Loghar's obvious feature is his robotic arm extremity, which is actually a silver mechanical device that holds a black spinning 3-fireball thrower. This weapon consists of a pivot with three curved blades attached, each ending in a bowl-shaped element (or hemisphere); when flicked, the blades spin around a rotation axis that is perpendicular to Loghar's arm. The whole weapon can be detached to make the forearm look like a sort of cannon.
Loghar also carries a technological backpack, which has a sort of insulated tube that runs to the cuff on the robotic forearm; this backpack is supposed to be a portable fuel tank engineered to feed the incendiary device and is extremely detailed with plenty of sculpted wires, panels, piping, tubes and dials. Since the backpack is quite large, the cape cannot cover it completely and has a square hole in order to accommodate its upper part.

Weapons and accessories
Loghar comes with few accessories. The main one is his staff, which is composed of a black shaft topped with a greyish Iguanodon skull. Additionally, we also get three nicely sculpted plug-in flaming effects for the fireball thrower, one for each hemisphere. If you like, any one of these effects can also be connected to the arm-cannon when the incendiary device is detached, which is a nice touch.

Overall, this figure is great to me, mostly because I can’t not be amazed by the uncanny contrast between reptilian and robotic elements when I look at him. He’s an essential character to the series and he definitely helps fill out the small group that makes up the Rexodon army so far. And his background story, full of puzzling details, makes him even more interesting...

Friday 8 January 2016

Key Raiders 2015 Prototypes

This post features a check-list that includes all prototypes produced under the Key Raiders line in 2015. Items are categorised by their type and affiliation, and listed in order of review:

Thursday 7 January 2016

KR Review #23: Apprentice Minister Masq-Lor

As a KR fan, I typically figure out a lot of prototype releases in advance. I expected that the formal-outfit variant of Masq-Lor would mostly be a repaint of the original version. I was also certain that he would end up as part of a variants multipack. But no, I couldn't foresee that Apprentice Minister Masq-LorTM (AMM later on) would get so many new pieces and be delivered as a single action figure (the 17th I've received from PoliganToys).

Name: Apprentice Minister Masq-Lor
Real name: Desion
Subtitle: future ruler
Classification: human-primivod hybrid (but he looks completely human)
Sex: male
Relationships: son of Tir-Hing, Sei-Lha's love interest
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Theriom
Rank: trainee.

Since the background story of the character has been covered before and the articulation is standard, this review is mainly focused on the appearance of the figure and the accessories that come with it.

Head: at a first glance AMM's head might look identical to the helmet-less head included in Masq-Lor's original release, characterised by light brown skin, thick black hair and green eyes. But, like in Plainclothes Sei-Lha's case, it is actually a bit different: the eyebrows are in a more relaxed position and the mouth displays a subtle smile; in general, he looks less dashing and shows an "at ease" attitude
Body: the torso and the arms are covered with a long-sleeved white shirt, while the legs are covered with light-blue trousers
Wearables: a light-blue vest with golden edges and armholes (this piece includes the shirt collar, which is open enough to reveal part of the big gold necklace underneath), two golden bracelets, two golden boots, a golden belt and a light-blue crotch piece. The forearm and leg pieces constitute the only reuse (and partially repaint) of Masq-Lor's original parts.

Action feature
Well, there's not much action to expect from a guy who is studying to become a wise politician, but we still get something to enhance his clothing, presumably for highly formal occasions. The vest can be complemented with an extra piece composed of a short light-blue skirt with golden hem, a black belt with a golden buckle that resembles the Theriom symbol (i.e., a seven-pointed star with the two side points elongated), a dark-blue shoulder sash and a short dark-blue cape. I'm very impressed by the smart way all these components have been combined in a single removable piece.

Weapons and accessories
With AMM we finally get an accessory that for me was a most wanted piece - a second head with the inactive helmet, i.e., with neither sabre-toothed visor activated nor metal cat ears. Since my first review I've complained about the lack of this head, which is the necessary bridge between the helmet-less and the helmeted-with-visor heads, both included in Masq-Lor's original release. This new head displays a daring expression and the cool thing is that it doesn't really matter which of the two Masq-Lor's versions you put it on, it makes sense and looks cool on both.
Apart from the second head, the figure also comes with an alternative version of Masq-Lor's normal sword, with golden blade and light-blue hilt. It is the second variant of this sword we get (a silver blade plus yellow hilt version was included in the Destructomorph Troopers' 2pk), but none beats the original one with silver blade and brown wooden hilt; that's going to be my default sword. Additionally, like in Masq-Lor's first release, the sword can have its blade inserted in an orange leather scabbard attached to a loose fitting belt; this sheath belt is a repaint of the original one in a brighter colour and is separate piece that can be repositioned to one's liking, but can only be used without the vest extension.

