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Saturday 28 September 2024

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #18: Feline Combatants

Toy prototype details
Name: Feline CombatantsTM
Subtitle: cat-like defenders of the forest
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: multi-pack (army builder 5-pack) - Nº 4 in the line.

Character details
Name: see descriptions below
Classification: carnivoran mammal
Sex: male or female
Home: Idakarr (Tahron's former name)
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Kimarhan (a tribe of forest warriors who eventually form the Grand Resistance to oppose the rising reptilian authority)
Rank: forest fighter.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Character summary: a group of strong Kimarhan fighters living in the Northern Forest, protecting it from evil. The Feline Combatants possessed a unique blend of cat-like traits, including exceptional reflexes, strength and agility. Their ability to extend and retract their sharp claws provided them with a formidable offensive and defensive advantage. Also, their superior night vision allowed them to navigate in low-light conditions, while their acute hearing enabled them to detect even the faintest sounds. These formidable warriors rode massive deinotheria, elephant-like creatures equipped with distinctive downward-curving tusks and outfitted with armoured saddles, protective helmets and foreleg guards. Their home was a sprawling settlement nestled among the treetops; this high-perched arboreal community was connected by a network of ladders, bridges and even a stone staircase leading to an enigmatic ancient sculpture at the centre of a sacred fire pit, perhaps a relic of a forgotten civilisation.

Standard (new scheme), with the addition of a ball jointed tail.

All figures of this multi-pack have the following characteristics in common:
Head: they possess large, rounded ears with a subtle point. Their eyes are relatively large, and their canine teeth are notably long and pointed
Body: their lithe and muscular bodies are covered in fur, with particular emphasis on the forearms, shins, back of hands and insteps. They have five clawed fingers on their hands and four clawed toes on their feet, which are typically bare unless otherwise specified
Wearables: their outfits are predominantly dark-green (including green-tinted leather), and a laterally stretched, 14-rayed silver Vergina Sun emblem (from which the Theriom symbol derives) is often featured on their attires.

Weapons and accessories
Each figure comes with a fire lance, a primitive rocket-propelled weapon combining the features of a polearm and a firearm. Each spear consists of three sections: a long olivewood shaft, a hollow bamboo tube filled with a charge of gunpowder, and a pointed tip affixed to the end. A strip of hemp fibre cloth soaked in a flammable substance is tied between the tube and the point, serving as a fuse. When lit, the burning cloth would ignite the gunpowder, propelling the spearhead forward with explosive force. Additionally, the male figures come with alternative heads and accessories to create different characters.

Kiam (male character)
Head: similar to a sabre-toothed tiger, characterised by yellow-brown fur striped with black, a strip of bony protuberances covered in skin running centrally from the middle of the forehead to the back of the head, and a pair of massive curved upper canine teeth (or fangs)
Body: a yellow-brown coat marked with ocelot-like black-and-tawny bands. His chest has some scars on its left side
Wearables: a removable harness featuring a shoulder vine-strap that connects to the right side of a leather waist belt, a studded oxidised bronze bracelet on the left wrist, two ornate laminar armour shin guards, and a narrow birch bark belt with stitched ends, holding a grass skirt and a tattered hemp loincloth adorned with semi-circular white patterns. The shoulder strap includes an olivewood spaulder and, at the centre on the front, a sheath for a sculpted wooden-handled knife as well as an additional leather strap that attaches to the opposite side of the waist belt and holds three smaller knives. Two loops on the sides of the waist belt are designed to stow a pair of gauntlets (more on this later)
Powers and abilities: he is an exceptional fighter and a brilliant tactician, known for his deadly precision in throwing projectiles, particularly knives. His combat prowess is further enhanced by his unique physiology—a past wound infection has caused his skin and muscle tissue to fortify, granting him nigh-invulnerability and rapid recovery from injuries
Weapons: lance with an iron point featuring multiple additional curved side blades pointing upward. He also wields a pair of massive gauntlets shaped like tiger's claws, forged from an extremely durable alloy. These gauntlets possess a gold-and-black striped surface and serve multiple purposes, acting as shields capable of deflecting even the sharpest weapons and as tools for slashing and climbing. In the toy, the gauntlets are designed to replace his hands, covering the entire arms up to his elbows, while when not in use, they rest on his belt, doubling as sheaths for two additional removable daggers (the paint highlights on these are really great and blur the lines on whether the blades are metal or stone)
Alternative portrait (Ki-Marr): similar to a lion, characterised by light-buff fur (almost giving the impression of hairlessness), bushy eyebrows and a flowing tawny mane. This portrait corresponds to the character Ki-Marr, the elder leader of the Kimarhan tribe. Distinctive rust-coloured war paint markings streak diagonally across his face, while a scarred left eye (which, in the comics, he often covers with a patch) and a broken right fang protruding from his upper jaw enhance his rugged, battle-worn appearance
Alternative outfit: a harness consisting of two leather straps equipped with rows of long, wavy horny spikes, lined with "real" moss and adorned with an assortment of three animal skulls hanging from the front. The straps extend over his shoulders and converge in the front and back at a wide scale armour (the scales are made of seed shells) tasset belt, which is secured by a large Kimarhan emblem-shaped buckle and features a convenient loop for carrying his spiritual whip. Arm, wrist, knee and shin olivewood guards heavily armoured with short, curved bony spikes further enhance his intimidating image
Alternative weapons: a shamanic bone whip (with three rope ends terminating in colourful feathers) and a ceremonial paw-shaped wooden sceptre with a flame attachment (allowing the creation of a blazing version of this artefact, which symbolises Ki-Marr's status as a leader and his connection to the spiritual world).

Akat (male character)
Head: similar to a cheetah, characterised by pale-fawn fur covered with solid black spots, and a pair of tear-like black facial streaks running from the corners of the eyes down the sides of the nose. His rounded head appears nearly bald on top, contrasting with a rugged strip of long tawny hair that extends down his neck and upper spine. He dons an elaborate, removable oxidised bronze "flip-up" helmet adorned with spikes; when closed, the helmet transforms into an animalistic visage, featuring a half mask with a striking bird-of-prey design and glowing orange eye slits (it evokes a blend of the Masters of the Universe Battle Cat's mask and the arena helmet from Thor: Ragnarok)
Body: apart from the above-mentioned "mane" between the shoulders, a pale-fawn coat marked with clouded leopard-like irregular dusky-grey blotches bordered by looped black stripes
Wearables: some birch bark strips wrapped around the forearms, two mossy calf protectors secured with vine straps below the knees and above the ankles, a knotted rope belt, and a pair of short, torn hemp trousers. The lower body is further protected by two lamellar armour thigh guards made from small rectangular plates of leather laced into horizontal rows, and a laminar (the lames are made of oxides bronze) loincloth
Powers and abilities: his mental instability—or his exceptional skill at pretending to be so—adds an unpredictable edge to his abilities. For example, he can control the fears of his opponents, turning their own anxieties against them in battle. Also, through his mystical mask, he has the ability to communicate with his deceased ancestors and conjure up their spirits by reanimating the long-buried skeletons of mysterious creatures. These beings manifest as large cat-like golems with energy-green claws and spines, and they possess the power to summon energy tentacled horrors from within their forms as well as to grow in size and shapeshift at will
Weapons: lance with a triangular bone point
Alternative portrait (Yuraq): similar to a leopard or a snow leopard, characterised by an angular shape, pale-fawn fur covered with small, densely packed black-and-brown rosettes, two pairs of broken-up stripes running from the corner of the eyes over the cheeks and from the corner of the mouth to the neck, a pair of tusks protruding up, and a removable orange copper kabuto adorned with a pair of large curving horns and a full mask
Alternative outfit: a hemp tunic topped with a lamellar armour cuirass adorned with jade accents (its layered spaulders are a combination of grass, leather, tortoiseshell and bony spikes), two laminar arm pads, two oxidised bronze bracers equipped with knuckledusters, and a leather belt featuring two lamellar tassets with jade accents
Alternative weapons: an orange copper sword that fits into a sheath attached to his cuirass and an orange copper shield featuring the face of a ram-horned, jade-eyed creature intricately sculpted on the disc to resemble his kabuto mask.

