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Friday, 18 March 2016

KR Review #36: Traark

I'm trying to catch up on my KR reviews... Easter holidays are starting soon, so it’s time to get a move on. In this post, I’m going to take a quick look at the last figure from March - TraarkTM!

I have waited on this dude for a long time, but now that this 28th action figure prototype from PoliganToys is finally in my hands, I have to say that he was mostly worth the wait.

Name: Traark
Subtitle: fang-throwing warrior
Classification: sauropterygian reptile
Sex: male
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Rexodon
Rank: major.

Traark makes his only short appearance in the fifth KR comic issue The factory of doom, where he is presented as a one-time sea warrior. Traark was dedicated to his service in the depths of the ocean around Tahron, but eventually made his home on land, in Rokang Tar, to join the rise of the reptilian forces against the Therioms. For his disloyalty, Traark was confronted by his former master, but Bi-Harr forced the newly enlisted soldier to behead him. Both thunderous tail strikes and lethal bites are within his power, but he also has the ability to throw sharp teeth at his enemies. When the Therioms send their emissaries to the Rexodons' headquarters, this marine warlord fights hard to expel the occupying forces.

Standard, plus a hinged lower jaw and two swivels on the tail.

Head: similar to a marine reptile, perhaps a mix of a plesiosaur and a nothosaur, characterised by black skin with few yellow stripes, a small cranial crest and blue eyes. The sculpt of the jaws is fantastic, with large bladed teeth visible along the edges and very cool details sculpted on the inside of the mouth, such as the tongue and multiple rows of replacement teeth. It looks pretty much perfect to me
Body: black wrinkled skin with yellow stripes, webbed claw hands and feet. His biceps and thighs are equipped with flattened appendages that look a bit like flippers. On the back, a large dorsal fin projects from a slit in the armour. Also, a long, thick tail emerges from the bottom edge of the armour and extends downwards; this tail ends with a vertical, falciform fin, in which the upper lobe is noticeably larger than the lower lobe, and seems like a completely new piece, despite being a partial reuse of Li-Meh-Zor's appendage
Wearables: a silver armour with purple details, two silver bracelets, two silver boots (which have a palmate structure, to match the webbed feet), a silver belt and a scaly purple loincloth.

Traark's stylised armour.

Action feature
Like with other large-tailed characters, such as Li-Meh-Zor and Li-Gah-Tor, Traark's main feature is his frightening tail. The back armour, to which the tail is connected, is a separate piece that clips onto his back. The tail presents two articulation points - two swivels at about one-third and two-thirds of its length, which allow for plenty of poses.
Additionally, thanks to the articulated lower jaw, this evil creature's menacing mouth can swing open and snap shut to inflict lethal bites to his foes. But wait, there's more! In the comics Traark has the bizarre ability to shoot a hail of sharp teeth out of his mouth. So, the figure comes with a surprising cluster of eight "flying" fangs. Each tooth has a cool shark-like triangular, saw-edged shape and is held up by a slender clear curl of "air"; these air streams converge toward a pin that plugs into the open mouth tightly. The effect suggests that those teeth thrown by Traark are immediately replaced by a new set that has grown inside his mouth... quite spectacular!

Weapons and accessories
Besides the throwing fangs attachment, Traark comes with his badass purple arm cannon. The level of detail in this weapon is amazing. The upper part of the cannon fits around Traark's right forearm (there is an included handle for him to grip, so that it doesn’t slide around) and ends with what looks like a laser sighting device. Below that, there are a large six-barreled rotary gun and an additional side launcher that fires a spring-loaded missile via a small trigger. The guys at PoliganToys haven't even ignored the weapon's need for external power; in fact, the side launcher also works as the cover for the gun's chamber (not sure I'm using the right terminology) and can be removed to expose an electric drive motor, which actually turns, by means of our fingers of course, together with the barrel cluster. A source of ammunition hasn't been forgotten either; so, when the cover is removed, a band of ammo can be inserted into a feeder. The ammo belt is also a great piece, nicely sculpted and made of a pliable plastic that allows for tons of cool poses. When not in use, the arm cannon can be plugged into a hole on the armour, right next to the dorsal fin.

Overall, if I just wanted a marine reptile, perhaps this isn’t what I would expect. But Traark succeeds in being a great addition to the shelf, both for his striking appearance and his accessories. I don’t particularly like the decision to make the base of the tail and the dorsal fin one-piece with the armour, but the awesome design of the caudal fin makes up for it altogether.

