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Friday, 16 October 2015

KR Review #6: Demo-Rha

October is pretty interesting for KR fans. I'm still trying to figure out how to complete all this month's reviews before I'll receive new prototypes in November, but things seem to be quite on track with this review of Demo-RhaTM!

Demo-Rha is the sixth action figure prototype I've received from PoliganToys.

Name: Demo-Rha
Subtitle: evil witch
Classification: presumably human
Sex: female
Relationships: Deptilion's lover
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Destructomorph
Rank: deputy marshal; expert in witchcraft.

Once again, this is a character that first appears in The hidden halberd. Here, Demo-Rha is presented as the wicked partner of Deptilion, with whom she established the Destructomorph faction, and the orphan of a mysterious man called NemhistoTM. She possesses incredible dark magic powers, which she proudly shows to her enemies; however, her origins remain very obscure. There are several references to an enigmatic past all throughout the comic book, but apparently we are not supposed to know much at this point of the story.

Standard, excluding hinged abdomen.

Head: half-Asian features, pointy ears, vampire teeth. Her skin, hair and eyes have an albino character, but their colour, instead of being completely white, tends to a very light-toned blue. Her long hair is pulled back behind a flashy four-horned purple tiara, from the back of which several snake-like light-blue metal elements stretch on the head, forming a sort of helmet. Also, she has two black "tears" painted below her eyes and wears a pair of grey teeth as earrings
Body: very pale skin, but its colour, instead of being completely white, tends to a very light-toned blue
Wearables: a light-blue armour with purple details (it is also decorated with grey claws around the armholes and a Destructomorph symbol, i.e., a square-shaped blueish spider whose back slightly resembles a demoniac face, accompanied by grey bones on the chest piece), two light-blue bracelets, two light-blue boots, a light-blue belt (whose buckle resembles a little grey skull), a short purple skirt and a black cape with a jagged design (which, disappointingly, is permanently attached to the armour).

Demo-Rha's stylised armour; the circle at the centre of the chest piece represents the Destructomorph symbol.

Action feature
In the comics Demo-Rha can transform either into a shadow-demon thanks to her shadow-cape, which, we learn, used to belong to Elykta in the past, or into a flying human torch by merging with the spirit of her father. These features are brought to real life simply by equipping the figure with two accessories: the shadow-demon (with a clear stand to display it) and a flame attachment for her left magic-wielding hand. Both items are nicely sculpted and look cool, even if, like with Elykta's star-form, the demon is a bit too small. The flame attachment is a really nice touch and hopefully works as a foretaste of a future full human-torch variant.

Weapons and accessories
Besides the above-mentioned demon and flame, Demo-Rha comes with two other very well designed accessories. The first is her purple staff topped with a modified version of the Destructomorph symbol, i.e., a square-shaped black spider, whose back resembles a human skull. I feel a bit confused, because this symbol is almost identical to the one seen on Ah-Rak's chest plate; so... shouldn't the sceptre be held by Ah-Rak instead? Or is there any hidden messages behind what seems a simple coincidence? No, I don't think so. I think it's just a cooler version of the normal Destructomorph emblem, so more characters like to show it off. The second accessory is a clip-on metal sheath with a stiletto, which can be attached to one boot. To be honest, I don't remember I've seen this in the comics, but it's a nice addition in any case.

Overall, I'm totally happy with Demo-Rha. She looks frightening enough to be the perfect partner for Deptilion. However, in the comics she shifts into so many peculiar shapes that I hope we'll see all of them released as variants of this character in the future.

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