Vasak (male character)
Head: similar to a lynx, characterised by fulvous fur marked with dark-brown streaks and spots, black-tufted ears, and solid yellow glow-in-the-dark eyes
Body: a fulvous coat marked with large, jaguar-like black-and-brown rosettes with central spots. His tail is relatively short, while his arms are completely wrapped in hemp straps, though loosely, with plenty of gaps in between
Wearables: two leather armbands (each featuring a single bony spike), two leather gloves, two leather boots with grass fringes around the middle of the shafts and tattered turndown tops, a hemp sash round the waist, and a long torn skin loincloth
Powers and abilities: he is a smooth-talking fighter with a supernatural edge. An energy-manipulating entity resides within him, granting him a range of extraordinary abilities. This spirit enables him to absorb, transform and redirect various forms of energy—he can, for example, bend light for enhanced stealth, convert the kinetic energy of shocks into concussive blasts, generate intense radiation from his eyes, manipulate gravity to perform powerful leaps, and unleash a devastating sonic roar
Weapons: lance with a diamond-shaped flint point
Alternative portrait (Plowan): similar to a cougar, characterised by plain fulvous fur and a long, silver-grey beard arranged into three separate braids. Atop his head, he wears a removable headgear made from the upper part of a cream-furred, one-horned ormurid-like animal's head with the lower jaw removed
Alternative outfit: a harness featuring two leather shoulder armours that wrap around the arm sockets, partially covering the chest and back. These are adorned with large pyramidal oxidised bronze spikes and connected at the front and back by chain straps (the chest strap has a buckle in the form of a Kimarhan emblem-shaped medallion). Lined with a sculpted cream-coloured fur that resembles a mane and is darkly marked with both large blotchy spots and wide stripes, the harness is further enhanced by two imposing, skull-shaped spiked pauldrons. Additionally, he dons two mossy bracers outfitted with forward-pointing claws, and a leather belt featuring a large buckle adorned with four bony protruding spikes (the belt is complemented by a pair of laminar tassets and various bony and metal implements hanging from it)
Alternative weapons: a fearsome pair of clubs crafted from the halves of a massive animal’s jawbone (possibly the same creature used for the headgear), with their rugged surfaces and exposed teeth adding to their menacing presence.

Alaja (female character)
Head: similar to a black panther (i.e., a melanistic leopard), characterised by black fur, solid white eyes and a cascade of long black hair tied into a topknot, flowing high ponytail. Additionally, she wears a fearsome, full-face olivewood removable mask, carved to resemble a predatory cat with elongated fangs
Body: a black flocked coat. The colour looks great, while the flocking seems evenly applied and does simulate velvety fur nicely
Wearables: a one-shoulder mini dress, two narrow tubular oxidised bronze bracelets, two narrow tubular oxidised bronze anklets ornamented with layers of plant fibres, and a leather belt equipped with a little skull buckle and a small horny scabbard on the side for a sculpted dagger with a short curved blade. The dress seems to be made of two pieces that are stitched together: the top piece—perhaps originally part of a bikini-like outfit—is made from pale cream-coloured fur that is brownly marked with blotches and stripes, while the bottom one, ending in a tattered skirt, is made from hemp
Powers and abilities: due to her blindness, her remaining senses are heightened to extraordinary levels, allowing her to navigate the world with exceptional awareness. Additionally, she possesses a unique telepathic ability to control birds; these feathered allies serve as her eyes, providing her with a bird's-eye view of her surroundings and enabling her to gather information from afar. Furthermore, she has a limited ability to influence the local weather, manipulating elements like wind, rain and temperature within a specific area
Weapons and accessories: lance whose copper head is separated into a split point. Additionally, she comes with a crow wing-inspired black cape featuring an emerald-jewelled Kimarhan emblem at the collar, two tortoiseshell bracers equipped with short, curved bony spikes, and a sculpted paw-shaped wooden baton in a birch bark holster that can be attached to her lower leg (in the comics, this baton has multiple functions, such as delivering electric shocks, extending into a grappling hook, and separating into a paw-shuriken and a throwing knife)

Qora (female character)
Head: similar to a white tiger, characterised by white fur striped with black, differently coloured eyes (one a vibrant blue and the other a warm amber), and a fringe of hair cut straight across the forehead (like bangs)
Body: a white coat marked with black stripes
Wearables: a sleeveless halterneck leotard, two studded leather armbands, two silver "gloves" ornamented with thin black stripes and grass-lined cuffs, two leather calf protectors, and a belt made of several oxidised bronze discs laced together. The leotard is primarily made of hemp and is adorned with semi-circular white patterns; a leather strap secures it around the neck, while a V-shaped leather brief section covers the upper thighs
Powers and abilities: her enhanced intelligence grants her exceptional proficiency in herbal medicine, trapping and pyrotechnics. Born with congenital hand deformities, she relies on cybernetic hand enhancements, which feature retractable and extendable steel claws embedded in the fingers, as well as deployable spikes from the knuckles
Weapons and accessories: lance with a lanceolate obsidian point. Additionally, she comes with a broad, usekh-inspired collar, composed of rows of claws, stones and shells, and complemented by a necklace featuring a Kimarhan emblem-shaped medallion. Finally, the set includes a birch bark waist satchel containing a number of rudimentary tools, a pair of red-lensed goggles, and an amappo hunting trap (i.e., a crossbow set at the top of a tree stump, featuring a tripwire release mechanism and a bolt coated with a lethal poison; the crossbow piece is reused from the Enmity Expansion Kit for Tahron)

Final thoughts
Overall: this massive KR|EoF set delivers on both fan service and quality. The Feline Combatants 5pk is a fantastic nod to the saga's mythos (the three siblings in the Foundation series get their powers from cat-like spirits), and the set's overall design and execution are impressive. While some minor nitpicks exist, the new tooling and design are top-notch. This set is a must-have for hardcore fans, but casual collectors may find it excessive
Rating: ☺☺☺☺☺ / 5

Wednesday 28 August 2024

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #17: Krenodos (Enhanced)

Toy prototype details
Name: KrenodosTM (Enhanced)
Subtitle: despotic Bogthropod overlord
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: action figure - Nº 13 in the line.