Monday, 14 March 2016

KR Review #35: Steel-Monster Deptilion

PoliganToys is doing a fantastic job of injecting variety into KR main figures, by creating more and more inventive variants. I was particularly excited to see what Steel-Monster DeptilionTM would look like.

Unfortunately I think my expectations were a bit too high, since this 27th action figure prototype looks more like a Destructomorph Trooper's variant than Deptilion's.

Name: Steel-Monster Deptilion
Real name: Unit ГЗЂ
Subtitle: monstrous war machine
Classification: robot
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Destructomorph
Rank: drone.

Steel-Monster Deptilion's only appearance takes place in the third KR comic issue Clash of the leaders, where it is revealed that, following his rescue from the Bay of Sortok and just before escaping to a secret location, the real Deptilion was replaced by a robotic double. Forced into a war against both Therioms and Rexodons, this droid is equipped with a deadly acid thrower, which gives him the power to destroy his enemies at an incredibly fast speed.


Head: silver reptile skull, showing a few mechanical and electrical components, the eyes emit a red glow. This head is a reuse/repaint of the robot-mode Rexodon Trooper's head, which is also a helmet-less Destructomorph Trooper's head. Its structure resembles an Ankylosaurus' skull, characterised by a wide and low shape, the front part of the jaws ending in a beak, two horns projecting backwards from the back of the head and two additional horns below those pointing backwards and down
Body: silver arms and legs, displaying lots of machinery/circuitry patterns; these are definitely a reuse/repaint of the Destructomorph Trooper's electro-hydraulic limbs. Under the removable armour, the torso is also a silver version of the tech-mech piece used for both Destructomorph and Rexodon Troopers, with identical dials, sliders, buttons, knobs and rectangular lenticular sticker at the centre of the chest (which gives an illusion of coursing sound waves)
Wearables: armour, cuffs, shin protectors, belt and loincloth are all completely painted silver, although the shade is a bit darker compared to the body. The belt, which exhibits lots of cyber details, is the only reuse of the Destructomorph Trooper, while the armour is a slightly modified version of the original protective covering and bears, besides studs all the way around, two vents on the chest piece. The loincloth is the scaly type seen on Combat Deptilion and the new cuffs and shin protectors show a similar texture, though some of the "scales" develop a bit more into spikes. The surprising thing about this figure is that, despite being all-silver, I don't feel it's too silvery at all!

Steel-Monster Deptilion's stylised armour.

Action feature
In the comic SMD possesses a monstrous weapon, which he uses to spray out corrosive acid towards his enemies. The figure's armour back piece is equipped with a massive acid thrower mounted on an adjustable armature, so that it can be set in either a vertical rest position or a horizontal (just over the figure's right shoulder) attack position, plus a large cylinder that fictionally holds the acid supply.
The weapon is for sure the highlight. If you are familiar with the video game League of Legends, you should know that the champion Jinx wields a shark-shaped rocket launcher called Fishbones. Well, SMD's weapon reminds me of Fishbones a lot, except for being all silver and more similar to a lizard than to a shark. The "head" is actually a ball jointed separate piece, characterised by sharp-toothed hinged jaws (there is a connection that transfers movement from the upper to the lower jaws, in order to open simultaneously and reveal the barrel) and evil eyes that emit a red glow. The "body" presents some interesting details, such as several intertwined flexible metal hoses and a number of curved spikes.
A joystick-looking device, presumably working as a trigger, can be held in SMD's right hand; this trigger is connected to the right vent on the chest piece by a hose. A similar hose emerges from the left vent, which is linked to the bottom of the cylinder on the back. The cylinder is connected to the weapon's "neck" via an additional hose departing from its top.
The figure also comes with an acidic jet attachment that plugs into the barrel of the thrower. This is a green repaint of Nibeon's blue spurting water effect.

