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Friday, 15 October 2021

KR|Emergence Review #22: Nibeon (Emergence Edition)

Toy prototype details
Name: NibeonTM (Emergence Edition), aka Short-Tusked Nibeon
Subtitle: proboscidean warrior
Line: KR|Emergence
Item type: action figure - Nº 19 in the line.

Character details
Name: Nibeon
Classification: proboscidean mammal
Sex: male
Home: Tahron
Era: 3 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Rexodon (formerly belonging to the Independent Warriors group)
Rank: captain.

First appearance: KR|Emergence #3 - The war of all against all: Part II – Rise
Brief bio: originally one of the bravest Independent Warriors led by BelliusTM, Nibeon was lured by Bi-Harr with promises of renown and fortune, and eventually brainwashed to become an evil soldier of the Rexodon military. His skills as a tactician were quickly recognised by the reptilian general, and his genius use of technology in combat helped him rise rapidly to the rank of captain. Armed with a custom-made cybernetic face mask of his own design, he was endowed with both amazing sight powers and a pair of menacing laser scourges projecting from his tusks, which he could use for attacking his foes and breaking through solid barriers. Although Nibeon was feared by the Therioms for his abilities to fight back with his enormous trunk and energy tusks while defending the Rexodon headquarters from outside threats, he eventually suffered a severe injury to his eyes after a battle against the brave Koptros.

Standard, with the addition of a trunk, which is a solid piece with a swivel joint at its base.

Head: similar to a mammoth, characterised by a fine covering of grey-brown hair, a long, properly ridged muscular trunk decorated with two cyber looking silver rings, two little beady eyes resting under heavy brows, and two very short tusks ending in turbine-shaped orange copper nozzles. His ears are relatively small compared to those of an elephant (although they're slightly longer and pointier than those of his Foundation counterpart) and are adorned with lots of jewellery - from simple studs and rings near the tips to fairly big gauges at the bottom of the lobes. He also wears a permanently attached orange technological skull cap as well as an external steel removable mask, which covers his face entirely (roofing the trunk and the tusks partially) and features three curved, pointed orange copper horns (one on the forehead, and two on the sides supporting two large laminar steel ear "shields") and evil looking glossy blue goggles. There are a LOT of details on this mask, including three orange stripes in the ear screens, double rows of rivets down the middle of the face, and a few yellow glowing indicator lights
Body: he exhibits the bulkier sculpt that has previously been used for other figures such as Grabtrak and his limbs are equipped with a "woolly" coat of long grey-brown hair as well as massive hands and feet. Each arm bears a cyber looking silver armband that is similar to the rings on his trunk
Wearables: an orange harness with silver details (including a pair of huge disc-shaped studded shoulder armours, whose design resembles the turbine looking nozzles on his tusks and, like the mask, are a bit reminiscent of Kinnikuman Akuma Shogun's outfit), two laminar orange copper wrist guards with knuckle protectors (the left one is accompanied by a fingerless orange glove), two cyber looking, armoured orange boots (each with the typical broad, circular shape of an elephant foot as well as a diamond-shaped studded silver knee guard), an orange belt made of square copper plates laced together (with a buckle bearing the Rexodon emblem, i.e., a red reptile skull, and a loop on the side for stowing his weapon), and tech looking, laminar silver plate armour covering his groin, hips and tailbone. While the front part of the harness looks like a stylised representation of an elephant's head (but I might be wrong), the boots appear to be reinforced with electronics and pistons to help support and move his massive frame. He also carries a techno-backpack, which shows some cool machinery and electronics details such as a cylinder and pressure gauge, a side-compartment with an integrated turbine-shaped device, a small computer, and a pair of orange pliable tubes that emerge from a riveted hatch on the top and can be plugged into the removable mask, supposedly for transmitting power to and control his tusks (more on this later).

Nibeon's stylised harness.

Action feature
In the comics, Nibeon normally walks around with his short bony tusks, but when he wears his mask and gets battle-ready, the two teeth elongate by producing curved, pointed laser structures from their nozzles. So, since his entire gimmick is based around these laser tusks, the figure fittingly comes with two pairs of those projections, which are cast in a beautiful frosty, semi-translucent blue plastic and are interchangeable. This means that you can place one pair in front (into the sockets on his tusks after removing the two small nozzles) and store the pair not in use in back (they plug into two ports at the base of the backpack), and you get to have an option as to how you want him portrayed. The shorter laser tusks are accurate to the Emergence comic books, while the (much) longer ones are more along the lines of the Foundation toy (those tusks were entirely made of ivory and had some kind of rotating gimmick that allowed him to trap a foe in them). These laser tusks are made very well: there’s no danger of breaking off their pegs, they're easy to plug in and out, and they can also rotate while plugged in for additional posing options.