Overall, I'm pleased that AMM isn't just a repaint of Masq-Lor. I’m very glad that PoliganToys included the new helmeted head, that’s what I wanted. I love his accessories, even if I don’t think the new sword came out that well, and the idea of the outfit add-on. So, to conclude, no complaints here.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

KR Review #22: Li-Meh-Zor

I would have never pegged Li-Meh-ZorTM as the figure to start the new year (by the way, happy 2016!), but given his refreshing look, mostly white, perhaps it’s appropriate.

Li-Meh-Zor is the 16th action figure prototype I've received from PoliganToys.

Name: Li-Meh-Zor
Subtitle: tail-striking adviser
Classification: archosauromorph reptile
Sex: male
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Rexodon
Rank: counsellor.

Li-Meh-Zor's first and only significant appearance is in the third KR comic issue Clash of the leaders, where he plays a key role in leading a joined battalion of Rexodon and Destructomorph warriors. Shortly after Bi-Harr had begun his war against the Therioms, Li-Meh-Zor joined the new evil army and started fighting for the reptilian supremacy. Both reptilian and mammalian people were plunged into a war that would continue to ravage the kingdom of Tahron for centuries. It was not until the Therioms' project of transforming Tahron into a republic emerged that Li-Meh-Zor, in addition to combating as a member of the Rexodons, also served as a political adviser to Bi-Harr.

Standard, plus two swivels on the tail.

Head: slightly similar to a crocodile, characterised by a narrow and long V-shaped snout, a large bony cranial crest, two short whitish horns, small pointy ears adorned with copper stretched earlobe piercings, a large nose and a double chin (similarly to a Komodo dragon). He has an albino character, with ivory-coloured skin and deep sunken cool-white eyes. Despite the closed mouth, many sharp white teeth (including four large fangs in the lower jaw) are visible along the edges of the jaws. His neck is spread to form a flattened, widened hood similarly to a cobra, but with a characteristic square shape rather than round
Body: ivory-coloured scaly skin (except for the abdomen, which is smooth), webbed claw hands and feet; his shoulders, forearms and calves are adorned with several bony spikes. His back is armoured with large osteoderms, a few of which bear fins and sails; this scaly back armour is thick and rugged, seemingly providing some protection, and extends downwards forming a long, thick tail that ends with a spiky mace-like ball. The front of his torso displays a large longitudinal surgical suture; this peculiar and mysterious wound has been closed with stitches by means of a red rope
Wearables: a pair of dark-green braces (similar to suspenders) decorated with spike-shaped blueish-grey steel studs, two dark-green bracelets, two dark-green shin protectors, a dark-green belt and a furry dark-blue loincloth. The brace design feeds into a large belt piece with the Rexodon insignia (i.e., a red reptile skull) positioned at its center.

Action feature
Of course, Li-Meh-Zor's main feature is his threatening tail. The back armour, to which the tail belongs, is a separate piece that clips onto his back. The tail features two articulation points - two swivels at about one-third and two-thirds of its length. I think there is no need of more articulation, since the two joints allow for plenty of poses. The only downside is that the combination of the back armour with the neck-hood hampers the head movement a little bit, but good poses are still possible.

Weapons and accessories
Li-Meh-Zor comes with a very elaborate weapon - a long dark-blue metal shaft with two interchangeable bony tips, i.e., a three-pronged spear (the central spike is much larger than the two lateral ones) and a curved blade (similar to an axe at the base and a sickle at the end, like in a bill-guisarme). The staff can fire either tip thanks to a spring-loaded mechanism.

Overall, Li-Meh-Zor isn’t one of my favourite KR characters. I just think he is ok, but the all-white skin colour is kind of odd to me. Nevertheless, I love his sculpt and I’m impressed by the overall level of detail, especially on the tail. Finally, I’m glad that he got a badass weapon; hopefully, folks at PoliganToys know that we want more stuff like this.