Weapons and accessories
Aside from his acid thrower, SMD comes with a number of accessories. His halberd is a fake version of Deptilion's standard weapon and looks pretty intriguing; the general shape, including the inward-curved blade, and the colour are identical to the original halberd, but the structure carries a few gaps and missing parts that expose some kind of tech-mech structure underneath.
Also, the acid thrower can be detached from the armour and hose, and replaced by a smaller component that represents its shrunk, inactive configuration. The disconnected weapon can be complemented with one pair of electro-hydraulic legs, which plug into the sides, and a leather collar linked to a wrist clip via a chain-leash, becoming a sort of robotic pet. This is the extra-touch that makes me like the figure better and justifies the presence of the ball joint (both for allowing the collar to be worn and adjusting the position of the head to the slanting body).
Finally, since this character is basically a Destructomorph Trooper that can acquire Deptilion's resemblance, PoliganToys has decided to add two more accessories related to this feature: a sheet of small three-dimensional glow-in-the-dark stickers, which add the illusion of holographic projectors embedded in the figure, and Combat Deptilion's repainted head. The head, which works best on a Deptilion figure, is similar to the original on the right side, but shows bluish worn-out flesh (with hints of a silver skull underneath) and reddish living snakes on the left side, almost to suggest that the holo-projectors are not working properly in that spot.

Overall, the figure itself isn’t bad and is fun to play with. It's the kind of figure that keeps me interested in the KR line. I’m impressed by the acid thrower piece transforming into a robot-pet, and the acidic spit attachment makes me really happy. However, Steel-Monster Deptilion is still a figure heavily based on a previous release, which is not Deptilion! Of course this is how the character appears in the comics, but, except for the alternative head, the figure lacks the personality that its name suggests.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

KR Review #34: Nibeon

I don’t know what it is about the guy I'm going to review that I enjoy so much. The bulkiness? The mammoth appearance? The fact that he's a mammalian who joined a reptilian army? Whatever it is, surely NibeonTM looks badass!

Due to his troubled affiliation history, this 26th action figure prototype from PoliganToys has, like Elykta, the ability to be a binder in the KR universe, to make the good guys and the bad guys mix together. So, he can stand tall with the likes of Bellius and Bi-Harr.

Name: Nibeon
Subtitle: proboscidean warrior
Classification: proboscidean mammal
Sex: male
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Rexodon (formerly belonging to the Independent Warriors group)
Rank: captain.

Nibeon only appears in the fifth KR comic issue The factory of doom. Originally one of the bravest Independent Warriors led by Bellius, Nibeon was lured by Bi-Harr with promises of renown and fortune, and eventually brainwashed to become an evil Rexodon soldier. After being injured during a battle against the Therioms, he was grafted with a cybernetic face mask, which gave him both amazing sight powers and an even more menacing appearance. When the Theriom army attacks, Nibeon is feared for his abilities to fight back with his enormous trunk and tusks.

Standard, with the addition of a trunk, which is composed of 12 ball jointed pieces and can work as an auxiliary limb, and two tusks, each featuring two swivels at about one-third and two-thirds of its length.

Head: similar to a mammoth, characterised by a covering of grey-brown hair, a long muscular trunk and two long curved tusks (each decorated with two studded silver rings); his ears are relatively small compared to those of an elephant. His tusks fade from a slightly orange colour to a pale ivory near the tips, and have thick ridges where they emerge from his mouth, but the texture smooths out about halfway down, leaving just a few big rough notches. He also wears a technological face mask (a bit reminiscent of Kinnikuman Neptuneman's mask), which covers the eyes and slightly roofs the trunk and the tusks; the frame is silver and has two short orange fangs protruding upwards from the spaces between each tusk and the trunk, while the visor portion, which is cast in a glossy blue resin, has an horizontal glow-in-the-dark strip that fictionally allows Nibeon to see. Surprisingly, the mask can be removed, revealing a long scar across both Nibeon's eyes; although this disfigurement suggests a serious past battle injury, the eyes, which are never shown in the comics, still manage to be somehow expressive
Body: he exhibits the bulkier sculpt that has previously been used for Grabtrak and his limbs are equipped with a "woolly" coat of long grey-brown hair. Each of his massive bare feet has the typical broad, circular shape of an elephant four-toenailed foot as well as a fully sculpted sole
Wearables: an orange armour with silver details, and two orange calf protectors (each with a circle of silver studs along the upper edge). The left arm bears a studded silver armband and an orange glove, while the right arm has a studded silver shoulder pad and an orange bracelet with knuckle protector. The legs display two studded silver thigh/knee protectors that have a distinctly Indian look with rosettes, points and radial lines. His waist is wrapped up in orange cloth, and he's wearing a short silver chainmail skirt with a silver loincloth above that; the rectangular loincloth is composed of a series of square blocks with designs in their centres, and a row of copper beads with silver arrowheads below that. He also carries a techno-backpack, which shows some cool sculpted details, such as a cylinder, a side-compartment, a small computer and a couple of tubes; one of these tubes is fictionally connected to the face mask, supposedly for transmitting power to the visor.

