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Saturday, 3 February 2018

KR|Enmity Review #3: Magda-Lyn (Enmity Edition)

Toy prototype details
Name: Magda-LynTM (Enmity Edition)
Subtitle: courageous sub-lieutenant
Line: KR|Enmity
Item type: action figure - NÂș 3 in the line.

Character details
Name: Magda-Lyn
Family name: NorvyreTM
Classification: human
Sex: female
Relationships: Tir-Hing's love interest
Home: Tahron
Era: 20 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Theriom
Rank: sub-lieutenant; expert in mountaineering; canine handler.

First appearance: KR|Enmity #2 - Terror from the clouds
Brief bio: the only child in a humble family of farmers, Magda-Lyn enlisted in the Theriom army at a young age and was trained by then Captain Tir-Hing to serve in times of war. Proving a skillful climber and cynophilist, as well as a heroic soldier in many battles, she eventually fell in love with Tir-Hing and became his wife. It was thanks to the combination of Tir-Hing's mythical origins and a particular set of genes carried by Magda-Lyn that their three children would acquire the potential to wear the prodigious helmets.

Standard, excluding hinged abdomen.

Head: white skin, blonde hair drawn back into a ponytail, blue eyes
Body: covered from neck to toe. Her hands wear a pair of black fingerless gloves, which expose her fingernails painted with red varnish
Wearables: a tight dark-green military uniform with black details (i.e., shoulder pads, pockets, and side stripes on the sleeves and the trousers) and a golden Theriom badge on the right side of the jacket, two golden bracelets and two golden boots. She carries a golden-yellow backpack, which is worn via a parachute-style harness comprising a number of black leather straps (i.e., two shoulder straps, a chest strap, a waist strap and two thigh straps) with variously shaped golden buckles (I can count at least ten of them). With that outfit, she actually reminds me of Jessica Biel in Stealth.

Action feature
In the comics, Magda-Lyn is equipped with a hyper-technological backpack that has been built by Xonedar and Koptros. Fictionally, this device can produce a number of tools, one of which is included as an accessory and can be mounted to the figure after detaching the above-mentioned backpack and, temporarily, her head. This tool, specifically a lifting mechanism that allows Magda-Lyn to climb walls and slopes similarly to a mountaineer, is made of two snap-on golden-yellow parts. The first part is a back/chest piece that sits on the figure's shoulders and incorporates the lower-rear portion of a large helmet (while the hinged, clear top-front portion is removable to help reattach the head), as well as a sort of silver breathing equipment with a pair of black tubes connecting a tank on the back to a respirator on the front and two small golden Theriom emblems on both the front and back sides. The second part is a lower front piece that fastens to the first component and includes a black winch with a silver knob, a string (fictionally a cable) and a silver grappling hook. The climbing gear allows the figure to be pulled up the string, which winds around the horizontal rotating drum turned by the knob at the side. The system works quite smoothly, but the hook is not strong enough to secure the "rope", so it is necessary to tie the extremity of the string around some object.

Weapons and accessories
Apart from the climbing gear, Magda-Lyn comes with a plethora of weapons: a rectangular golden shield that fits over her left wrist, a pistol (plus belt with holster), a rifle and a sword. The pistol has a great design and Magda-Lyn can hold it perfectly, while the black leather holster belt is moulded to fit around her hips. The rifle has a ton of great little details and looks like it came right out of an old space movie. I dig the steel grey paint job on both of the guns, as well as the fact that, like the holster belt, they have gold highlights. I also love that I can store the rifle in the front of the shield... storage space is essential for a figure with this many accessories. Finally, the sword has an ivory hilt with a fleur-de-lis design (⚜) and a golden blade, and is meant for Foundation Magda-Lyn, which is a very nice touch.
Additionally, to give the figure an even more military look, there is an alternative head that wears a cap-shaped dark-green helmet with black details (a longitudinal strip on the top and an eyeshade) and a black visor seemingly pulled down to cover her eyes, plus two silver foot anchors that can clip onto her boots to complete the climbing equipment.
Magda-Lyn also comes with her two war wolfdogs. I really love the look of these figures, especially their face sculpts, which look perfectly confident and courageous, their dark-green&black harnesses and their separate (but not removable) leashes. Their different colour schemes make them look similar to a German Shepherd and an Alaskan Malamute respectively. The only problem is that each dog just has two points of articulation: a swivel joint on the head and one on the tail. After all, they are too small to be fully articulated figures.

Final thoughts
Character value: ♦♦♦♦ Masq-Lor's future mom is definitely a necessity for the KR mythos
Articulation: ♥♥♥ The figure is perfect, but the two almost static dogs are my only complaint
Sculpt and paint: ♣♣♣♣ She's exactly what I expected and wanted from a "Sei-Lha"-style ass-kicking lady
Accessories: ♠♠♠♠♠ We get a pretty nice selection of gear, even beyond the parts really needed for the figure
Playability: ♪♪♪♪ The climbing gear adds a ton of fun and an unexpected cool factor to this figure
Overall: ☺☺☺☺ I love that they gave me something new I never knew I wanted.

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