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Thursday, 13 January 2022

KR Review #85: Cereutian Menace Creatures

Happy 2022!!

The upcoming reviews will be about recently developed prototypes that belong to all the Key Raiders waves revealed between 2015 and 2021. It's RaiderCosm! Not a new line, just a collection of figures that we always wanted to see in the previous series.

So, let's kick things off with the first review of the year!

Toy prototype details
Name: CereutianTM Menace Creatures
Subtitle: alien tormentors
Line: KR|Foundation
Item type: multi-pack (army builder 2-pack) - Nº 16 in the line.

Character details
Name: unknown
Classification: uncertain
Sex: male
Relationships: Denortos's associates
Home: Cereutis
Era: Foundation
Affiliation: independent
Rank: mercenary.

First appearance: KR|Foundation #8 - The Cereutian menace: Part I – Downfall
Related character(s): Denortos.

, with a static (not hinged) lower jaw.

Heads: both figure's heads show an elongated shape, dark-blue (almost black) skin, a strip of spade-shaped imbricate shiny silver scales running centrally from the middle of the forehead to the back of the head (developing into a spiny cranial crest), two short tentacle-like dark-blue antennas, two pairs of curved dark-blue spines pointing backwards where one would expect to find the ears, yellow eyes (each with a horizontal slit-shaped dark pupil resembling a series of four small holes, similarly to a Tokay gecko eye) topped with jagged brow ridges, two large nostrils and two rows of sharp, piranha-like whitish teeth lining the jaws. While one of the two heads has dark-grey stripes and holds a sort of rocket-shaped techno-cigar in the mouth, the other features dark-orange patches and the spines of the sagittal crest split at the tips
Bodies: most of each figure's body uses the same sculpt as Origin Denortos's, with his dark-blue skin (marked with dark-grey stripes in one case and with dark-orange patches in the other) stretched over a series of bony plates with spine-like tubercles, which are arranged in rings throughout the body, giving a general segmented, armoured appearance. The limbs sport clawed extremities and large strips of spade-shaped imbricate shiny silver scales running down the sides (a similar stripe also extends from the nape of the neck, divides along the shoulder blades and continues along the back to the loin). Finally, there's a short pointy tail emerging from the trunks and protected by a leaf-shaped, spiny-edged dark-blue tail shield
Wearables: each figure wears two silver shoulder armours (which fit around the arm-sockets and cover parts of the chest and the back), two black bracelets, two black calf protectors, a large silver removable belt (which covers a smaller black non-removable belt, and is decorated with a Cereutian symbol resembling a four-pointed throwing star with what looks like a trilobite embossed in the middle), and a ridged light-green crotch piece. While the bracelets and calf protectors are equipped with silver-studded light-green wrist and shin guards respectively, the shoulder armours are embellished with rivets and belts, and, unlike with the pieces that came with Origin Denortos, are joined in the front and back by black leather straps with light-green buckles.

Action feature
The guys at PoliganToys tossed a few alternative pieces in the package, so that the two figures can match the styling of some of their fellows seen in The Cereutian menace comic book. The set includes two heads, two rubbery neck pieces that mimic whitish furry collars and fit on top of the bodies, and a pair of wings. The alternative heads are almost identical to the standard ones (also in terms of paintwork), but one displays large, spiked ears that are slightly swung forward and spread out, deep-set solid yellow eyes and a whitish tuft of fur (or mohawk) in place of the silver cranial crest, while the other shows two pairs of long, curved spines pointing downwards, deep-set solid red eyes and two large fangs. Finally, a pair of large bat-like dark-blue wings (reused from Reptile Masq-Lor) can plug into the back of the shoulder armours of either figure, and each can be posed thanks to a single swivel/hinge point of articulation.

Weapons and accessories
The figures come with two weapons that look like Foundation Denortos's petrifaction-beam gun, although they are completely painted in silver and have a slightly simpler design. The backsides of the figures' harnesses have loops for holding the guns by means of little hooks on their barrels.
Additionally, there are two light-green removable gas masks that can be used to cover the creatures' muzzles as a defence against Denortos's poison gas. Each mask clips onto the figure's face via a small tab that fits into the mouth and stays on quite securely (they only work on two of the four included heads).

Final thoughts
Overall: this is pretty much everything I wanted in an updated style Cereutian army-building set
Rating: ☺☺☺☺ / 5

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