Character details
Name: Krenodos
Classification: arthropod with xiphosuran-like traits
Sex: male
Relationships: ancestor of Denortos
Home: Cereutis
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Bogthropod; Rexodon (temporarily)
Rank: emperor of Cereutis; army general.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #3 - The unforeseen fall of destiny (although he materialises at the end of KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos)
Character summary: the maleficent leader of the Bogthropods, who conquered Cereutis alongside Gladorr after Silef's spirit had merged with him, turning him into an even more monstrous and sinister entity. Presumed dead, he re-emerged on Tahron as the new leader of the Rexodons, driven by ambition to dethrone the Therioms. His evil actions ultimately led to his downfall at the hands of Masq-Lor.

Standard (new scheme), with the addition of a hinged lower jaw and a ball jointed tail.

Head: elongated shape, blueish skin, a strip of spade-shaped imbricate shiny silver scales running centrally from the middle of the forehead to the back of the head (developing into a spiny cranial crest), two pairs of curved blueish spines pointing backwards where one would expect to find the ears, four orange eyes (two quite large lateral compound eyes topped by jagged brow ridges, and two smaller central eye spots), two large nostrils, and two rows of sharp, piranha-like whitish teeth lining the jaws. He also wears a removable helmet with a crowned, 5-horned design, which allows the "ears" to protrude from the back. Adorned with a dark green gemstone on the forehead and intricate wing-shaped ornaments at the rear, it bears a striking resemblance to Silef's helmet, though with a metallic light-green tint and lacking the half mask
Body: his blueish skin is stretched over a series of bony plates with spine-like tubercles, which are arranged in rings throughout his body, giving it a general segmented, armoured appearance. His limbs sport whitish-clawed extremities and large strips of spade-shaped imbricate shiny silver scales running down the sides (a similar stripe also extends from the nape of the neck, divides along the shoulder blades and continues along the back to the loin). Moreover, a long tail-spine emerges from his trunks and ends in a venomous sting
Wearables: an orange armour with light-green details, two orange copper wrist guards (each ornamented with tech looking parts, a light-green gemstone and a knuckle protector), two orange leather shin guards with turn-down tops, a double orange belt (composed of a larger copper belt bearing a blue gemstone carved with three vertical wavy lines, and a smaller loose fitting leather belt underneath), and light-green trunks. The armour shows some nice details such as tubes, battle dents and marks, as well as a metallic light-green emblem resembling a four-pointed throwing star with what looks like a trilobite embossed in the middle. This figure's attire is largely inspired by Krenodos's regular outfit, but features distinct enhancements, particularly the multiple angular ridges adorning the chest plate, spaulders, shin guards and trunks as well as the unique design of the wrist guards. Additionally, a broad, ankle-length light-green skirt with wide inverted U-shaped openings in the front and back adds a touch of regality. It has a ribbed texture and is covered in lots of intricate little designs resembling metal reliefs sewn onto the fabric. These are very impressive sculpted details reminiscent of the hieroglyphic-like patterns seen on Silef's armour, something that really adds an intriguing element to the costume and suggests hidden magical properties or sinister power. The shiny, metallic paintwork of the raised bands and little riveted plates added to the outfit, contrasting with the duller orange and light-green backgrounds, creates a visually striking effect and looks excellent alongside other figures in the collection. Finally, he wears a dark-orange cape that is draped around his neck, split into two parts down the middle and embellished with a motif made of two metallic light-green triangles joined base-to-base near each shoulder as well as a metallic light-green medallion resembling the chest emblem and hanging from a chain on the back.

Krenodos's stylised helmet.

Krenodos's stylised armour; the circle at the centre of the chest piece represents a Cereutian symbol.

Action feature
In the comics, apart from having extremely accurate senses owing to his multiple eyes and chemoreceptors, Krenodos is shown to possess the ability to inflict ferocious bites on his enemies. This feature is wonderfully rendered thanks to the spring-loaded lower jaw, which can swing open and then suddenly snap shut like a bear trap.

Weapons and accessories
Krenodos comes with his signature multi-bladed light-green staff, characterised by two "stag beetle mandible"-shaped orange copper blades at the sides of each end. In the comics, this weapon is depicted as a double petrifaction-staff, an upgraded version of his original stick. However, unlike its predecessor, it no longer has the ability to transform into a three-section staff. This toy version of the weapon can still separate into three parts, but there's no metal chain to connect them.

Final thoughts
Overall: the Echoes of Future line continues to impress with its comic-accurate figures, and this Krenodos variant is no exception. While the regular version is already excellent, this one takes it to the next level with a striking new aesthetic and a wealth of intricate details. However, despite its eye-catching appearance, the figure falls short in terms of accessories - aside from the removable helmet, it only includes the standard staff with no change in deco or additional feature
Rating: ☺☺☺☺ / 5

Sunday 28 July 2024

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #16: Pang

Toy prototype details
Name: Pang
Subtitle: avian tech maverick
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: action figure - Nº 12 in the line.

Character details
Name: Pang
Classification: archosauromorph reptile with bird-like traits
Sex: male
Home: Idakarr (Tahron's former name)
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Interspecific Commission
Rank: consul.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Character summary: a brilliant technological genius with an inventive mind, whose lack of wings, despite his bird-like appearance, spurred him to create advanced aerial technology, initially using a jetpack for boosted hops and later developing solid energy wings for true flight.

Standard (new scheme).

Head: similar to a bird of prey, characterised by a pair of nearly human-like, piercing blue eyes, which are framed by khaki feathers (except for a pair of bushy, yellowish eyebrows), as well as a fairly large, yet short, yellowish beak with nares. Aside from having two subtle appendages on the sides (each resembling a mix of a pointy ear and a feathered wing), his bald (except for a widow's peak), vulture-like scalp allows him to wear an orange copper removable armoured helmet, which is ornamented with metallic light-blue details such as a 5-pointed, comb-like crest, two horns protruding laterally, a pair of goggles with large bird eye-like glossy dark-red lenses, and an embossed stylised motif of a feathered bird's head profile on either side (it reminds me a bit of the design of Rey Mysterio's masks)
Body: arms and legs covered with khaki feathers, scaly black hands and feet ending in pinkish talons (two of which point forward and two go backward in each foot, while a patch of khaki feathers covers the back of each hand), two orange fabric armbands knotted around the upper arms
Wearables: a metallic light-blue harness with orange details (including a leather shoulder belt with sculpted feathers, loops for grenades and a pocket), two studded metallic light-blue wrist guards, two metallic light-blue shin guards (each showing a wing-shaped ornament protruding outward), a studded metallic light-blue belt (the central stud, which is larger and serves as the buckle, is a gleaming blue gemstone), and a triangular orange fabric loincloth emblazoned with a light-blue pattern echoing the form of stylised feathers. The harness features a scale armour shoulder guard/chest plate that is studded and grooved with deep lines to resemble a ruff of pointed quills, and is equipped with a pair of epaulettes trimmed with orange feather fringes, while similar orange feathers lining the wrist and shin guards peek out subtly from their top edges.

