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Important notice. Due to an agreement between PoliganToysTM and the author of this blog, no actual image of any Key RaidersTM prototypes may be posted.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

KR Review #21: Wheel-Wolf

After three months, the KR line finally gets its very first transport - the Wheel-WolfTM!

This vehicle is a great prototype and looks fantastic surrounded by the figures. The only downside? It might be the line’s sole vehicle for a looooooooong time.

Name: Wheel-Wolf
Subtitle: all-terrain armoured vehicle
Classification: land vehicle
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Theriom
Rank: transport.

The Wheel-Wolf is a six-wheeled armoured fighting vehicle with the heaviest armour on the hull front, which subtly resembles a wolf head. The wheels sport large off-the-road flotation tires, the hull is painted in a camouflage pattern of beige and brown and the large wolf-head is in a silver colour.
The right half of the bodywork, excluding the front part, is hinged at the side of the floor board, specifically at the gap between the front wheel and the two rear wheels. In this way it can open by folding down, in order to reveal the cockpit/cabin. I'm not sure whether I like this solution, since in the comics the Wheel-Wolf has two side gull-wing doors and one large rear door, which make it much more realistic. On the other hand, I understand that in the proposed way it's easier to place the action figures inside. Oh... have I mentioned that this baby is big?! Yeah, it fits two figures comfortably (one on the front and one on the back), even if in the comics it is proportionally much bigger and can carry something like eight or ten people.
The large two-piece windscreen in the front and the two small windows on the sides are the only transparent features of the vehicle. Several parts, both outside and inside, including a high-tech dashboard/handlebar, have a lot of sculpted technical details, such as weapons, tools and electronic devices.

Action feature
The wolf-head armour is designed for breakthrough operations and can slide forward. Also, the wolf's jaws are articulated and can open to reveal a large black cannon.
Additionally, two silver side missile launchers can swing down and spread out; each launcher fires one missile thanks to a spring-loaded mechanism.
The hull opening feature allows the Wheel-Wolf to transform into a kind of attack-station. With the open vehicle in a vertical position, the windscreen can fold open and the wolf-head (together with the dashboard) can swing around into an horizontal position. In this way a figure can stand upright by stepping on the backrest (transformed into an elevated floor) and can control the jaw-cannon via the handlebar. This is also a totally new feature, never seen in the comics, but I actually enjoy it and it makes me like the half-opening oddity better.

Weapons and accessories
The Wheel-Wolf comes with a small set of accessories. First, each wheel can be equipped with a snap-on silver spike, which makes the whole thing really look badass. Furthermore, the roof can be topped with two clip-on guns, one black on the front and one silver (combined with a radar dish into a sort of small turret) on the rear side (or the other way around), both of which can rotate left and right. Either gun can also be attached on the top of the framework in the attack-station configuration. We also get two nicely sculpted plug-in blasting effects, a bigger one for the jaw-cannon and a smaller one for either gun, and a ladder to climb up to the elevated floor of the attack-station.

Overall, the first KR vehicle is a slick piece, at least from a design point of view. The sad thing is that the future of vehicles in this line is quite in doubt, it depends on how the sales will go if and when the toys get to the market. All I know is that I'd definitely like to see more vehicles from PoliganToys!

Friday, 11 December 2015

KR Review #20: Dinophys

I knew that December would be the month of surprises in the KR line. The opening surprise was the very first variants multi-pack. And I knew that there would also be a creature. What I didn't know is which creature we would get. I was ready to bet 1 M€ it would be Ki-WunTM, Masq-Lor's pet; it's logical reasoning - the first creature belongs to the first character. Fortunately I didn't bet (besides I can only dream about having a million euros...), because PoliganToys proved me completely wrong.

The first creature prototype I've received from PoliganToys is DinophysTM, Deptilion's mount.

Name: Dinophys
Subtitle: untouchable critter
Classification: cnidarian
Sex: female
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Destructomorph
Rank: steed.

Dinophys makes its only short appearance in the third KR comic issue Clash of the leaders, where it's shown carrying DeptilionTM into battle and fiercely attempting to strangle and poison any who opposes its master. It is briefly recounted that during the rise of the Destructomorph faction, Deptilion captured this medusoid creature from the depths of the sea surrounding the island of SemhadarTM. The squishy beast eventually found a new home in DekropolisTM and became loyal to Deptilion, who named it Dinophys after a legend about mysterious sea monsters.