Nibeon's stylised armour.

Action feature
In the comics Nibeon has the ability to shoot a powerful jet of water out of his nose-trunk. So, the figure comes with a spurting water effect that plugs into the end of the trunk snugly.
Also, the tusks can swivel at the metal rings, turning inward to capture an enemy. This feature is actually never shown in the comics, but it's a quite amusing addition in my opinion.

Weapons and accessories
In addition to the water attachment, Nibeon includes two more accessories, the main of which is his large club. This weapon resembles a tree stump and has some great sculpting on the outside, to make its appearance similar to grey bark (there's even a little branch growing out from it). The top looks like the chopped off ringed end of a tree and a leather strip is wrapped around the "handle" for a more comfortable grip. To make the weapon even more menacing, there are five little tusks that can optionally be plugged onto the outer nodes.
The other accessory is the Independent Warriors' tomahawk pick head axe, whose fairly long handle is made of the same wood as the club, is parallel to the cutting edge of the stone blade and has two little tusks nailed to the lower end. The axe has a pick-shaped pointed poll opposite the cutting edge and can also separate into two pieces, so that the tusked half can become an additional small weapon.

Together with the action figure we get the fifth comic issue The factory of doom. The Therioms are attempting to reach Rokang Tar, aiming to destroy the factory that mass produces the dangerous Rexodon Troopers, when they are suddenly attacked by reptilian soldiers led by an elephant-like creature. Despite being a mammalian, the creature looks evil, so they fight back. Bellius recognises him as Nibeon, a former Independent Warrior and manages to capture him. Nibeon turns out to be now a member of the Rexodon faction and, in exchange for his life, reveals the exact location of Bi-Harr's secret factory. There, the Rexodons are keeping a large group of mammalian people as slaves, who are being forced to work for the factory. The Therioms successfully free the slaves and set up to demolish the factory, but at last they are discovered. Masq-Lor is confronted by Bi-Harr, but Loghar suddenly kills his master. The hero is puzzled and Loghar reveals that he's actually his twin brother Herrion. He was also abducted when he was a child and now lives with the spirit of the real deceased Loghar imprisoned in his body and hungry for supremacy. The factory starts collapsing and Masq-Lor uses his powers to save his brother and himself by creating a powerful stream of water from a gigantic tank. The factory is destroyed, the Therioms are safe, but Herrion/Loghar has disappeared.

Overall, being a fan of Nibeon's character, I'm quite pleased with its rendition. The "former Independent Warrior gone rogue" background adds a lot of personality to the character and this is somehow reflected by the figure. I appreciate the removable mask very much, but maybe he should have also got the chance to come with an alternative pre-injury head.
About the comic, the story is quite original, with an interesting and unexpected development of events. And the illustrations are excellent, very dark, violent and imaginative. That's how we like it!

Friday, 4 March 2016

KR Review #33: Fire-Fists Masq-Lor

Fire! I'm a lot into variants of KR characters, I like them as much as I like the standard looks of most figures. The latest addition to the variant crew comes in the form of a most wanted piece - Fire-Fists Masq-LorTM!

This 25th action figure prototype from PoliganToys offers quite a few surprises and is pretty striking.

Name: Fire-Fists Masq-Lor
Real name: Desion
Subtitle: powerful sabre-toothed warrior
Classification: human-primivod hybrid (but he looks completely human)
Sex: male
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Theriom
Rank: leading warrior.

Masq-Lor's first appearance with his Fire-Fists gear takes place in the third KR comic issue Clash of the leaders, where he uses the power of his helmet to push his strength further than ever and defend Theriom City from the newly jointed Destructomorph and Rexodon forces. With such a challenging battle ahead, in order to combat his enemies Masq-Lor must enhance his armour to a more advanced stage, giving it a new pair of powerful Fire-Fists.

Standard, except that the wrists are ball jointed.