Pang's stylised helmet.

Pang's stylised harness.

Action feature
In the comics, Pang cannot fly with wings (he doesn't have any) or magic (he cannot master it), so he relies on technology. The back of his harness is adorned with small tech greeblies, such as wires and circuitry, and includes an attachment point for a metallic light-blue jetpack. The jetpack features a single turbojet engine, a small tail assembly with additional thrusters, a longitudinal crest-like ornament, and what appears to be a laser cannon at the top. The jetpack plugs into two square sockets on the back of the harness via two tabs, and it latches securely in place. Additionally, there are multiple sets of energy wings for three different configurations or display options. These wings feature a mostly angular design, with deep grooves resembling feathers, giving it an aggressive and streamlined appearance. They are made of translucent light-green plastic, speckled with glittery flecks, giving them a neat, see-through effect that makes them appear as if they are made of solid energy. Fictionally, they are generated by an energy source that flows from the jetpack to the inner sides of the wrist bracers via a pair of detachable pliable tubes (which have metallic light-blue ends and translucent light-green middle portions). A pair of forearm wings plugs into the bracers and can rotate freely, allowing them to be positioned as desired. They are easy to pop on and off, looking impressive both as wings for flight and as weapons or shields - swing the tips forward and they look like dual energy blades. For a more comic book-accurate appearance with longer wings, you can add the upper wing portion to each arm. These attach to the armbands and connect to the shorter portions with swivel joints at the elbow area, allowing them to move while maintaining full arm articulation. Finally, there is also a piece composed of a pair of massive wings and a tail that stays securely attached when plugged between the back of the figure and the jetpack. These wings are intended to be used in place of the separate arm-wings. They can rotate in and out, allowing for various posing options, for example positioned behind him while standing, or spread and aligned with his arms pointing outward for more dramatic flying poses.

Weapons and accessories
Apart from the jetpack and the various energy wing sets, Pang comes with a very peculiar orange copper gun. This weapon features a bird's body-like design, resembling a wingless robotic falcon. Subtle nods to the jetpack are incorporated through the presence of a crest and a tail assembly-mounted jet engine, while a single flexible tube, identical to those attached to Pang's wrist guards, connects the weapon's rear to the rocket pack. At the front, a handle shaped like a sort of feathery arm has a narrow portion that can be gripped, while in the back, a stirrup-shaped butt resembles backward-pointing grasping talons that clasp a perching rod. The weapon can be either stowed on the side of the jetpack, with the handle and rod clipping into designated slots, or held by the figure. The gun's barrel ends in a falcon head-shaped, laser-blasting muzzle, accompanied by two side launchers loaded with smoke grenades (in the comics, these are sometimes replaced with electric net grenades). Once a smoke screen is deployed, the robotic falcon-gun can serve as a weaponised drone for attack operations. This transformation is achieved by equipping it with energy wings and a tail, mirroring its owner's ability. So, the package includes a translucent light-green pair of wings and a long tail, which exhibit a slightly softer, more rounded shape compared to the sharp, geometric lines of the figure's add-ons. These accessories have three plug-in points: two on the sides (which provide some articulation) and one on the back (accessible after removing the tube).
Additionally, we get a propulsion-blast effect for the jet engine, and three accessories that, one at a time, are fictionally produced by a copper egg-shaped tech artefact stored in Pang's shoulder belt pocket: a pair of binoculars, a megaphone and a tracker pad/view-screen that lets Pang monitor the falcon drone's activity (any of these objects conveniently clips onto a loop on the figure's breast plate).
Finally, the package includes a powering perch, which features a tech-looking metallic light-blue stand topped with a translucent light-green crystal, where the falcon/drone can dock and recharge. While I would have preferred a flight stand for Pang, this accessory will work just fine.

Final thoughts
Overall: Pang might not be an instant classic, but he's definitely grown on me. His unique aesthetic, impressive array of accessories and various display options make him a solid addition to the series. While he may not be everyone’s cup of tea, those who appreciate a figure that’s both visually striking and fun to play with will likely find a lot to love about Pang
Rating: ☺☺☺☺ / 5

Friday 28 June 2024

KR|Horizon Review #32: Combining Goblin (SDCC 2024 Exclusive)

Toy prototype details
Name: Combining Goblin
Subtitle: bionic giant trooper
Line: KR|Horizon
Item type: large scale figure - Nº 4 in the line.

Characters details
Names: Destructomorph Goblins
Classification: bio-robotic hybrids
Sex: undefined
Home: Tahron
Era: 15 years after Foundation
Affiliation: Destructomorph
Rank: drones.

First appearance: KR|Horizon #1 - The Destructomorph legacy
Brief bio: with a surge of power, the dreadful Destructomorph Goblins possessed the ability to expand to giant size and morph into terrifying insectoid behemoths, wielding immense strength boosted by their mechanised bodies.

Standard (new scheme) plus a hinged clawed finger on each hand.

As we know, the Destructomorph Goblins are insectoid, bio-robotic droids (part organic, part technological) that in the comics can merge to create larger armoured robots. These combined forms include the three-unit droid that serves as the basic figure in this set. Standing at an adequate 30 cm (approximately 12'', the same size as the Combining Cyborg), this figure boasts a remarkable construction, incorporating numerous die-cast metal parts. It draws inspiration from the design of its three individual components (one Goblin forming the legs, another one forming the torso and the arms, and another one forming the head), featuring an impeccable paintwork, with silver coating on the plate armour elements contrasting with the glossy black of the exposed organic parts beneath.
Head: the figure's silver, ball-jointed robotic head evokes the regular Goblin's visage, but with a distinctly short-muzzled appearance that deviates from the iconic Ankylosaurus skull theme. Borrowing elements from the Sangheili (Halo) head design, this portrait's most distinguishing trait is its bug-like jaw structure, which consists of a frontally compressed beak-like upper jaw and four separate lower mandibles arranged in two tiers. Each of these mandibles has a sharp edge and a number of small teeth, as well as an additional larger fang at the tip, while a series of broader teeth lines the upper jaw. Furthermore, the head is characterised by various mechanical and electrical components (including three small blue LEDs on the forehead resembling eyespots), a pair of thread-like, segmented black antennae pointing backward, a pair of menacing, shiny green compound eyes, and two horns projecting backward and down from the back of the head. Completing the look is a golden-yellow removable headgear reminiscent of a segmented hood, featuring a long silver horn atop, two holes for the antennae and a pair of large, bulbous black goggles, each displaying a red glowing horizontal slit and a central beady eyespot
Body: intricate sculpting embellishes every inch of this figure, from the strikingly designed machinery/circuitry patterns on the spiky (particularly on the thighs) metal plates protecting its body to the cracks on the shoulders and hips, the large overlapping scales on the forearms and lower legs, and the bumps on the extremities, accentuating its segmented, chitinous sections. The torso is composed of silver metallic segments that are ring-shaped and joined by seemingly flexible black membranes. The four limbs are slender and feature a pair of pincer-like grasping hands, each with two primary claw-like black fingers (one slightly longer and spiky, the other shorter and toothed) and two smaller side fingers, as well as a pair of four-digit feet ending in claw-like black toes, with one split to form a pincer in front, two on the sides, and one in back. Metallic dark-red and golden-yellow accents further enhance the figure's visual appeal, including two pairs of narrow metallic dark-red bracers with silver studs, two metallic dark-red shin guards (each adorned with a double row of silver spines and a silver spur near the lower end), a tech-inspired metallic dark-red belt with a triangular buckle, and a laminar golden-yellow crotch piece.

