This 13th action figure prototype in the KR|Origin series has a few parts that have never been seen before for this character, such as a new head, left arm and right leg. He also comes with two extra heads, including the coveted unmasked standard head. So, ultimately when you have this figure, you will end up converting regular Loghar (or his possessed Herrion variant) into an unmasked version, because the head is an amazing piece.
Name: Loghar (Origin Edition)
Subtitle: ruthless sorcerer and engineer
Classification: archosauromorph reptile
Sex: male
Home: Tahron
Era: 520 years before Masq-Lor's time (now renamed Foundation)
Affiliation: Reptonoid
Rank: brigade general.
First appearance: KR|Origin #2 - Battle for Tahron: Part I – The journey begins
Brief bio: an evil Reptonoid member with skills in both sorcery and engineering, Loghar was one of the first acolytes of Bi-Harr. He assisted the reptilian leader in his ambition to rule Tahron for many years, frequently overpowering numerous mammalian enemies. As good with his magic hallucinatory powers as he was technically competent, Loghar helped design various devices to assist the reptilian forces, including enhancements to his master and an army of robot enforcers that wouldn't be developed for several centuries. Loghar was eventually forced to enhance his own body by the aid of bionic apparatuses of his own devising, after a fight with his fellow sorcerer and rival Sphenorat had left him severely injured.
Standard, except that the wrists are ball jointed.
Head: his face is supposed to resemble an
Iguanodon, but it is flattened in order to acquire a more humanoid look. It has grey skin, a dark-grey cranial crest (composed of a row of three bony bulges supporting a kind of skin
sail), pointy
ray fin-shaped ears,
amber eyes with vertical slit-shaped red pupils, and a closed beak-like dark-grey mouth encircled by long tendril-like whitish moustache and beard (the end of the latter is tied around what I assume is a dinosaur's thumb spike). He wears a metallic black crown decorated with silver studs, on the back of which a shock of long whitish "real" hair is rooted by way of the separate scalp piece
Body: grey scaly skin, claw hands and three-toed feet (both equipped with large conical dark nails)
Wearables: a tattered, loose sleeveless black furry garment (reaching to the thighs), two spiked silver bracelets, two silver calf protectors (each with a spike sticking out of the side) and a black sash decorated with silver studs. The right arm and the left leg display a silver armband and a sort of silver garter (each bearing a spike and not removable) around the biceps and thigh respectively. He also wears a gladiator-like silver harness with some black details here and there, which has an attached cape. The cape is bicolour, black at the top and red at the bottom, with the two colours separated by a jagged motif. Personally, I find the tunic+harness too bulky. I'd rather remove the garment but leave the armour, as they are two separate pieces. I think I prefer this look over the fully covered torso.
Loghar's stylised harness. |
Action feature
Loghar's abilities in the comics include casting spells to create rune shields of light, which he then throws to his enemies to cause hallucinations. So, the figure comes with a pair of attachable effects to help create his magic powers. These “blasts” in the comics do look somewhat like Dr. Strange's magical
mandalas, so I see that is what they went for here and I'm actually a big fan of them. They fit fine (each is held by a handle on the back side) and look great in translucent yellow-orange and blue-purple plastic. In addition to these, PoliganToys has tossed in a cool extra left hand with a clear red “throwing” effect that can be attached to either light disc for some really dynamic posing.
Weapons and accessories
Apart from the two magic effects, Loghar comes with one weapon and two extra heads. The weapon is a devastating four-bladed axe, which is composed of a long black haft and two double-bitted axe heads intersecting each other (such that the four broad silver blades, whose cutting edges are parallel to the handle, appear as a cross in top view and as a flame in front view).
The first extra head depicts Loghar in a battle-ready setup and displays grey skin, solid red eyes (why a different colour? I like to think that he has his
third eyelids completely closed) and a beak-like dark-grey mouth encircled by tendril-like whitish moustache and beard (the latter is shorter than in the regular head and has no decoration). The mouth is slightly open, to show a number of sharp white crooked teeth as a sign of aggressiveness, and the nostrils look smaller than in the standard head. Additionally, this head wears a metallic black non-removable helmet, which carries a silver blade crest on the top and two long curved silver horns projecting forwards and pointing down. On the back, we can see the whitish hair (in this version shorter and sculpted) coming out from the base of the helmet.
The second extra head shows how Loghar looks under his demonic golden mask in the regular series, and is characterised by a skeletal, charred appearance, a row of three bony bulges on the top of the skull, deep sunken eye sockets (which emit a red glow), tendril-like whitish moustache and beard (same style as the previous head) and a subtle remainder of sculpted hair on the back. This head includes a black removable hood, which has a V-shaped point in the centre of the edge over the forehead, and works best on
Loghar-possessed Herrion, making it become a true unmasked Loghar figure (that action figure came with a loose mask that helps complete the picture).
Overall, this is a cool figure with probably the best bonus accessory yet in that new unmasked-Loghar head sculpt. Unlike other Origin Edition figures in the series, this version of Loghar is free of regular-resemblance limitations and the detailed sculpt, the colours, the rooted hair (a rarity for the KR toyline) and the accessories make it one of my favourites for 2017 by a large margin.