The only articulated parts are the seven tentacles, which will be described in details in the action feature section, and their central component, which is connected to the head via a swivel.

Dinophys strongly resembles a giant Portuguese man o' war. The centrepiece is the head, whose sculpt is exceptionally good. It looks like a sort of air sac, cast in a translucent grey and tinged with a hint of pale purple. Unexpectedly (or is it?), it doesn't seem to have a mouth.
Attached below the head, there are seven long, curled stinging tentacles. Their colour is identical to the head tint, but it's solid and not translucent. The proximal parts of the tentacles are covered with bulges, while their distal segments carry a number of stings, which look like small pink spikes.
The head is crowned by a blueish pearly carapace, which displays several leopard-like clusters of bumps and a few spines all over its surface, as well as two large demonic eyes on the front; these eyes, however, are fake, just a sort of ornament of the shell. The real eyes, which are small, green, glowing and still devilish, are located on the translucent sac, right under the carapace.
The shell is also topped with a jagged crest and extends sinuously backwards to form a saddle, on which a removable seat is fastened. This is made of metal and leather, is raised at the front and rear, and can accommodate a figure. Everything is complemented with a pair of stirrups attached to the saddle and two reins emerging from two holes in the carapace.
It may sound like an incredibly unbalanced structure, with that long shell projecting backwards and nothing to sustain it on the rear. But, no, the tentacles stretching towards the back work perfectly to stabilise the whole thing.

Action feature
Dinophys' ability is to constrict and poison its enemies with its tentacles. This coiling-round skill is brought to reality by the plentiful articulation for the tentacles. Each appendage is articulated with a ball joint at its base, where it meets the central component below the head. Additionally there are two swivels at about one-third and two-thirds of each tentacle's length, which allow for a lot of great attack poses.

Overall, Dinophys is a pretty great figure. Its completely new sculpt is a great representation of a deadly sea monster, plus it gives it an entirely different look than anything else we have seen in this line so far. I'm really glad it has seven tentacles (although in the comic they seem to be many more), which make it distinct from other octopus-like or starfish-like monsters we'll likely see in the future. The only detail I would improve is the colour of the tentacles - I'd like them to be as translucent as the head instead of solid, in order to give them a more slimy look.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

KR Review #19: Rexodon Troopers

The Theriom and Destructomorph Troopers sure are cool. However, there is just something about the Rexodon TroopersTM that really catches me. That big bulky dinosaur look that conceals a robotic core is definitely a factor.

I think Bi-Harr's drones were my most wanted army builders in the KR line. Now I've finally put my hands on this amazing multi-pack (a 2-pack, to be precise) prototype, the fourth I've received from PoliganToys.

Name: Rexodon Troopers
Subtitle: bio-mechanical troopers
Classification: archosauromorph reptile-robot hybrids
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Rexodon
Rank: drones.

The Rexodon Troopers first appear in the third KR comic issue Clash of the leaders, where they are featured as numberless robot enforcers, mass produced by Bi-Harr in his headquarters' plant. All the Troopers are dressed in organic armours derived from reptilian creatures; also, they are linked to a central computer, so that they can be programmed to follow any evil command they are given by their general. Thanks to the combined reptilian-robotic strength, the Rexodon Troopers have the ability to overpower most enemies and are more than a match for the heroic Therioms.

Standard, except for a few additions. One of the two figures has a tail, which is a separate piece and clips onto the back. It features two articulation points - two swivels at about one-third and two-thirds of its length, which allow for plenty of poses. The other figure has two additional fully articulated arms.

In the comics, each Rexodon Trooper appears as a bionic reptilian warrior (part organic and part technological) that can transform in order to reveal a robotic drone within. Despite the two figures represent identical characters, they feature the two opposite configurations and look very different. So, I'm going to describe the two Troopers separately.

Reptile mode
Head: similar to an Ankylosaurus, characterised by a wide and low shape, orange skin and light-blue eyes. The front parts of the open jaws are covered in a bony beak, while several leaf-shaped teeth are visible further behind it. Two horns project backwards from the back of the head and two additional horns below those point backwards and down. The neck is bent forward and is covered with two bony half rings
Body: orange scaly skin (except for the abdomen, which is yellow-green), claw hands and feet. The limbs are equipped with a black electro-mechanical exoskeleton, which displays a number of silver details such as tubes, wires and hinges (a few wires also stretch onto the chest). The back is covered in an armour of large bony plates and the massive tail ends in a large black metallic club
Wearables: two black bracelets, two black calf protectors, a black belt and a furry ivory-coloured loincloth. A third half ring covering the neck is made of black metal and extends into two armholes.