Action feature
The Combining Goblin comes with several additional/alternative parts. First off, one pair of bracers on his forearms can be swapped out for a pair of spiked variants, where each menacing bladed silver spike is fictionally deployed from a stud on the bracer.
Moreover, the set includes multiple extra pieces to build larger versions of the character, which are fictionally formed by the combination of up to a hundred Goblins, as seen in the comics. While not quite that large in toy form, the assembled variants are indeed taller than the standard figure. The intermediate version is created by replacing the regular head and lower legs with larger, alternate parts. The head is characterised by a scaly, glossy black hood that seamlessly blends into a silver face with an imposing look (it reminds me a bit of Bayformers Megatron). A pair of antennae emerges from between the solid green glowing eyes, lying flat against the scalp rather than projecting upward, while a wicked, broad grin shows a finely serrated upper labrum, a two-tusked lower labium, and a pair of short, segmented appendages (or palps) extending from the chin. The elongated digitigrade legs require bent knees to accommodate the feet with the heel sections high up. Each foot ends in four claw-like black toes: one massive front toe, two side toes that curve forward forming a pincer, and a single rear toe. The set also includes a metallic dark-red one-shoulder harness with golden-yellow accents. This features a single strap crossing the left shoulder (with two more passing under each arm), connecting to a chest plate adorned with a triangular, yellow glowing piece reminiscent of a reactor core and echoing the design of the belt. Completing the ensemble is a silver back armour that attaches to the rear of the harness. This impressive piece resembles a hybrid of the head shield of Marrella and the peculiar thorax protuberances of Bocydium globulare, bearing a series of elongated, curved spine-like projections (the rearmost featuring a serrated keel) adorned with globular translucent magenta appendages, fictionally capable of firing lethal spheres of lightning.
The largest version is further augmented with more additional parts. The first addition is a translucent yellow helmet that fits over the alternate head. This is characterised by a segmented texture, a pair of long, antenna-like silver horns, a frontal ornamental crest with seven small blue LEDs arranged in a star shape to resemble eyespots, and a thin, curved riveted silver visor with eye slits and nasal. Two more pairs of horns project backward and down from the back of the helmet, just below the antennae, while two heavily toothed maxilla-like cheek guards, each accompanied by a pair of black palps, descend along the sides of the face. A second harness is provided, consisting of a laminar metallic dark-red chest plate studded with golden-yellow rivets and embossed with the iconic Destructomorph emblem. The chest plate is flanked by a pair of golden-yellow box chains (i.e., made of cubed links) serving as shoulder straps, as well as a shoulder guard piece equipped with a pair of angular spikes that point forward like additional insectoid, one-clawed limbs. Completing the harness are two detachable, swivelling wings, each sporting a sharp-cornered translucent magenta membrane (creating a neat see-through effect reminiscent of solidified energy) with circuitry looking veins, and sustained by a long, blade-like silver structure shaped like a stag beetle mandible. Next, an additional torso piece, designed to fit between the upper and lower body sections after they've been detached, is included. This is painted in silver, with metallic dark-red circles on the sides and an golden-yellow opening door in the front, and its design looks a bit like a honeycomb with a densely packed hexagonal prismatic cells pattern. With this torso piece, which looks like it is held up by the chained shoulder braces, the figure also gets a swivel point of articulation on the top and bottom. When the abdominal iris diaphragm dilates (in the toy, this is recreated by opening the hinged door and removing an hexagonal translucent magenta piece at its centre), the Combined Goblin emits powerful concussive blasts (represented by an included translucent magenta plug-in effect) from a reactor in his belly, echoing a bombardier beetle's defence mechanism.

Weapons and accessories
In the comics, the Combining Goblin possesses the ability to generate deadly weaponry from his hands. To mimic this weapon augmentation power, the figure features detachable hands that can be swapped with a variety of included golden-yellow armaments, namely an axe with a broad, spined blade reminiscent of a mole cricket's foreleg, a ball-and-chain flail with a striking head covered in spikes that resemble scorpion telsons and connected to a "handle" by a length of box chain, and a barbed, sting-like lance.
Finally, the figure also comes with a shield that clips to either forearm. In its normal form, this shield resembles a beetle with folded wings - the golden-yellow disc forms the body, while two large silver forewings (detailed with intricate tech-mech designs) overlap it. When needed, these forewings swivel to reveal a secondary set of smaller, silver hindwings (marked with dark-red veins), which also swivel outwards, significantly expanding the shield's defensive area.

Final thoughts
Overall: the Combining Goblin is a phenomenal figure that fans will surely want to add to their collection. It is tons of fun and looks great on display! With perfect articulation and a menacing look, this figure is easily one of this year's best prototypes, and really shows that PoliganToys has definitely put some real time and thought into it
Rating: ☺☺☺☺☺ / 5

Tuesday 28 May 2024

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #15: Elibhurn

Toy prototype details
Name: ElibhurnTM
Subtitle: fearless ligneous knight
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: action figure - Nº 11 in the line.

Character details
Name: Elibhurn
Classification: extradimensional elemental being
Sex: male
Home: Cereutis
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Multiversal Balancers
Rank: knight companion.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Character summary: the creator of the Time Dice and a selfless fighter, who sacrificed himself in a daring act of heroism during a fierce battle in a mine controlled by the Multiversal Balancers. By trapping a multitude of Bogthropod enemies and setting himself ablaze, he saved his allies, although his brave action led to the collapse of the mineshaft. Despite the great sacrifice, this dramatic turn enabled Silef's forces to loot the precious metal essential for the Multiversal Squires' survival.

Standard (new scheme).

Head: similar to a bud with a leathery appearance and a greenish hue that has been given a brown wash. His face, kind of reminiscent of Groot, is characterised by a pair of bulbous black eyes and an overall serious but friendly expression, and is adorned with structures subtly resembling pointy ears and a goatee. However, the head is mostly concealed by a brown removable hood, finished with an off-white binding along its edge; this hood tapers off in a wizard hat-style, ending with a pointed shape reminiscent of a spider plant leaf at the back, and adding an air of mystery to the character
Body: cloaked from neck to toe. His arms are covered by long, wide off-white sleeves, while his hands show a sort of branch-like appearance, with greenish mossy backs and clawed brownish wooden fingers. Compared to the average figure, his arms are slightly longer and his hands are larger. His brownish feet, resembling more plant roots than toes, shyly poke out from under the robe he wears
Wearables: his long habit consists of several pieces, including a sleeveless soft goods robe draping to the ground and made of a coarse, rough off-white fabric (featuring a Velcro strip for easy dressing), as well as a seemingly hooded lamellar scapular designed to be worn over the robe, covering the shoulders. While the former item seamlessly blends in with the sculpted sleeves, the latter appears to be crafted from small rectangular brown leather scales laced into horizontal rows, and bordered with pearlescent white plates—it bears a resemblance to K'Ran's attire, with the addition of a pair of shoulder pads flanking the long central piece that hangs from front, reaching to the knees. Completing the ensemble is an off-white belt made of flexible plastic, designed to resemble a rope-like girdle, which secures the habit around the figure's waist (the scapular should be tied under the belt, but it can also be worn over the belt if preferred). The only issue with his outfit is that the “up” hood (added as a separate piece) and the “down” hood (sculpted on the back of the scapular) were combined into one solution. I'm totally OK with it, since the latter still works as additional folds of a larger hood.