Head: identical to the helmeted head included in Masq-Lor's regular release, characterised by the sabre-toothed visor activated, metal cat ears, fierce feline eyes and light brown skin around the mouth. However, since this is the third head of this type we get, the guys at PoliganToys decided to add a small detail to make it a bit different from the previous versions - on the back we can see a short black ponytail coming out from the base of the helmet, which is a peculiar, but still nice, addition
Body: the arms and part of the torso are exposed and show the light brown skin with black-tawny ocelot stripes (like with Combat Masq-Lor, there is no colour change feature), while the legs are covered with tiger-striped light-blue trousers
Wearables: a silver harness with black details, two silver bracelets, two silver boots, a silver belt and a medieval-style black armoured loincloth. The harness features vac-metal silver on the front; the bracelets, the boots and the belt have a different design compared to the previous releases and show a sort of feathery motif with a tinge of technology. On the back of the harness, FFM carries a backpack, which bears a circular transparent window at the centre and two cords that run to the two bracelets; we have already seen something similar with the Theriom Troopers. Moreover, the figure wears a silver cape, whose hole for the neck is quite large, so it doesn't interfere with the backpack. I have to say, I love the cape, its look matches with the figure greatly, but my FFM will probably go without more often than not.

Fire-Fists Masq-Lor's stylised harness; the oval at the centre of the chest piece represents a silver version of the Theriom symbol.

Action feature
In the comics FFM's bracelets transform into two large techno-gauntlets. So, the figure comes with a pair of silver snap-on armoured gloves, which can replace the original hands and are, of course, characterised by a closed fist pose. Like with Tauton, the gauntlets are exceptionally large and work both as ironclad gloves and sleeve armours.
Right, but wait a second... they're called Fire-Fists! In fact, every time FFM unleashes his fists to punch his enemies, the two gauntlets become fiery. Similarly to what we've seen with the Theriom Troopers, the backpack under the cape fictionally works as a portable power unit that supplies those gauntlets with energy by means of two tubes. Thus, each figure's glove connects to one cord (which unplugs from the bracelet easily) and has its own snap-on fire attachment, which is pretty damn cool.

Weapons and accessories
Besides the gauntlets and their snap-on fire effects, the figure includes a few more accessories. Firstly, the backpack is working, meaning that it can open and hold the first accessory - the power disc. This is basically a ring made of glow-in-the-dark plastic, which can be inserted inside the pack; when the backpack is closed, the power disc glows through the transparent window and, thanks to a knob, can also turn while producing a ticking sound. The turning-tick-tocking feature doesn't really have any function, by the way, and is a bit silly in my opinion.
The second accessory is Masq-Lor's enhanced sword. Like the head, this is the third version of such weapon and I'm pleased with the way the Poligan guys injected some variety; the sword has an asymmetric black hilt (curved on one side and angular on the other) and an innovative translucent yellow blade placed between the two usual halves of the silver blade.
Last but not least, we get a brand new shield. Its shape is a reinterpretation of the Theriom symbol, i.e., a seven-pointed star, with the elongation this time running lengthwise rather than across. The shield is composed of two layers: the front side is vac-metallised silver, while the rear side is translucent yellow and bears a black wrist-clip. The cool thing is that the front layer can extend in a "Y"-shaped pattern (i.e., three sections move further away from the centre according to a tri-radial symmetry), to reveal the translucent yellow layer behind. The even cooler thing is that thanks to this spreading out feature, the shield doubles as a case for stowing the sword and/or the power disc. The gimmick works great - simply by sliding one of the three sections, the shield becomes wider (which is always useful), holds a sword and even "beams" some energy. Additionally, the translucent reverse side allows us to get a sight of the clockwork that makes all this possible.

Overall, FFM turned out to be a real highlight. I am much happier with this figure than I thought I would be. However, I must admit that most of my appreciation of him comes with the desire to give his spectacular shield and sword to the regular Masq-Lor and make them into the default weaponry for that figure.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

KR Review #32: The Tyrannoraptor

A quite stressful February has put me a little behind on KR reviews, so it's time to catch up a bit. Let’s get under way with this amazing sixth multi-pack prototype from PoliganToys: GolnTM and ZourrTM a.k.a. The Tyrannoraptor!

While not necessarily among my favourite characters, I have to admit that I’m impressed by these two figure's striking look and unique contrast.

Name: The Tyrannoraptor
Real names: Goln and Zourr
Subtitle: terrifying double warrior
Classification: archosauromorph reptiles
Sex: male
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Rexodon
Rank: brigade generals.