It's interesting to sum up the way the reptilian configuration fictionally transforms into the robotic one, to appreciate all the cool details:
1) the tail-club splits and the two halves swing back against the end of the tail
2) the end of the tail swings back and around to form the robot's feet and reveal the robot's legs
3) the robot's legs separate, by swinging and pivoting the upper thighs, to form the hips
4) the base of the tail with the reptile's legs swings up to form the robot's torso
5) the reptile's claw feet slide back to reveal the robot's hands
6) the reptile's head and neck swing up and back, and the chest swings open to reveal the robot's head.

Robot mode
Head: black metallic reptile skull, showing a few mechanical and electrical components, the eyes emit a red glow. The head has a rather evil look and a structure that matches the reptilian configuration. Also, this head is almost a reuse of the Destructomorph Trooper's (DT later on) head, except for the absence of the helmet
Body: black metallic thighs showing lots of machinery/circuitry patterns. These are definitely a reuse of the DT's electro-hydraulic thighs. The feet and calves derive from the tail and, as a result, look quite big and mostly covered with orange scales and bony plates. The hands are the DT's default ones, while the arms, from the wrists up, are covered with elements of the reptile legs. Under the removable armour, the torso is also the same tech-mech piece used for the DT, with identical dials, sliders, buttons, knobs and rectangular lenticular sticker at the centre of the chest (which gives an illusion of coursing sound waves)
Wearables: a black chest armour with white details and the Rexodon symbol, i.e., a red reptile skull, at the centre, a black belt and a white crotch piece; the last two elements show lots of cyber details. The back armour is composed of reptilian elements, such as a portion of the tail and the upper body parts spread out, including the two arms.

Rexodon Trooper's (robot mode) stylised armour; the circle at the centre of the chest piece represents the Rexodon symbol.

Action feature
The only action feature is something we've already seen with the DT - the front piece of the robot's armour can be replaced by an alternative chest piece. The latter is identical to the former, except that has two large holes (one on the left side of the breast and one on the right side of the abdomen), through which the technological framework underneath is visible, plus a couple of minor battle damages. The armour back piece is not replaceable.

Weapons and accessories
The Troopers come with a few accessories. First up is the robot's laser rifle, which is all white with a semi-toothed silver blade along the upper length of the barrel and can be held either as a gun or as a sword.
Next up is an entirely new piece (i.e., never shown in the comics), which is a staff made from a long jawbone with several sharp teeth on the end, and is intended for the reptile-mode figure. The staff is mostly painted in ivory colour, but there’s a nice amount of black metallic techno details (such as buttons, switches and levers) along the whole thing. I think giving a weapon also to the reptile guy is an excellent touch that lets him blend in with the other Trooper better.

Overall, this 2pk is incredibly strong. The two figures have loads of new pieces and even new articulation. The only disappointment is how limited the figures are. Rexodon Troopers are meant to fight in groups of either reptilian warriors or robots, and that’s a bit hard to do at the moment. I'm probably asking for too much, but a real transformation action feature would increase the options exponentially: 2 reptiles + 2 robots! Another unfortunate part, like the case of the DT, is the lack of at least one damaged head, which, together with the damaged armour, would work spectacularly.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

KR Review #18: Hiruk

I'm a big Destructomorph fan. It’s not that I think the other factions aren't cool or anything, but Deptilion's minions are simply badass. And HirukTM is the proof. I mean, doesn’t she look like a girl that is going to kick your ass?

Hiruk is the 15th action figure prototype I've received from PoliganToys.

Name: Hiruk
Subtitle: energy-draining amazon
Classification: annelid
Sex: female
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Destructomorph
Rank: captain.

Hiruk first appears in the third KR comic issue Clash of the leaders, where she plays a key role in the merged Destructomorph-Rexodon army's fight against the Therioms. A member of a race of worm-like creatures living in the most inhospitable swamps on Tahron, Hiruk was called from the depths by a magic spell of Demo-Rha, in order to replace the deceased Ah-Rak. Equipped with highly technological tools by Deptilion, Hiruk became a loyal member of the Destructomorphs. When called upon in battle, she uses her enhanced energy-draining powers to defeat her enemies.

Standard, excluding hinged abdomen.