Action feature
In the comics, Elibhurn displays sufficient strength to lift and throw massive wooden beams with ease, and possesses some degree of control over plant life, bending it to his will or accelerating its growth to attack his opponents. Additionally, he can regenerate damaged or severed body parts, as well as produce vine-like projections. To recreate this ability, the figure comes with two arm extensions, which fit onto his hands and resemble long clusters of twisted vines jutting out from his sleeves and ending in large claw-like structures.
Furthermore, by shedding his robe, he can unravel and dramatically expand his body, transforming into a large net made of a straw-like, yet highly resistant material, capable of trapping a large number of enemies. In the figure, this process happens in two separate stages. First, we can display Elibhurn as if he's starting to come apart, to simulate a mid-transformation phase. This is achieved by removing his outfit (belt, scapular and robe) and using an alternative head, a neck extension, a pair of full alternative arms and a torso covering with a pair of attachments. His undressed body shows an overall brownish woody appearance with patches of greenish moss-like wash here and there, a tree trunk-like torso and thighs, and large roots that make up his clawed feet. His alternative arms have translucent green leaves sprouting out of his shoulders, along with nets of twisted greenish-brown vines wrapping around the upper arms. The additional "harness" also looks like twisted vines running across his torso and has two attachments, each made of three large greenish-brown stalks cross-linked by smaller stems, which connect to the back. Furthermore, he "wears" double-layered, scaly brown bark-like wrist and shin guards with pointy flares at the elbows and knees, a brown belt made of carved wood, and a long green grassy/leafy loincloth. Finally, the alternative head, along with its vine cluster-like neck extension, is an unfurled version of the regular head. In this portrait, the bud scales are spread out and partially unravelled, forming a whorl of nets, which surrounds a brownish (with a greenish wash) woody skull with dark empty eye sockets emitting an eerie bright glow, and long teeth that create a menacing grin. This version appears much scarier and less friendly than the standard portrait. Next, to unleash Elibhurn's ability to ensnare his foes in his fully expanded form, there is an included greenish-brown soft rubber capture net, which looks like an arrangement of slender, woody intersecting vines and is seemingly covered with prickles. This great accessory is perfect for capturing multiple KR figures and creating dynamic action scenes. Unfortunately, in the comics, he doesn’t appear to be resistant to fire.

Weapons and accessories
Apart from the many accessories that allow Elibhurn to recreate his vine-generation and body-unravelling powers, the figure comes with a cool looking double scythe. This weapon consists of a long, knotty brown wooden pole with two slightly curved silver blades bolted to its ends. In the comics, the blades, which point at opposite directions, have the ability to spread out like fans, transforming the weapon into a double adze with the blades' cutting edges perpendicular to the shaft. This functionality is replicated in the figure with two included fan blades that can replace the folded scythe blades. The great thing is that all four interchangeable blades can be wielded by Elibhurn as either swords or tessen (war fans), since the pegs that normally attach them to the wooden pole serve as convenient handles.
Lastly, two unique extras pay homage to the comic book lore: a nicely sculpted thick-billed raven that can be perched on either of Elibhurn's shoulder pads, and a beautiful black lily that is shown to grow at the location of Elibhurn's noble sacrifice.

Final thoughts
Overall: Elibhurn turned out to be a fun and solid figure to have. It’s not the best Multiversal Balancer figure ever, but it’s still pretty neat. The unique sculpt adds a lot to its appeal, and along with the detailed paintwork, it matches the comic book look well and captures the essence of the character
Rating: ☺☺☺☺ / 5

Sunday 28 April 2024

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #14: Tan-Ah-Kros

Toy prototype details
Name: Tan-Ah-KrosTM
Subtitle: hard-shell warmonger
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: large scale figure (oversized action figure) - Nº 1 in the line.

Character details
Name: Tan-Ah-Kros
Classification: arthropod with barnacle-like traits
Sex: hermaphrodite (but he vaguely appears as male)
Home: Cereutis
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Bogthropod
Rank: colonel general.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Character summary: a hulking warrior who surged through the portal ripped open by Silef between Cereutis and Idakarr. This feral colonel general served as the vanguard of the Bogthropod invasion alongside his fellow soldier Ah-Rak, spearheading the first wave of attacks fuelled by a hunger for destruction. Ruthless and cunning, his thirst for conquest and eagerness to carve a bloody path through his enemies ultimately led him to forge his own faction, the Mal-Ah-KrillsTM, paving the way for future domination.

Standard (new scheme), with the addition of multiple interchangeable hinged chelae, two fully articulated forearms, two ball hinged appendages, and two fully articulated legs.

Head and body: his massive head is encased in a dome-shaped carapace, which is whitish in hue with a greenish-yellow (which I'll simply call green from now on) wash and is composed of six large calcareous plates. His multiple limbs surround this imposing structure, giving him the appearance of a face with arms and legs (he's like a crustacean version of MODOK in that respect), and making him look pretty big and bulky compared to most of the other figures in this series. A metallic green crest, shaped like a spiny fin, runs across the top of the dome from left to right, while his reddish face sports a bumpy texture, showing off every bit of chitinous detail (I'll get into the specifics of the face later).
His multiple limbs are protected by a reddish chitinous exoskeleton, featuring a textured surface characterised by cracks, bumps and a number of pointed, spike-like projections here and there. Additionally, each of his two main arms and four legs bears a line of fin-shaped appendages (whose fringes and folds detailing suggests a respiratory or sensory function) that runs down the side. Each of his two primary double-handed arms (i.e., bifurcating below the elbow) ends with a slender, four-clawed hand on one forearm and a small, articulated chela on the other. Emerging from the two calcareous plates that form his back are two additional cirri (i.e., long, feathery or hairy tendril-like arms), each dividing into two branches towards their ends, while the edges of the plates themselves show several spikes, two of which are notably large. Each of his four digitigrade legs is bent at the knee to accommodate the foot portion with the heel section high up, and boasts three large claw-like brownish toes in front and one in back. The forelegs exhibit two extra pairs of short arthropod-like limbs extending from the sides of the thighs, each terminating in a small, non-articulated chela, while the hind legs carry two pairs of thin cirri in corresponding positions.
Wearables: a segmented metallic green crest (similar to the abdomen of a shrimp or lobster) running longitudinally between the two calcareous plates on his back, one armband (adorning the right arm) and four knee guards equipped with spiked metallic green laminar plates, four narrow studded green wristbands, two green laminar shin/instep guards (each featuring a bumpy texture and ornamented with metallic green rivets) on the forelegs, a large green armoured waist belt embellished with metallic green studs and featuring a Bogthropod emblem on the buckle (which consists of a translucent blueish gemstone that looks like a stylised trilobite crossed by three horizontal wavy lines), and a lamellar green leather skirt embellished with metallic green studs and complemented by a metallic green tail fan-like flap in the front (whose dented and chipped edge adds a distinctly barbaric touch).

