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Thursday, 22 October 2015

KR Review #8: Nemhisto

October is a pretty exciting month for me, since I've already picked up three very important characters in the KR universe, namely Tir-Hing, Demo-Rha and Sei-Lha. However, this is the first time I get a non-primary character in the line - NemhistoTM!

Nemhisto is the eighth action figure prototype I've received from PoliganToys.

Name: Nemhisto
Subtitle: cruel entity
Classification: spirit; formerly human
Sex: male
Relationships: Demo-Rha's father
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Destructomorph
Rank: demonic presence; former mercenary, bounty hunter and gladiator.

Nemhisto's first and probably only notable appearance in the KR story line is in The hidden halberd, where he is presented as Demo-Rha's deceased father. It is recounted that he was once a cruel mercenary and was killed by a rival, who Nemhisto had outsmarted by trapping him and turning him in for a bounty. Several years later, he is magically resurrected as a demonic spirit by his beloved, orphaned and wicked daughter.


Head: orange skin, long white hair, glowing eyes, evil grin. He wears a headdress produced from the skull of an undefined animal - this looks like a water buffalo, but the horns are smaller and instead of the long muzzle it bears a more feline upper jaw with sharp teeth, while the lower jaw is absent; on the front, the skull covers Nemhisto's head down to his eyebrows (I wish it could be moved down further, to see his eyes glowing through the skull's eye sockets, although they wouldn't match perfectly), while on the back we can see the white hair coming out from its base. Additionally, and I think this is the weirdest detail, the blade of a sabre crosses Nemhisto's headdress (and braincase) from side to side. Fortunately I've never seen the face of the devil, but I bet it looks like this!
Body: orange skin, clawed hands. The exposed parts of his body, i.e., arms, legs and torso, are translucent
Wearables: a golden shoulder/chest armour, two golden cuffs, two golden armlets decorated with emeralds around the biceps, two golden boots, a golden belt, a dark-green loincloth (which seems made of a sort of grass) and a red cape. The cape is extensively torn (I wouldn't expect this from someone who wears gold and emeralds all over...) and fixed to the front of the armour using a big gold brooch topped with an emerald. The brooch can actually be detached, so that the cape can also be worn without armour - this is the look that is shown in the comics and I honestly like better.

Nemhisto's stylised shoulder/chest armour.

Action feature
I think this is the first time since I started reviewing the KR action figures that I feel disappointed when getting to this point of the review. Why? Because the only action feature for Nemhisto is his eyes glowing in the dark. OK, I appreciate the fact that the GITD eyes together with the exposed parts of his body cast in a translucent orange definitely give him a spirit look, but I still think that some additions are needed.

Weapons and accessories
Nothing. Yes, you read well, Nemhisto has neither weapons nor accessories. So, you might now understand my criticism about the absence of a cool action feature, which would have balanced the lack of any accessories. Or the other way around. To be honest, the additional armour should be considered an accessory, but in my opinion it's totally unnecessary. Yes, there is also a weapon, which even looks great, with a silver blade and a greenish (maybe oxidised bronze?) basket hilt... but it's stuck in his head! Allowing the sabre to be extracted and held in Nemhisto's hand would have been a nice touch. Well, one may say that he's a demon and demons don't need weapons. Perhaps...

Overall, I can't say that Nemhisto isn't a great figure, because it is. What makes it great is his true demonic look, rendered by an awesome sculpt, translucent body parts and glow-in-the-dark eyes. On the other hand, as I wrote at the beginning of this review, he's not really a primary character in the KR universe (even if in The hidden halberd he has a kind of prominent role), so I just think that his future release should be accompanied by either a cool action feature or a better accessory than the armour, to balance his lack of indispensability.

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