Head: light-bluish skin, devilish green eyes, round mouth (equipped with a number of sharp yellow teeth surrounding a reddish cavity, similarly to a lamprey), wrinkled neck. She carries a straight, helical purple horn (covered with spiny recurved hooks), which projects from the forehead
Body: light-bluish skin, ringed (i.e., segmented) arms and legs. The left arm displays a thicker green ring (similar to a clitellum), which is complemented with a triplet of purple bony protuberances. Each finger (three per hand) and toe (four per foot) bears a pad located on its end
Wearables: a light-green armour with dark-blue details, two light-green bracelets, two light-green calf protectors (each with a ring of fine hairs along the upper edge), a light-green belt and a fringe dark-blue loincloth.

Hiruk's stylised armour.

Action feature
In the comic Hiruk possesses two energy-draining devices, which she uses to suck enemies of their strength. In the figure each apparatus, similar to a large pump, is mounted by means of leather straps on her forearm and is equipped with an extandable suction cup (the extension is real, but not the suction). Each cup bears three white teeth, which fictionally cut the victim's skin to absorb his/her energy. The two pumping devices are connected to two transparent cylinders with the aid of two hoses, which look like ciliated tendrils. The two cylinders, filled with bubbling blood, are arranged in a "V"-shape on Hiruk's back, using an upside-down ribcage as a mounting. That's really a crazy detail, it looks like she took the carcass of some undefined animal, placed the cylinders where the lungs used to be and put it upside-down, spine-to-spine on her back. Each cylinder receives one hose at its bottom and is connected to Hiruk's nape via an additional hose departing from its top. So, we can imagine that the strength drained by the pumps from the unfortunate foe travels along the ciliated hoses, reaches the cylinders, becomes visible as gurgling blood and finally flows from the cylinders to Hiruk's skull through a second pair of hoses.
Also, in the comic we see that after an injection of energy and before leaving her victim unconscious on the ground, something funny happens to Hiruk: her forehead horn extends! The figure's horn is actually detachable and can be replaced with a longer one; nice touch, if one doesn't care about the hole in the unhorned head.

Weapons and accessories
Apart from the additional horn, Hiruk comes with one more accessory, which is a nicely detailed scythe characterised by a long curved silver blade at the end of a long dark-blue pole.

Together with the action figure we get the third comic issue Clash of the leaders, which has already been summarised in Bi-Harr's review. It's just a pity that Hiruk only appears in this issue and not in future ones.

Overall, Hiruk won me over, even if there are some details I don't really cherish, like the hole in the forehead. Think of how cool an alternative head, perhaps with a closed mouth, could have been!

Thursday, 3 December 2015

KR Review #17: Tauton

For me, December is a “yeah!” month for Key Raiders (well... not only for that, hehe). While some figures finally got their variants in the line and there will be more surprises in the coming days, my personal “yeah!” is for none other than the fighting lieutenant himself - TautonTM!

Tauton is the 14th action figure prototype I've received from PoliganToys.

Name: Tauton
Subtitle: fighting officer
Classification: human
Sex: male
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Theriom
Rank: officer cadet; expert in hand-to-hand combat and weapons master.

Tauton makes his first appearance in the third KR comic issue Clash of the leaders. At a young age, Tauton was asked by King Li-KhonTM to step into his army of brave Theriom Troopers and take up the arms against the reptilian forces. As a result, he fought courageously with Tir-Hing against Bi-Harr's thirst for tyranny, eventually rising to the rank of officer. In addition to his great abilities in combat and use of traditional weapons, Tauton is also a skilled engineer and constructed a pair of robotic gauntlets as well as a set of advanced electronic weapons. Tauton is often called to fight for justice alongside the heroic Therioms, countering evil with his smashing power.

Standard, except that the wrists are ball jointed and the right hand is especially engineered with a hinge to hold an arrow.