Action feature
In the comics, Tan-Ah-Kros possesses the ability to molecularly alter his facial and hand features at will, allowing him to transform his appearance and to resemble a multitude of creatures akin to his own kind. The figure's head actually includes two separate inner cylinders that rotate horizontally, each featuring differently shaped eyes and mouths. By spinning these dials with your finger, you can create multiple monstrous face combinations, offering a ton of fun, great looking display options. The dial for the eyes (which all have a greenish hue) includes the following options:
  • two relatively large compound eyes positioned laterally and flanking a smaller central eye spot, all three situated above another row of four structures resembling eye spots
  • a pair of empty dark orbits that can be fitted with interchangeable bulging or pop-out eyes, featuring large round black pupils and short brownish horns atop them; this option includes both "standard eyes" and an alternative pair of stalked, bloodshot eyes, each as a separate plug-in piece (thanks to the horns, swapping between these eye types is quite easy)
  • a single, menacing-looking pupilless eye with an eerie glow; this eye is shaped like an upside-down hyperbolic triangle (i.e., whose sides curve inward) and is set beneath a jagged brow ridge.
The mouth dial offers the following choices:
  • a vertical mouth flanked by three pairs of whitish jaws, with the uppermost pair larger than the others, and a short, bifurcated chin adding to the features
  • a wide mouth featuring four arthropod leg-shaped, sharp brownish teeth in the centre, flanked by two large and two small ivory tusks protruding upward; additionally, there are two long, seemingly articulated appendages that are equipped with serrated spines and can be plugged into a slot on each side
  • a round, heavily toothed mouth (formed by multiple layers of whitish plates and razor-sharp tooth-like structures) accompanied by two hooked whitish bony side spikes and a single whitish bony chin spike; additionally, there's an optional large and long, seemingly articulated organ that plugs into the mouth and terminates in a box-shaped, yellowish specialised chela equipped with well-developed ivory teeth (which is slightly reminiscent of Mal-Ah-Kros's one-eyed monsters).
The nose, featuring a single round spiracle bordered by a thick fringe of black hairs and roofed by overlapping brownish scales, is positioned between the two spinning dials. This part doesn't move, but functions as a slot for attaching either one of two additional components: an arrangement of six tentacles surrounding a short syphon-like nose, or an elongated proboscis ending in six lengthy, whip-like appendages, some equipped with spines.
Moreover, in the comics, his calcareous armour, similarly to an acorn barnacle, features a retractable operculum made of four additional smaller plates. These plates close defensively, acting as a face shield against his foes while also concealing the sorcery that enables his face-switching ability. To mimic the appearance of the closed opercular plates, the figure comes with an ivory-coloured snap-on piece designed to hide the face.
Regarding the main arm extremities, there are four appendages of varying shapes and sizes that can be interchanged with the smaller hands or chelae, partially fitting over the forearms: a heavier, bulbous ghost crab-like crusher pincer, a longer, toothed fiddler crab-like cutter pincer, and two organs that look like goose barnacles, each equipped with a short, brownish leathery stalk, a series of whitish calcareous plates resembling a small elongated cone, and an extended cirrus dividing into two branches towards its end. The large chelae are reused from Mal-Ah-Kros, but the new black-and-red painted pattern on the claws evokes a scaly appearance; each one exhibits a gripping movement and includes a spring-loaded snap-back feature (in the comics, Tan-Ah-Kros can hold approaching opponents tightly with these frightful pincers and then spin like a hammer thrower to knock them down).

Weapons and accessories
Apart from all the face and hand extras described above, Tan-Ah-Kros also comes with a couple of truly awesome weapons. First up is a cool-looking, three-barrelled metallic green cannon, which the figure can grip tightly in any of his smaller hands/chelae. I love the retro sci-fi aesthetic of this gun with its rounded design, while the intricate rivet detailing adds a touch of authenticity. What truly sets this gun apart is its barrel, featuring three vertically aligned, forward pointing prongs, each equipped with its own bell-shaped muzzle. There are also three separate blast effects, which easily attach to the weapon's muzzles. In addition to its function as a gun, it can also transform into a sort of steampunk trident thanks to an included long green pole (terminating into a tail-fan-shaped ornament reminiscent of his loincloth on the other end) that attaches to the butt of the cannon. And that's not all! The figure's back is a detachable component (though underneath he maintains a whitish calcareous appearance), which includes a small handle on the inner side, allowing it to double as a shield; two of the gun's barrels are detachable and can be mounted to an included tech-mech silvery structure, which can then be plugged into his back when the shell is removed, effectively equipping the figure with two vicious "shoulder" cannons.
Tan-Ah-Kros's second weapon is truly unique. It's a plastic chain capable of binding together any two of his spare extremities, whether it's the large chelae or the goose barnacle "hands". Even if it may seem very impractical as nunchucks, it's incredibly cool and I absolutely love it!

Final thoughts
Overall: Tan-Ah-Kros is definitely a standout with his badass design. The metallised paint applications give him an extra edge, and the functional claws and rotating head parts all add up to one awesome toy. It's no contest – he's easily the top KR|EoF figure of 2024 so far. And the fact that he comes with an array of extras just seals the deal
Rating: ☺☺☺☺☺ / 5

Thursday 28 March 2024

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #13: Baryanoid Twins

Toy prototype details
Name: BaryanoidTM Twins
Subtitle: bonded twins with diverging paths
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: multi-pack (2-pack) - Nº 3 in the line.

Characters details
Names: Steeg and Caaul
Classification: baryanoid* amphibians
Sex: males
Relationships: twin brothers; Caaul is the father of Bi-Harr
Home: Idakarr (Tahron's former name)
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Interspecific Commission and KimarhanTM (a tribe of forest warriors who eventually form the Grand Resistance to oppose the rising reptilian authority), respectively
Ranks: consul and tribal warrior, respectively.
*Baryanoids are fictional rare intelligent transitional creatures combining fish and reptile features. They are distinguished by having a legless, snake-like semi-aquatic larval form followed typically by a humanoid, fully terrestrial adult form. The natural transformation process from immature to adult form was at some point suppressed by the Reptonoids, in order to exploit the larvae as draft animals, pushing them dangerously close to extinction.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Character summary: unlike his twin brother Steeg, who rose as a high-ranking official, Caaul never embraced the ideology of peaceful cooperation between the reptilian and mammalian people, and instead of joining the Interspecific Commission, he honed his combat skills within the Kimarhan tribe. The twins reunited against the revengeful Silef, and Caaul eventually left his tribe after a battle injury inflicted by Krenodos's venomous sting. He found refuge for his recovering as a member of the newly established Theriom alliance, although his loyalty to his old tribe remained steadfast. Unbeknownst to him, Caaul passed a mutation to the creature that his reptilian wife gave birth to: Anfis!