Weapons and accessories
In addition to the removable mask and the tusks' laser attachments, Nibeon includes a double-headed mace, whose fairly long handle is made of greyish wood and has two large white, pearlescent tusks nailed to the top. It fits securely in Nibeon's right hand and does feature an orange paint app on a leather strip that is wrapped around the handle for a more comfortable grip. The upper end of each tusk carries a steel mace head equipped with an appropriately formed orange copper extra part mounted to it. One mace head is essentially a studded sphere with a short spike on the top, and bears a copper axe blade with the cutting edge parallel to the weapon's handle. The other mace head is a type of war hammer that has a long, slightly downward-curved copper spike on the reverse of the hammer head. Many parts of this weapon are intricately carved with runic patterns, and a short side handle at a right angle to the main shaft allows the accessory to be stored into Nibeon's belt.
Additionally, the figure comes with a pair of golden hinged shears that is fictionally a hydraulically powered apparatus designed to rapidly cut through metal. In the Emergence comics, this weapon is used by Magda-Lyn to fight against the robotic Rexodon Troopers during the attack on Theriom City, and works best when held by her Enmity body combined with an included new head that is identical to her Foundation portrait without the ivory tiara and the golden earrings.

Together with the action figure we get the third and final comic issue The war of all against all: Part II – Rise. The Therioms are celebrating Tahron's transition from a monarchy to a republican form of government after a referendum. During the celebrations, a huge army of Rexodon Troopers invades Theriom City. Khronodon and Nibeon kidnap Koptros, and Xonedar immediately organises a rescue operation in Rokang Tar, where the evil robotic troopers are produced in masses. Although the other Therioms defend the official residence courageously, nothing seems to be able to damage the troopers, even powerful weapons can't destroy them. However, Koptros uncovers their weak spot - they explode when they are exposed to intense microwave radiation. This was also the reason why Bi-Harr wanted to abduct him - with his vast technical knowledge, he's the only person who can make the troopers invincible. Despite being forced to work for his kidnappers, Koptros succeeds in secretly warning his allies. Now that they know how to defeat the troopers, the good guys at Theriom City and at Rokang Tar wreak havoc amongst the enemy forces. Still, new robots are continuously produced, faster than they can be beaten, and the only chance is to destroy their source, a mission that is successfully accomplished by Xonedar. Meanwhile, an Unnamed Clan squad led by Sphenorat and Ophidok also arrive at the battlefield, and attempt to free their companions, who were previously captured by Bi-Harr's minions. Fai-Rha encounters her father Tir-Hing, but a mind-projection of the Deity interrupts the fight and convinces the young girl to leave the reptilian forces and side with the mammalian people. While Ir-Ash and Demo-Rha deal with Shaurus, Khronodon gets the chance to present all his mystical powers before he's knocked out by Ophidok. At the end of the battle, all the warriors use the confusion to their advantage for rescuing their fellow soldiers and fleeing Rokang Tar.
Overall, after the Rexodons have already failed to beat the Therioms several times, Bi-Harr tries something new here - a pure mass assault. That's quite innovative for the surgical strike-driven world of Tahron. The pictures in which you can see the robotic troopers coming out of the factory are best - very gloomy.

Final thoughts
Overall: while I was anticipating Nibeon, I wasn’t sure how much he’d actually impress me upon arrival. After having him for a few days and writing this review, I can say that he turned out very well and I’m definitely happy to have him on my shelf proudly with my other KR|Emergence characters. The attention to detail in his sculpt, the colours used and applied, and his humongous size really made this a fantastic and certainly unique figure. Unavoidably, those huge disks on his shoulders do inhibit his motion there, but I don’t think there’s any way getting around that specific design element
Rating: ☺☺☺☺ / 5

Friday, 1 October 2021

KR|Emergence Review #21: Strictya

Toy prototype details
Name: StrictyaTM
Subtitle: constricting amazon
Line: KR|Emergence
Item type: action figure - Nº 18 in the line.

