Name: XonedarTM (Enmity Edition)
Subtitle: navy-division admiral
Line: KR|Enmity
Item type: action figure (dual figure) - Nº 18 in the line.
Character details
Name: Xonedar
Classification: human
Sex: male
Relationships: Demo-Rha's partner
Home: Tahron
Era: 20 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Theriom
Rank: admiral of the Theriom Fleet; student of mechanical & materials engineering and surgery.
First appearance: KR|Enmity #1 - Flares of enmity
Brief bio: an indisputably good man with a kind heart and the son of a former Theriom captain, Xonedar was eager to follow his mother's footsteps and was recruited by the Theriom maritime force at a young age. He started serving as a seaman while transporting cargo between Tahron and the island city-state of Semhadar, and worked his way up the ranks until he was appointed admiral. Apart from pursuing a remarkable military career, Xonedar also had interests in engineering and medical science, and, together with his colleague and close friend KoptrosTM, developed some innovative technologies, such as compressing armaments of weapons and equipment into small backpacks, equipping war vehicles with artificial intelligence and enhancing biological cells with robotic parts. Eventually, Xonedar was ordered by King Li-Khon to build a submersible ship that would be used as a means of escape and ocean exploration for locating a new safe territory in case of a sudden and illegal seizure of power by the reptilian forces.
Both figures have the standard articulation.
In the comics, Xonedar is equipped with a hyper-technological backpack that can produce a powered exoskeleton, giving him superhuman strength and other abilities. Despite the two figures represent the same character, they render the two alternative forms and appear very different. Although it's not clear whether these figures will be released individually or in a 2-pack, I'm going to describe them separately.
Normal form
Head: black skin, black hair, dark brown eyes. He sports a "rap industry standard" beard and a dark-blue headgear similar to a combination of a side cap and a peaked cap, with a brim folded up on both sides and projecting like a visor at the front, as well as silver details such as piping, a patterned band, a Theriom Fleet emblem (a modified version of the Theriom symbol, i.e., a seven-pointed star whose two elongated side points resemble the pectoral fins of a cetacean) worn on the front and a rank insignia worn on the left side
Body: covered from neck to toe. He wears a silver ring on his left hand ring finger... I don't know if this is supposed to be an engagement ring, but it is a wonderful touch that the guys at PoliganToys remembered to include it. It is that kind of detail that really spoils me as a KR fan
Wearables: a dark-blue military uniform consisting of a high-collared, thigh-length double-breasted blouse (non-removable) and a pair of trousers (with silver knee pads and a double-strapped sheath on the right thigh), a silvery ascot tie, two silver bracelets, two silver boots and a silver belt ornamented with two studs near the buckle. The blouse has various silver details, such as a trim and several buttons down the middle, two ornamental shoulder pieces and two rank insignia on the sleeves. A number of silver Theriom Fleet emblems are displayed on the left breast, on the knee pads, on the bracelets and on the belt buckle. Additionally the bracelets and the boots sport narrow cyber bands (one around each wrist and two around each boot top) that probably work as links between the uniform and the exoskeleton.
Action feature
Xonedar's normal form comes with a silver backpack attached to a harness that can be worn over his uniform. The backpack, which can fictionally produce the powered exoskeleton suit and other apparatuses, is probably a prototype of Sei-Lha's one in the Foundation series, while the harness features a number of nice sculpted details such as rivets, wires, circuitry, tubes and a sort of fan-looking chest reactor that appears to power the backpack.
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Xonedar's stylised harness; the circle at the centre of the chest piece represents the inactive power reactor. |
Weapons and accessories
In addition to the harness+backpack, the figure includes a small dagger with a dark-blue hilt and a silver blade, which can be stowed in the sheath strapped to his leg.
Enhanced form
Head: protected by a full face dark-blue helmet with silver details (including a fin on the top and a pair of breathing hoses that connect the respirator to the "ears") and a light-blue glass visor. This helmet has a nice metallic shine and definitely makes for a cool design
Body: despite the dark-blue uniform is still visible, much of his body is characterised by the presence of a silver powered exoskeleton that allows for limb movement with increased strength and endurance. The exoskeleton, whose components run from the shoulders down to the hands and from the waist down to the feet, fastens to Xonedar's body at various spots, including his upper arms, wrists, thighs and calves
Wearables: a silver armour with dark-blue details (the two colours alternate clockwise), two silver gauntlets, two silver boots with knee guards, a silver belt (displaying several holster-looking holders all the way around) and a dark-blue crotch piece. The armour shows some similarities with Foundation Xonedar's one and is embellished with air vents, tubing and a seemingly rotating/glowing version of the chest reactor. The gauntlets and the boots have a nice cyber/armoured look and sport fins at the sides of the wrist guards and shin guards respectively, while the knee guards and the crotch piece feature smaller versions of the chest reactor.
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Xonedar's stylised helmet. |
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Xonedar's stylised armour; the circle at the centre of the chest plate represents the active power reactor. |
Action feature
Like with his normal form, Xonedar carries a silver removable backpack, which in this version features a pair of air tanks and several cetacean fin-shaped appendages. Fictionally, this device can produce a number of tools, one of which is included as an accessory and can be mounted to the figure. This tool, specifically an underwater attack gear that allows Xonedar to swim across the sea, is composed of a silver&dark-blue underwater scooter that plugs onto the chest armour, a clear plastic dome that covers his head and a pair of flipper-shaped dark-blue attachments that connect to the feet. The scooter is equipped with two side torpedo launchers (with separate missiles) that Xonedar can grab in his hands, while some additional air tubing folds up from behind the backpack over the clear helmet and hooks to a peg on the front of the latter.
Weapons and accessories
Aside from the underwater battle gear, Xonedar's enhanced form comes with an energy katar-rapier that fictionally derives from the normal form's dagger. This weapon, which has a H-shaped horizontal hand grip and can be stored in a loop on the side of the belt, is really nicely constructed, with a semi-translucent light-blue blade between the seemingly moving-apart upper and lower halves of the original silver blade.
Additionally, the figure includes an alternative helmeted head with a flipped up face plate. Xonedar's uncovered face resembles the normal form's face faithfully and has some additional details, specifically a silver headset microphone that runs down the right cheek.
Final thoughts
Character value: ♦♦♦♦ This is what I'm talking about! I'm such a fan of the younger versions of the characters introduced in the Foundation series. I hope I'll be able to see more of them in this line
Articulation: ♥♥♥ I would like him even more if the enhanced form could move better and had a few more display options, because the bulky armour, which can be explained as a pressure suit, hinders the articulation a bit. Anyway, I’ll deal
Sculpt and paint: ♣♣♣♣ I am very happy with the sculpt of both figures and I do so love their colour scheme
Accessories: ♠♠♠♠ Kudos to the folks at PoliganToys, who have found a great way to make the backpack/suit thing look like a prototype of Sei-Lha's future equipment
Playability: ♪♪♪ Xonedar is a fun dual figure and some of his flaws (such as the above-mentioned limited articulation) get a pass from me because he was so badly wanted
Overall: ☺☺☺☺ I’m very pleased with how Enmity Xonedar turned out. He gives me a much needed member of the Theriom forces and I’d definitely like to see another similarly themed character before the end of the line (*cough* Koptros with removable backpack and alternate head *cough*).
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