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Tuesday, 1 March 2016

KR Review #32: The Tyrannoraptor

A quite stressful February has put me a little behind on KR reviews, so it's time to catch up a bit. Let’s get under way with this amazing sixth multi-pack prototype from PoliganToys: GolnTM and ZourrTM a.k.a. The Tyrannoraptor!

While not necessarily among my favourite characters, I have to admit that I’m impressed by these two figure's striking look and unique contrast.

Name: The Tyrannoraptor
Real names: Goln and Zourr
Subtitle: terrifying double warrior
Classification: archosauromorph reptiles
Sex: male
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Rexodon
Rank: brigade generals.

The Tyrannoraptor only appears in the fourth KR comic issue A fateful secret. Originally hired independently as soldiers of fortune to track down the mammalian enemies, Goln and Zourr got along effectively and formed an evil well-matched duo. In battle, the two showed an excellent ability to synchronise with one another at just the right moment and were praised by Bi-Harr in reward for their team spirit. Eventually gaining the collective moniker "The Tyrannoraptor", this two-body creature became a blessing for the Rexodons and a torment for the Theriom.

Standard, with the addition of Zourr's hinged upper jaw. Furthermore, each figure displays a tail (Goln's one replaces the legs), which is a ball jointed separate piece and features two articulation points, two swivels at about one-third and two-thirds of its length. Although there is no biceps articulation, Zourr's elbows are swivel-hinged.

Head: similar to a Tyrannosaurus rex, characterised by light-bluish skin, red eyes, and jaws equipped with sharp whitish teeth
Body: light-bluish scaly skin. While the legs are standard and equipped with large three-toed clawed feet, the arms are very short and only have two clawed fingers each. He also bears a massive tail
Wearables: a black armour with silver details, two black calf protectors, a black belt and a silver loincloth decorated with tons of cyber details.

Zourr's stylised armour.

Head: similar to a Velociraptor, characterised by violaceous skin and green eyes
Body: violaceous scaly skin. While the arms are standard and equipped with large hands (each carrying three long, curved claws), the legs are replaced by a long snake-like tail with scales arranged in rings
Wearables: a black leather bandolier (i.e., a shoulder belt) decorated with silver studs (each resembling a small reptilian skull), two black bracelets, a black belt and a skull-shaped silver loincloth.

Action feature
In the comics, to overcome their respective limitations, i.e., tiny arms for Zourr and no legs for Goln, the two characters can combine to form a kind of super-warrior. This is achieved thanks to a sort of open canister on Zourr's back, into which Goln can climb and set his long tail. In order to replicate what these figures do in the comics, Goln has a detachable torso; the figure separates at the waist and can rest in Zourr's "backpack" via a ball-and-socket connection (the canister is not actually hollow). Because Zourr's large tail provides enough stability, I especially like to connect them in a back-to-back configuration.
In addition, Zourr's legs are also removable and the characters' respective halves swap easily to create new combinations. Despite the different skin colours, Goln looks pretty awesome with Zourr's legs, while Zourr must give up his regular appendage in order to look convincing with Goln's tail. I'll be back on this point in the accessories section.
Lastly, the backpack/cockpit has some nice sculpting and paintwork, which give the figure a cool tech-mech feel, and can be covered at the top with a special lid, in order to hide the socket when it doesn't host Goln.

Weapons and accessories
This set comes with a few extra pieces and first up is the signature adze; this has a black bamboo handle, which is long enough to be held by both figures in the joint configuration, and an arched silver blade with the cutting edge perpendicular to the handle. I wish the adze could be split into two parts, to be used when the figures are separate, but anyway Zourr's hands would be too small to hold one piece independently. So, Zourr comes with his own weapon, a small silver Inupiat style ulu, which he can effectively grasp by the wooden handle.
Additionally, the front part of Goln's loincloth, resembling a skull, can be removed and attached to a silver clip, which transforms the former into a shoulder protector. This can be connected to Goln's shoulder, either left or right, and represents a nice addition to the combined form, when Goln doesn't actually need a loincloth. It would have been nice if this piece could have been used as a shield as well, but unfortunately the clip wasn't designed to fit over the ridges on Goln’s bracelets.
Finally, one of the coolest things is that each of the figures has an alternative head that can replace the original one. The purpose of these extra heads is to balance the skin colour differences in the figures' switched configuration (i.e., Goln with Zourr's legs and Zourr with Goln's tail). Each head shows a monstrous mouth, a scaly helmet and a pair of silver goggles with round black lenses. The two heads' sculpts are identical, which makes me slightly disappointed, but they are painted with reversed colours: one has a light-blue mouth and a violet helmet, the other has a violet mouth and a light-blue helmet. There is no rule for who should get which head, they simply allow us to create two completely new space-mutant-like characters, which is a very nice touch.

Overall, even with the few disappointments I have, I still think this is an impressive set. Exceptional attention to detail and some new sculpting were put into these two figures. I'm sure that their great reptilian look with a few cyber touches will make everybody happy.

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