Character details
Name: Strictya
Classification: lepidosauromorph reptile
Sex: female
Relationships: mother of Strictriss
Home: Tahron
Era: 3 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Unnamed Clan
Rank: chief officer.

First appearance: KR|Emergence #3 - The war of all against all: Part II – Rise
Brief bio: once the member of a peaceful clan of anthropomorphic snakes that revered and worshipped a mammalian god, Strictya had a fascination with the legend of an ancient race of mystical ophidian demons. Outcast by her tribal chiefs for her sacrilege, she broke into the archives of Rokang Tar, where she learnt that centuries earlier her village was attacked by a nine-headed snake warlord and his shape-shifting minions. However, the village was saved by a valiant human warrior, who helped seal off the gate to the creature's realm and later became the clan's divinity. In a ruse to free her reptilian idols, Strictya pretended to join forces with Bi-Harr and, with the help of Sphenorat's dark magic, she acquired the staff of Mnepha, the key to summoning the mystic creatures to Tahron. She agreed to serve their fearsome master in exchange for the ability to shape-shift, but when the reptilian demon started the process to transform her and to give her the power she desired, Sphenorat, angered by her betrayal, interrupted the spell and locked the demons away again. After asking for forgiveness, a now disfigured, seven-headed Strictya pledged fealty to the Reptonoids and, thanks to her powerful serpentine appendages that could entangle and crush her foes in a lethal embrace, became a member of Bi-Harr's elite snake soldiers. Despite the interruption of the spell, she still possessed some of the skin-changing powers she had craved, powers that allowed her legs to grow into another pair of long hideous serpents with evil biting jaws. Eventually, Strictya became fascinated with Lor-Drek's audacity and decided to defect to the Unnamed Clan, where she became chief officer soon after the new army had been formed. At the same time as she stormed the mammalian enemies' territories with overwhelming terror, she fell in love with a fellow soldier and gave birth to a three-headed son who she named Strictriss. Devastated by her lover's death at the hands of the Rexodon forces, her own powers and mental health became more and more unstable, and Sphenorat finally sealed her within the same gate that held the demons she had venerated. Years later, an adult Strictriss loyally served Lor-Drek during the rise of the Spektrosaur faction, taking the same military position as his mother thanks to his ferocity in battle.

Standard, excluding hinged abdomen, plus a hinged upper jaw, a ball jointed extra neck piece, and two additional swivel-hinged appendages ending with ball jointed heads.

Head: the main, central head is similar to a Boa constrictor, characterised by an arrow shape, blueish scaly skin with yellowish striping on either side, and a mouth showing two rows of sharp, curved teeth of about the same size (no fangs). She wears a golden mask, which covers her snout completely and displays two sculpted fangs, solid orange glowing eyes and a pair of short goat-like dark-grey backward-projecting horns whose ends are shaped like rattlesnakes' tails. Both her head and muscular, darkly marked neck extension are on ball joints, which not only gives her a slightly longer neck and a hunched over look, but also an extended range without hindering the movements at all
Body: blueish skin patterned with yellowish "saddles" (i.e., irregular diamond-shaped markings with orange-brown centres), massive gripping hands and 2-toed feet with dark-grey claws, a short, thin tail emerging from under her skirt; the torso and the outer sides of her limbs look scaly, while the inner sides have a segmented appearance. The three-headed upper body featured by Strictriss way back when was a much simpler design, while Strictya's awesome multi-serpent torso is certainly more menacing looking as it features a triplet of long snakes that seem to project from the back of each shoulder in an "ε" pattern. The two largest snakes resemble anacondas and are by default coiled around Strictya's arms; each displays the eyes set high on the head, a snub nose as well as an open mouth with a forked tongue sculpted on the inside, and wears a golden headband embellished with two coiled snake tail-like "ear" pads, two bull-like dark-grey horns whose ends are shaped like viper heads, and an elaborate crescent-shaped golden central ornament. The four remaining smaller snakes extend above the shoulders and below the armpits, and resemble pythons with flat, triangular heads and exposed tongues (the upper ones and the lower ones have their mouths closed and open, respectively). All these snakes have pairs of orange eyes with slit-shaped dark vertical pupils as well as wire-skeletons, so they are able to be posed. The detail is absolutely fantastic, and the integration of the bendable feature into these appendages makes this lady totally intimidating
Wearables: a lamellar chest armour (which looks a bit like an armoured sports bra), two studded light-green leather bracelets (each with a slithering snake pattern between the golden studs), two light-green leather calf protectors (reinforced with golden rivets), a light-green leather belt with laminar, spiked golden tassets, and a scale armour golden skirt. The chest armour is made from small rectangular plates of light-green leather laced into horizontal rows and is reinforced with riveted golden edges; it also resembles a snake face and is decorated with orange glowing eyes and white downward-pointing fangs in addition to a pair of slithering snake patterns on the "straps" and a shield-shaped central ornament. Her belt has white fangs pointing up to match the armour's design, but also sports additional orange glowing eyes and white downward-pointing fangs as well as a lamellar light-green leather loincloth (resembling a forked tongue) held by the large shield-shaped golden buckle (which displays the Unnamed Clan emblem, i.e., a light-green snake emerging from an upright, spirally coiled conic dark-green shell). Each calf protector looks like a snake face too, with orange glowing eyes, four small fangs and a gaping mouth that partially exposes a segmented golden shin guard.