Standard (new scheme), with the addition of a hinged upper jaw and a ball jointed bendy tail.

We've previously encountered the baryanoids as components of a build-a-figure plan within the KR|Enmity line, where some figures included parts required to assemble the Baryanoid-Cart, a four-in-hand beast-drawn vehicle featured as Lor-Drek's personal transport in the KR|Foundation comic book series. While those baryanoids were portrayed in their larval stage, these new figures represent their adult forms.
Heads: the heads of the two figures share an identical sculpt (both exhibit a fairly flat shape) but differ in their paint applications - Steeg shows a dark-green skin adorned with yellow lines encircling the eyes and tracing along the jawlines, while Caaul's skin is characterised by a red colour with black detailing. Each figure's head also features a cranial crest, which resembled a gill arch in the previous versions but now looks more like a bony structure, and a pair of bulgy, bright orange eyes facing forward, each with an oval black pupil (Caaul actually bears a scar on his left eye, adding a distinct touch to his appearance), while their Ichthyostega-like jaws are armed with sharp, whitish teeth. The most distinctive features of each head are the elongated, curved flat protrusions on the sides of the skull, giving the head a boomerang-like shape similar to that of a Diplocaulus
Bodies: like the heads, the figures' bodies also share an identical sculpt made of shiny (seemingly moist) plastic, each showing the same colour scheme seen on the corresponding head - Steeg's body features dark-green skin with yellow stripes and blotches, while Caaul's skin is characterised by a red hue with black detailing (additionally accompanied by scattered scars). In particular, lines run down the sides of the limbs, and spots embellish the shoulders, arms and thighs. The attention to detail in the torso sculpt is particularly impressive, with bumps in the shoulder areas accentuating their amphibian appearance as well as transversal bony ridges on the chest, abdomen and thighs further enhancing their coolness. Their limbs boast fins (possibly with vestigial gills) extending from the back of the forearms and calves, alongside unique webbed, warty hands and feet consisting of four digits each, topped with bulbous tips similar to those found on frogs. Lastly, each figure has a lengthy tail that is laterally flattened and equipped with a fin supported by bony spines (reminiscent of that found on ray-finned fish)
Wearables: Steeg wears a golden-yellow cape featuring a loose closure composed of two seahorse-shaped, pearlescent white clasps linked by a nine-rayed golden brooch embossed with the emblem of the Interspecific Commission, i.e., a misshapen concave-sided dark-green lozenge. Moreover, he dons double-layered golden-yellow gloves and boots (specially designed to accommodate his finned appendages and with a pair of pearl-like gemstones embellishing the boot tops), a golden-yellow belt with a triangular, pearl-jewelled buckle, and an off-white skin loincloth. Caaul wears a light-green harness with off-white details, narrow studded light-green bracelets and anklets (each of the latter featuring three pointed protrusions diverging and ascending along the shins), a light-green belt identical to Steeg's, and a pale cream-coloured loincloth that seems to be made from large leaves and grass (or maybe fur). The harness consists of a nice pair of straps equipped with series of curved bony spikes, which go over his shoulders and fasten securely at his lower back. Complementing these are secondary straps that loop under his arms and intersect at the front of his torso, as well as a Kimarhan/Grand Resistance insignia (i.e., a laterally stretched, 14-rayed golden-yellow Vergina Sun symbol, from which the Theriom emblem derives) on his chest. The back of the main straps features one pair of spikes (more on this later) and I feel like an additional pair would have enhance their appearance, preventing them from looking somewhat bare.

Caaul's stylised harness; the oval at the centre of the chest represents the Kimarhan symbol.

Action feature
In the comics, the Baryanoid Twins are shown to be extremely skilled hand-to-hand fighters. Steeg includes a light-green&off-white spiked shoulder belt (reminiscent of Caaul's outfit) that can be worn once the cape is removed. It features two slots on the back for connecting it to the two rear spikes on Caaul's harness as described above. This configuration allows us to recreate a battle scene where they fight with their backs against each other, enabling them to confront multiple opponents simultaneously by spinning fluidly and changing constantly their facing direction.

Weapons and accessories
Apart from the additional shoulder belt, the Twins come with a gaggle of weapons. Steeg includes an oval shield with a pearlescent white disc made of several riveted plates (kinda resembling a turtle shell), and a golden-yellow rim. In the comics, this shield has the ability to open out, revealing an inner compartment containing a weapon reminiscent of a small hwacha, capable of launching a volley of rocket-propelled projectiles. The toy shield comes with three unique swappable front pieces: the standard face, a cluster of silver-headed bolts poised for launch, and a barrage effect representing the bolts being launched. Additionally, the set includes six components fitted together in two separate three-piece assemblies, which depict the shield face in an unfolded configuration with cool retro-tech-mech details adorning the inner surfaces (it reminds me of the little repulsor drone deployed by Pepper Potts' Rescue Armor in Avengers: Endgame) and can be used in two different ways: attached to the shield and wielded as independent weapons. For the former, you have to replace the standard face with either the "hwacha launchpad" or the "barrage effect" piece, allowing the pegs of the two spread out face pieces to slide into two designated slots on the sides; when the figure isn't wearing the cape, the shield can also attach to the back of the above-mentioned shoulder belt, allowing it to fire a surprising volley of bolts from behind. For the latter, simply use the pegs as handles, transforming the two spread out face units into handheld war fans. I love the look of this last set up, and expect this is the way I'll go with my display.
Caaul comes with two pairs of tonfa, which actually represent a single pair with two modes: normal and bladed. The normal version consists of two whitish bony sticks, each with a short perpendicular handle attached a third of the way down its length and the front head ending in a slightly pointed design. The bladed version retains the same form, but with the addition of a series of three small sickle-like silver blades that fictionally spring out from the main body of each stick.
Update: to enhance the appeal of this 2-pack even further, there will be an exclusive variant featuring a snake-like tail for Caaul. To transform the figure, one simply needs to detach the lower half and replace it with this elongated, partially coiled lower body. This interchangeable piece boasts a cool sculpt resembling a larger, more intricately detailed version of Caaul’s standard tail. It's designed with different sculpted details and textures to mimic amphibian skin on the front and back, and is painted in two shades of red with black stripes: a lighter hue on the underside and a darker red on top. A new belt/loincloth piece is included to ensure a snug fit. Moreover, the tail is articulated with three ball joints and a waist swivel for added poseability. However, achieving dynamic poses beyond a standing posture can be challenging, especially when leaning to the side, as the figure tends to tip over. This design gives Caaul a hybrid appearance between the larval stage and the adult form, and it's highly likely that we'll see it reused on other figures in the future.

Final thoughts
Overall: the Baryanoid Twins are an exceptional addition to the KR|EoF line-up, showcasing a unique design, incredible paintwork and phenomenal extras that make this 2-pack a must-have. Personally, I wish I could have two sets in my collection, to display them with their weapons in different configurations, just to emphasise how delighted I am with these fun new characters
Rating: ☺☺☺☺ / 5