Head: Asian features, olive brown skin, black hair, hazel eyes. He sports a band of golden fabric (ornamented with black designs vaguely reminiscent of Asian characters) worn around the head
Body: torso, arms and legs covered with a tight black uniform. The uniform looks solid black at a distance, but up close it appears to be painted in a camouflage pattern of black and very dark grey
Wearables: two studded glossy black bracelets, two black boots, a glossy black (obviously) belt and a golden groin protector. The sculpt of his feet vaguely suggests that the boots are actually a combination of socks and rope sandals.
Tauton is also equipped with two different outfits, which, to make it easier (and not because I like using words relevant to feudal Japan in a totally unrelated context), I will call ninja and samurai respectively. The ninja clothing is composed of a black thigh-length tunic, which is complemented with a hood (the piece formed of the two long, windswept ends of the headband can be detached at the knot on the back of his head), a dark-grey sash round the waist with a small silver dagger tucked in, and a very detailed golden bandolier (i.e., a shoulder belt), all in one sculpted piece. The samurai gear includes an alternative head wearing a full-face black helmet, a black cuirass with gold details, two golden shoulder armours (with raised, riveted ridges showing where the plates come together), two golden clip-on greaves with studded knee guards, and a golden tasset belt. Each element shows lots of tech-mech details, which add an interesting cyber character to the samurai look. The helmet looks like a rigid balaclava, which perhaps would fit the ninja outfit better, but the subtle presence of a dome on the top and a neck guard on the back still give hints of a samurai theme; the facial armour displays a reinforced mouth protector and a silver visor, which can be removed to make the eyes visible. One of the two greaves carries a sheath with the same small silver dagger seen in the ninja garb, which is unfortunately not removable. The tasset belt displays small silver weapons, i.e., throwing stars and hand grenades, all the way around.
Of course, these are the two extreme cases... the real fun starts with mixing and matching all those elements to create unlimited (well, almost) combinations.

Tauton's stylised "samurai" armour.

Action feature
Tauton is a skillful martial artists, kick-boxer and weapons specialist. These abilities are brought to life thanks to a great deal of accessories, of which many have been listed in the wearables section and more will be described later. But what really takes his combat skills to the next level is a pair of large golden snap-on techno-gauntlets. These can replace the original hands and are definitely (and intentionally) disproportionate. The gauntlets work both as armoured gloves and sleeve armours, and are characterised by different poses: fist for the left one and chopping hand for the right one.

Weapons and accessories
In addition to the alternative head, clothing accessories and gauntlets, Tauton comes with a black quiver that can connect to the back of either the ninja shoulder belt or the samurai cuirass; it contains several arrows (which are not removable, but have differently shaped fletching, indicating that each possesses a different specialty) and bears a number of holsters. These include one front and one side clips, which are designed to store a compound bow and a stick respectively, and two side scabbards for two swords. The swords, a smaller wakizashi and a bigger techno-katana, have slightly curved blades, which can be detached from their hilts and attached to the extremities of the stick to form a double-bladed staff. Alternatively, the stick may be equipped with two kamas at its ends. Additionally, we get a nunchaku with a functional plastic chain, which can be stored on the tasset belt and even connected to one end of the stick to create a flail, and a single arrow, which can be held by the special right hand. All these weapons are partially black and partially (the metal parts) golden colour.
Finally, the bandolier and the tasset belt can be decorated with two swappable snap-on emblems: a red Theriom symbol (a seven-pointed star with the two side points elongated) and a silver symbol that evokes a throwing-star.

Overall, Tauton is a solid figure for the line. I'm really glad that his gauntlets are worked up to be compatible with other figures, like XonedarTM and the Destructomorph TroopersTM. Also, some original thought went into the design instead of just a straight comic rendering: the new pieces, such as the ninja tunic and the swappable emblems, are all sharp and kick-ass, allowing for plenty of display options.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

KR Review #16: Key Raiders Variants 3pk

I must say that I’d really be looking forward to a KR variant. We knew that some variants were on the way, that's what The PoliganMan told us during the 1st round of questions and answers. What I didn't expect is that we would get three variants in the same month! I'm also very glad that PoliganToys decided to deliver these variants as a multi-pack (the third I've received) instead of singles. Quick and easy!

The looks of these figures come from artwork seen in the comics: when off duty, Sei-LhaTM wears ordinary clothes rather than uniform; Demo-RhaTM transforms into a flying human torch by merging with the spirit of her father NemhistoTM; Mor-RakTM turns into a giant warrior, who is made either of lava or ice or sand, by means of his Antikythron.

This review is going to be pretty different from the usual form. Details and background stories of these characters have been covered before. Articulation is generally standard, except for the absence of hinged abdomen in the two female figures.
The main focus of this review is the appearance of the three figures and the accessories that come with them.

