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Sunday, 6 December 2015

KR Review #18: Hiruk

I'm a big Destructomorph fan. It’s not that I think the other factions aren't cool or anything, but Deptilion's minions are simply badass. And HirukTM is the proof. I mean, doesn’t she look like a girl that is going to kick your ass?

Hiruk is the 15th action figure prototype I've received from PoliganToys.

Name: Hiruk
Subtitle: energy-draining amazon
Classification: annelid
Sex: female
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Destructomorph
Rank: captain.

Hiruk first appears in the third KR comic issue Clash of the leaders, where she plays a key role in the merged Destructomorph-Rexodon army's fight against the Therioms. A member of a race of worm-like creatures living in the most inhospitable swamps on Tahron, Hiruk was called from the depths by a magic spell of Demo-Rha, in order to replace the deceased Ah-Rak. Equipped with highly technological tools by Deptilion, Hiruk became a loyal member of the Destructomorphs. When called upon in battle, she uses her enhanced energy-draining powers to defeat her enemies.

Standard, excluding hinged abdomen.

Head: light-bluish skin, devilish green eyes, round mouth (equipped with a number of sharp yellow teeth surrounding a reddish cavity, similarly to a lamprey), wrinkled neck. She carries a straight, helical purple horn (covered with spiny recurved hooks), which projects from the forehead
Body: light-bluish skin, ringed (i.e., segmented) arms and legs. The left arm displays a thicker green ring (similar to a clitellum), which is complemented with a triplet of purple bony protuberances. Each finger (three per hand) and toe (four per foot) bears a pad located on its end
Wearables: a light-green armour with dark-blue details, two light-green bracelets, two light-green calf protectors (each with a ring of fine hairs along the upper edge), a light-green belt and a fringe dark-blue loincloth.

Hiruk's stylised armour.

Action feature
In the comic Hiruk possesses two energy-draining devices, which she uses to suck enemies of their strength. In the figure each apparatus, similar to a large pump, is mounted by means of leather straps on her forearm and is equipped with an extandable suction cup (the extension is real, but not the suction). Each cup bears three white teeth, which fictionally cut the victim's skin to absorb his/her energy. The two pumping devices are connected to two transparent cylinders with the aid of two hoses, which look like ciliated tendrils. The two cylinders, filled with bubbling blood, are arranged in a "V"-shape on Hiruk's back, using an upside-down ribcage as a mounting. That's really a crazy detail, it looks like she took the carcass of some undefined animal, placed the cylinders where the lungs used to be and put it upside-down, spine-to-spine on her back. Each cylinder receives one hose at its bottom and is connected to Hiruk's nape via an additional hose departing from its top. So, we can imagine that the strength drained by the pumps from the unfortunate foe travels along the ciliated hoses, reaches the cylinders, becomes visible as gurgling blood and finally flows from the cylinders to Hiruk's skull through a second pair of hoses.
Also, in the comic we see that after an injection of energy and before leaving her victim unconscious on the ground, something funny happens to Hiruk: her forehead horn extends! The figure's horn is actually detachable and can be replaced with a longer one; nice touch, if one doesn't care about the hole in the unhorned head.

Weapons and accessories
Apart from the additional horn, Hiruk comes with one more accessory, which is a nicely detailed scythe characterised by a long curved silver blade at the end of a long dark-blue pole.

Together with the action figure we get the third comic issue Clash of the leaders, which has already been summarised in Bi-Harr's review. It's just a pity that Hiruk only appears in this issue and not in future ones.

Overall, Hiruk won me over, even if there are some details I don't really cherish, like the hole in the forehead. Think of how cool an alternative head, perhaps with a closed mouth, could have been!

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