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Thursday, 20 July 2017

KR SDCC 2017 Exclusive: Ultimate Curse set (LoGoN vehicle form & driver)

PoliganToys will be in attendance at this year's San Diego Comic-Con!

Their SDCC exclusive release is the Key Raiders Ultimate Curse 2-pack, which contains the vehicle form of LoGoN and its "mysterious" white-suited driver.

CoBoN's evil counterpart is one of the more interesting machines shown during the several episodes of the KR saga. We already got LoGoN's robot configuration last year, but if its vehicle form hadn't been produced, there would have been an empty space on the shelf.

This very first release (not a prototype!) from PoliganToys is mostly a reuse of CoBoN's vehicle mode with a few differences:
- The bodywork is painted in a glossy black colour
- The front mounted scanner bar is recreated with a black lenticular sticker displaying green and purple patterns
- The voice display on the dashboard is painted in colours closer to the blue part of the spectrum, rather than to the red one
- Neither the central multi-spectral detector/holographic projector nor the clawed continuous tracks pieces are included
- The two Gatling guns are replaced by a spring-loaded rocket launcher and a plasma cannon (in black&silver).

The package includes a full-body version of LoGoN's white-suited driver, which is my personal favourite Demo-Rha's variant. The head and the torso are reused from the static bust that came with the original LoGoN, while the rest of the body is made of white&ochre repainted pieces from Combat Sei-Lha, specifically:
- The arms (with gloved gripping, non-removable hands)
- The legs (with glued leg guards)
- The belt and the crotch piece.
The articulation is the female standard and no weapon is included.

This KR exclusive will be available for $100 at the convention.
They will also have plenty of prototypes on display at their booth all weekend long! I wish I could be there...

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