Plainclothes Sei-Lha
At a first glance Sei-Lha's head might look identical to one of the heads included in her original release, characterised by brown skin, short brown hair and blue eyes. In reality, it is a bit different: the eyebrows are in a more relaxed position and the mouth displays a subtle smile; in general, she looks less aggressive and shows an "at ease" attitude. The brown skin is also visible on her exposed arms and legs.
Apart from the silver bracelets, silver boots and silver belt, which are slightly more detailed than the ones used in the first release, Sei-Lha wears a simple short dress. I realised that I'm totally ignorant about dresses and not able to describe her outfit properly. So, I had to ask my wife and she defines it as a cap sleeve, high-necked fit and flare dress. The dress is beige colour with brown neckline, armholes and hem; the belt separates the fitted part above the waist from the flouncy part below, allowing for the waist swivel.

Weapons and accessories
Sei-Lha is accompanied by LirekTM, her loyal condor. This has a ball jointed neck, hinged hips, swivel talons and ball-hinged wings, and is equipped with a removable body/head armour and a perching forearm cover. Its plumage is uniformly black, with the exception of a frill of white feathers nearly surrounding the base of the neck and large patches and bands of white on the wings. Its attack armour, which fits around the head and clips near the tail, is a nice translation of Sei-Lha's original jet-pack (including two missile launchers and blasting effects) and helmet, while its talons can turn and grip Sei-Lha's silver clip-on forearm cover.

Flying Torch Demo-Rha
I’m not going to spend too much time getting into the details, since this figure is pretty straightforward: she is almost identical to the original release, but cast in a translucent orange with minimal paint apps on the symbol (solid red) and her eyes (yellow). I said almost... in fact, she's not just a repaint, because her whole body is on fire... I mean, literally! The flaming sculpt has a stunning design to it, but in some spots the fire seems to me more like liquid lava than flames.

Weapons and accessories
Demo-Rha comes with a translucent orange version of her cape (the original jagged design helps to add a flaming character to it) and a translucent orange staff, which is different from the original. It is topped with a pitted dark-red stone covered by flames. I believe this accessory is a completely new concept, because I have no memory of seeing it in the comics, and, to be honest, I wouldn't have minded a flaming version of her original staff.

Titanic Fighter Mor-Rak
OK, here's the thing - this figure will be released as one sculpt with three different looks. This means that each 3pk will feature Sei-Lha, Demo-Rha and one of three possible Mor-Rak's versions. The difference between the three versions is the paint, which simulates different materials and is actually a key element of the figure, considering it is mostly one colour. However, it's not clear yet whether we'll be able to choose the version we are interested in or the selection will be totally random. Anyway, I got all three prototypes, so I can describe them exhaustively.
Let's start with the shared feature, which is the sculpt. The most impressive part of this figure's sculpt is his size. This guy is nearly 23 cm (around 9") tall! Which means 7 cm more than the other figures and 11 cm more than his "normal" counterpart. The body is composed of pebbled, fractured bulky rocky elements, with a lot of details such as cracks and crevices, while the "clothing" on the crotch piece appears like cascading slabs. What I really like in Mor-Rak's face are his cube-like features and deep-set eyes.
The first version looks like it is made of solidified basaltic lava, in which there are lots of highlights and accents that are brought out by some pronounced colour differentiations: of course, there is the dark grey stone colour, while the eyes and the largest fractures are painted in a bright orange to mimic the presence of incandescent fluid lava. The second version is the ice type, whose body has been moulded in a translucent blue plastic, with a light layer of white paint to make him look frosty; the eyes are also white. The third version is the sandy one, which is made up of a light tan plastic, with a darker brown to accent the fractures and the eyes. But it’s the pale brown dry brushing that really gives the figure that living sand look.
Among the three figures in the multi-pack, Mor-Rak is the only one that has an action feature. Both the lava and sand versions can launch the left hand, which is in a fist pose and bigger than the right hand, via a spring loaded mechanism. The ice version still displays the big left fist, but this is not shootable; instead, the feature is that when heated, this version of Mor-Rak turns clear.

Weapons and accessories
Mor-Rak comes with two armbands and a collar, which look different depending on the version. The lava version has flaming basalt pads, the ice version gets rings that seem made of fur (but at a closer look it also turns out to be ice) and finally the sand version has sandstone bands. To be honest, I think the inclusion of these accessories is totally unnecessary; the figure looks great as it is, with no need of add-ons.

Altogether, I'm very pleased with this set! I love the overall look of the three figures and I love the colours. I think these three are some of the best additions to the KR line yet and I hope more and more variants will be produced in the future.