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Friday, 11 December 2015

KR Review #20: Dinophys

I knew that December would be the month of surprises in the KR line. The opening surprise was the very first variants multi-pack. And I knew that there would also be a creature. What I didn't know is which creature we would get. I was ready to bet 1 M€ it would be Ki-WunTM, Masq-Lor's pet; it's logical reasoning - the first creature belongs to the first character. Fortunately I didn't bet (besides I can only dream about having a million euros...), because PoliganToys proved me completely wrong.

The first creature prototype I've received from PoliganToys is DinophysTM, Deptilion's mount.

Name: Dinophys
Subtitle: untouchable critter
Classification: cnidarian
Sex: female
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Destructomorph
Rank: steed.

Dinophys makes its only short appearance in the third KR comic issue Clash of the leaders, where it's shown carrying DeptilionTM into battle and fiercely attempting to strangle and poison any who opposes its master. It is briefly recounted that during the rise of the Destructomorph faction, Deptilion captured this medusoid creature from the depths of the sea surrounding the island of SemhadarTM. The squishy beast eventually found a new home in DekropolisTM and became loyal to Deptilion, who named it Dinophys after a legend about mysterious sea monsters.

The only articulated parts are the seven tentacles, which will be described in details in the action feature section, and their central component, which is connected to the head via a swivel.

Dinophys strongly resembles a giant Portuguese man o' war. The centrepiece is the head, whose sculpt is exceptionally good. It looks like a sort of air sac, cast in a translucent grey and tinged with a hint of pale purple. Unexpectedly (or is it?), it doesn't seem to have a mouth.
Attached below the head, there are seven long, curled stinging tentacles. Their colour is identical to the head tint, but it's solid and not translucent. The proximal parts of the tentacles are covered with bulges, while their distal segments carry a number of stings, which look like small pink spikes.
The head is crowned by a blueish pearly carapace, which displays several leopard-like clusters of bumps and a few spines all over its surface, as well as two large demonic eyes on the front; these eyes, however, are fake, just a sort of ornament of the shell. The real eyes, which are small, green, glowing and still devilish, are located on the translucent sac, right under the carapace.
The shell is also topped with a jagged crest and extends sinuously backwards to form a saddle, on which a removable seat is fastened. This is made of metal and leather, is raised at the front and rear, and can accommodate a figure. Everything is complemented with a pair of stirrups attached to the saddle and two reins emerging from two holes in the carapace.
It may sound like an incredibly unbalanced structure, with that long shell projecting backwards and nothing to sustain it on the rear. But, no, the tentacles stretching towards the back work perfectly to stabilise the whole thing.

Action feature
Dinophys' ability is to constrict and poison its enemies with its tentacles. This coiling-round skill is brought to reality by the plentiful articulation for the tentacles. Each appendage is articulated with a ball joint at its base, where it meets the central component below the head. Additionally there are two swivels at about one-third and two-thirds of each tentacle's length, which allow for a lot of great attack poses.

Overall, Dinophys is a pretty great figure. Its completely new sculpt is a great representation of a deadly sea monster, plus it gives it an entirely different look than anything else we have seen in this line so far. I'm really glad it has seven tentacles (although in the comic they seem to be many more), which make it distinct from other octopus-like or starfish-like monsters we'll likely see in the future. The only detail I would improve is the colour of the tentacles - I'd like them to be as translucent as the head instead of solid, in order to give them a more slimy look.

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