Strictya's stylised armour.

Action feature
In the comics, Strictya's big feature is her long serpentine projecting parts that can be used to attack and grapple her enemies. All the figure's six snake appendages are bendable and poseable, but quite sturdy. The package advertises that she can hold up to three figures, if you use the longer snakes that are normally coiled around her arms; these have hard plastic joints at their bases and necks, with bendable bodies that really give you some great options when posing this figure.
Additionally, when the hinged upper jaw of her main head is tilted back, an included long forked pink snap-in tongue can be inserted in her mouth.
Finally, since in the comics Strictya is shown at times with her lower body transformed into two massive snake bodies (giving her a nine-headed appearance) accompanied by a much larger tail, the figure comes with an alternate lower section that replaces the regular legs and attaches to the upper body by a peg at the waist. This looks awesome and wonderfully threatening, and feels very sturdy. The three serpentine parts (which remind me a bit of the monster Sabera from Steel Jeeg) are not at all bendable, but they look very dynamic on display. The long, crested tail has a swivelling end, while the two snake "legs" have orange-brown spikes and serpentine ball jointed heads, which apparently are just something that comes along with her stretching/growing power. Each extra face is similar to a Boa constrictor's head with the two toe claws above the eyes rising up to give it a horned appearance, and is topped by a ripped light-green leather headgear derived from the calf protector/shin guard, which resembles a mix of a cobra hood and a nemes with an elaborate leaf-shaped golden vertical ornament. Since this lower body piece includes a different, simpler version of the standard belt, the shield ornament on her chest can be swapped for the regular leg's belt buckle to have the Unnamed Clan emblem on her breastplate.

Weapons and accessories
Aside from the tongue and lower body pieces, Strictya comes with a three-section staff, i.e., a flail weapon that is composed of three greenish wooden staffs connected by golden (real) metal chains. This weapon has a longer central bamboo staff and a shorter flail head on each end. Each striking end consists of a studded rod equipped with various nasty golden attachments, and looks like two snakes winding around each other, with one of them showing its head and the other showing its tail. One striking end bears a hooded cobra head (with a double-bitted axe as the hood) and a spider-tailed viper tail (bordered by long curved spikes), while the other end displays a viper head (with a wavy forked blade as the tongue) and a rattlesnake tail (with a flanged mace as the rattle). While the bamboo shaft can be held by Strictya's hands, the two flail heads can be clasped by the slightly pliable mouths of her "arm" snakes.
Additionally, the figure includes an alternative copperhead-style portrait, which is an exact replica of her regular head, except that it wears a copper mask with a pair of yellow glowing eyes.
Finally, there's a baby carrier that supports an infant version of Strictriss. The carrier is basically a basket made from interwoven strips of greenish cane, which is attached to a shoulder guard composed of two cobra hood-like golden spaulders and a light-green leather choker, and can be carried by Strictya on her back. Baby Strictriss is a mini bust figure permanently attached to the basket; he has swivel arms and three swivel heads, and is painted in olive-green with dark blotches.

Final thoughts
Overall: there's really no arguing that this is a fantastic looking prototype and a necessary part of the Emergence era line up. I definitely think Strictya is a very fun figure and an excellent toy. She's a crazy, bright-blue snake woman, she's got an incredible weapon, and those crazy extra snake heads and bendable parts that can capture multiple figures. That's a lot of play value for one toy! Definitely a solid addition to the 2021 series of KR prototypes
Rating: ☺☺☺☺☺ / 5