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Saturday 28 October 2023

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #9: Multiversal Squires

Toy prototype details
Name: Multiversal SquiresTM
Subtitle: crystalline protectors of Cereutis
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: multi-pack (army builder 3-pack) - NÂș 2 in the line.

Character details
Name: unknown
Classification: extradimensional elemental being
Sex: masculine or feminine
Home: Cereutis
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Multiversal Balancers
Rank: esquire.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Character summary: when the Multiversal Balancers saved the multiverse from a trans-universal, potentially annihilation-causing meteoroid, they fortuitously discovered the Faceted Caverns, where an ancient group of warriors, transformed into crystalline beings by nourishing themselves with precious metal from the cavern walls, had been trapped for eons. The Multiversal Knights enlisted these brave rock-like warriors as their squires, who became expertly trained in energy-manipulation combat and skilled in using various pyritizing power weapons. These elite guards defended Cereutis from the menacing Bogthropods and protected the Multiversal Balancers, remaining ever vigilant against dark forces that threatened peace on their world.

Standard (new scheme).

The set includes three figures: one female-looking and two male-looking characters.
Heads: mineral-like, differently coloured (orange and light-green for the male-like figures, light-blue for the female-like one) almost opalescent skin. The head of each figure is also characterised by the presence of a pair of white glowing eyes (except for one of the two male figures, who has a cybernetic implant for a left eye), a protruding chin that makes me think of a beard-like structure (yes, even in the female character), and a metallic purple helmet equipped with nape-, cheek- and nose-pieces as well as an interesting crown of pointed, translucent red gems, which gradually increase in length as they converge toward the centre
Bodies: most of each figure's body shows the same coloured skin seen on the head, which is supposedly made out of a mineral material (referred to as topaz at some point in the comics), so their whole body is given strong lines that make it more geometric than organic, and is speckled with a very fine glitter. Additionally, the left arm wears a purple armband equipped with a short spike
Wearables: each figure wears a metallic red armour with purple details, two narrow ribbed red bracelets, two red boots (each with three short spikes protruding from the shin guard), a red studded belt with a round buckle, and a scale armour purple loincloth. I really like the fact that their costume was given translucent coloured mineral encrustations with some glitter sprinkled inside the plastic (I'll get to that in a minute), and is angular and boxy in design. There's even a short, permanently attached blue cape, which is genuinely very, very cool - it is cast in a clear plastic (so you can kind of see through it), but it is finished in a deep blue pearlescent paint that really sells the gem/mineral effect. The armour is characterised by a high neck, a bright white glow-in-the-dark (GITD) triangle on the breastplate, and a pair of shoulder pads covered in translucent purple crystals. There are more crystals coming out of the back (in red, where the cape attaches to the armour) and boot tops (in purple, forming a pair of knee guards), and their forearms-plus-elbow guards are completely made up of the same red crystals as well.

Multiversal Squire's stylised armour.

Action feature
In the comics, the Multiversal Squires can use different kinds of energy manipulation to battle their enemies. They are able to absorb, convert, emit and deflect both mechanical and electromagnetic energy, either for defence (for example to create an invisible shield around their body or an optical effect that gives them a different appearance) or attack (for example to produce shock waves, heat flows, flashes of light and radio interference). To possess this power, they wear armour enhancements such as a chest plate that can project powerful energy blasts to stun or even disintegrate those who confront them. In each figure, the energy-blasting chest plate is recreated using the above-mentioned GITD triangle.
Additionally, when the Squires utilise their energy-controlling powers, their "skin" changes colouration. Similarly to other figures in the various KR lines, this colour change feature can be achieved using warm water or a hairdryer, which will result in the Squires' bodies (and heads) turning brass-yellow.

Weapons and accessories
The Multiversal Squires come equipped with three weapons, each fictionally capable of transmuting enemies into a substance resembling pyrite. First, there is a staff, whose metallic purple shaft is composed of two distinct sections connected by a handle: the lowermost section has an undulating design, while the uppermost one consists of two curved rods that diverge and then converge toward the head. The head features a GITD disc surrounded by a spinning ring of silver blades, while the opposite end of the pole is intersected by a red crystal shard that vaguely resembles the blade of a scythe. Next, there's a shield that complements the sceptre theme, meaning that it is bordered by the same silver blades and hosts two GITD discs on its triangle-shaped metallic purple plate. Lastly, there is a double-handle, metallic purple gun, whose barrel terminates with a large muzzle equipped, again, with a central GITD disc and encircled by a series of silver spinning blades. In each weapon, the silver blades (which rotate for real on the staff and gun) are reminiscent of the "stag beetle mandible"-shaped blades seen on Krenodos's staff.

Final thoughts
Overall: although some may view them as uninspiring characters and question their existence in the first place, I personally find the Multiversal Squires' colourful presence to be a unique and welcome addition to the KR|EoF lineup. Moreover, the three-pack format, in my opinion, adds to their charm. While not everyone may share my enthusiasm, I'm glad to have them and look forward to more interesting prototypes in the coming months
Rating: ☺☺☺ / 5