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Important notice. Due to an agreement between PoliganToysTM and the author of this blog, no actual image of any Key RaidersTM prototypes may be posted.

Friday 28 August 2015

Let's get into the details.

OK, my first post told you what this blog is about, now let's get a bit into the details of what the project Key RaidersTM is. As mentioned earlier, the project was born as a game, which became more and more complex over time and eventually became a story. The Key Raiders are basically warriors living on a land called Tahron and belonging to four different affiliations, each owning a halberd that is a quarter of a big key. The four affiliations are fighting each other to conquer the other three halberds and complete the key.

But why does everybody want this key so badly? The answer lays behind (literally) two gigantic walls, which were built by ancient wise people in the past, to protect two mysterious powers that must not go into the wrong hands. Each wall has a portal, which, once opened, reveals a sort of wormhole and gives access to the hidden power. As you may guess, the only way to open the portals is to possess the key. To be more precise, one affiliation is comprised by the good guys (we always need the good guys in a story), who are trying to complete the key in order to keep it away from the bad guys (all the others), rather than to open the portals.

The four halberds. © 2015 by X-Fader.

That's just the basic idea, in reality the story also deals with a deeper topic: diversity. In fact, most of the characters are either mammal-like, including humans, or reptile-like. The mammals are the good guys who wish to live in peace with no distinction, the reptiles are the bad guys who want to dominate and wipe out the mammals. Everything is then topped with magic abilities, advanced technology and mystic entities.

My next post will give you further details, but it'll be more focused on the toys rather than the story.

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