The Tyrannoraptor only appears in the fourth KR comic issue A fateful secret. Originally hired independently as soldiers of fortune to track down the mammalian enemies, Goln and Zourr got along effectively and formed an evil well-matched duo. In battle, the two showed an excellent ability to synchronise with one another at just the right moment and were praised by Bi-Harr in reward for their team spirit. Eventually gaining the collective moniker "The Tyrannoraptor", this two-body creature became a blessing for the Rexodons and a torment for the Theriom.

Standard, with the addition of Zourr's hinged upper jaw. Furthermore, each figure displays a tail (Goln's one replaces the legs), which is a ball jointed separate piece and features two articulation points, two swivels at about one-third and two-thirds of its length. Although there is no biceps articulation, Zourr's elbows are swivel-hinged.

Head: similar to a Tyrannosaurus rex, characterised by light-bluish skin, red eyes, and jaws equipped with sharp whitish teeth
Body: light-bluish scaly skin. While the legs are standard and equipped with large three-toed clawed feet, the arms are very short and only have two clawed fingers each. He also bears a massive tail
Wearables: a black armour with silver details, two black calf protectors, a black belt and a silver loincloth decorated with tons of cyber details.

Zourr's stylised armour.

Head: similar to a Velociraptor, characterised by violaceous skin and green eyes
Body: violaceous scaly skin. While the arms are standard and equipped with large hands (each carrying three long, curved claws), the legs are replaced by a long snake-like tail with scales arranged in rings
Wearables: a black leather bandolier (i.e., a shoulder belt) decorated with silver studs (each resembling a small reptilian skull), two black bracelets, a black belt and a skull-shaped silver loincloth.

Action feature
In the comics, to overcome their respective limitations, i.e., tiny arms for Zourr and no legs for Goln, the two characters can combine to form a kind of super-warrior. This is achieved thanks to a sort of open canister on Zourr's back, into which Goln can climb and set his long tail. In order to replicate what these figures do in the comics, Goln has a detachable torso; the figure separates at the waist and can rest in Zourr's "backpack" via a ball-and-socket connection (the canister is not actually hollow). Because Zourr's large tail provides enough stability, I especially like to connect them in a back-to-back configuration.
In addition, Zourr's legs are also removable and the characters' respective halves swap easily to create new combinations. Despite the different skin colours, Goln looks pretty awesome with Zourr's legs, while Zourr must give up his regular appendage in order to look convincing with Goln's tail. I'll be back on this point in the accessories section.
Lastly, the backpack/cockpit has some nice sculpting and paintwork, which give the figure a cool tech-mech feel, and can be covered at the top with a special lid, in order to hide the socket when it doesn't host Goln.

Weapons and accessories
This set comes with a few extra pieces and first up is the signature adze; this has a black bamboo handle, which is long enough to be held by both figures in the joint configuration, and an arched silver blade with the cutting edge perpendicular to the handle. I wish the adze could be split into two parts, to be used when the figures are separate, but anyway Zourr's hands would be too small to hold one piece independently. So, Zourr comes with his own weapon, a small silver Inupiat style ulu, which he can effectively grasp by the wooden handle.
Additionally, the front part of Goln's loincloth, resembling a skull, can be removed and attached to a silver clip, which transforms the former into a shoulder protector. This can be connected to Goln's shoulder, either left or right, and represents a nice addition to the combined form, when Goln doesn't actually need a loincloth. It would have been nice if this piece could have been used as a shield as well, but unfortunately the clip wasn't designed to fit over the ridges on Goln’s bracelets.
Finally, one of the coolest things is that each of the figures has an alternative head that can replace the original one. The purpose of these extra heads is to balance the skin colour differences in the figures' switched configuration (i.e., Goln with Zourr's legs and Zourr with Goln's tail). Each head shows a monstrous mouth, a scaly helmet and a pair of silver goggles with round black lenses. The two heads' sculpts are identical, which makes me slightly disappointed, but they are painted with reversed colours: one has a light-blue mouth and a violet helmet, the other has a violet mouth and a light-blue helmet. There is no rule for who should get which head, they simply allow us to create two completely new space-mutant-like characters, which is a very nice touch.

Overall, even with the few disappointments I have, I still think this is an impressive set. Exceptional attention to detail and some new sculpting were put into these two figures. I'm sure that their great reptilian look with a few cyber touches will make everybody happy.