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Monday 28 August 2023

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #7: Taragas

Toy prototype details
Name: TaragasTM
Subtitle: respected commission head
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: action figure - NÂș 6 in the line.

Character details
Name: Taragas
Classification: rodent mammal
Sex: male
Home: Idakarr (Tahron's former name)
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Interspecific Commission
Rank: first secretary.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Character summary: the charismatic and wise leader of the Interspecific Commission, who decided to retire after a lifetime dedicated to fostering peace and unity among diverse beings. While Veen-Ak appeared as the natural successor, Gladorr's influence on Silef brought uncertainty to the commission's future. During a fight with Silef in the Quartz Tower, Veen-Ak desperately tried to contain the damage by courageously deflecting a large quartz crystal shard, but Taragas was tragically killed in the process. From then on, he carried out his purpose as a divine presence.

Standard (new scheme), with the addition of a pair of pivoting ears.

Head: broad (sort of square-shaped) with a short muzzle, covered in short and shaggy greyish-brown hair that is grizzled with black and white. He has large, rounded ears that are positioned laterally on the head (pointing downwards by default, but can be oriented in any directions) and are covered in fine, pinkish hair, while his eyes are small and black, and are topped by bushy eyebrows. He also has long whiskers that grow from his cheeks as well as a very long, fine beard that is tied with a brown string near the tip. The upper incisors, which are sharp and yellowish, faintly project over the lower lip. I was bit worried that he would look like a cross between TMNT Splinter and Mickey Mouse, but thankfully he doesn't
Body: covered from neck to ankle with a very elegant kamishimo. His clawed hands and feet (the latter being longer, thinner and more robust, although mostly concealed by the garment) exhibit a grey-pink and hairless (except for a fuzz of greyish-brown hairs on the backs and insteps) complexion. Additionally, a lengthy tail, which is covered in greyish scales arranged in overlapping rings, emerges from under his hakama-like skirt (the non-articulated tail is actually part of the skirt's sculpt)
Wearables: a regal purple kimono accented by mid-brown leather collar, lapels, armbands, cuffs and hem, a light-brown hakama with purple trimmings towards the hem (designed with a central slit to allow for leg movement), and an open, dark-brown kataginu, i.e., a long sleeveless jacket with exaggerated shoulders pads (made from overlapping bands of leather). The thigh-length kimono is wrapped across the chest with the left side overlaying the right, and is tied closed by a mid-brown frog fastener; however, although the garment is secured by a purple waist sash, the lower torso remains uncovered, revealing a light-brown shirt adorned with a dark-brown shoulder belt that runs across the abdomen. Beneath the long, wide sleeves it's possible to glimpse two square metallic purple wrist guards (reused from K'Ran). Adding a touch of intrigue to his outfit, a silver key dangles from the right side of the belt (is it the key to the Quartz Tower?)

Weapons and accessories
While Taragas lacks an action feature (his sole strength appears to be his great wisdom), he does come with a cool staff-like accessory. The shaft is composed of four distinct metallic purple sections, interconnected by three mid-brown leather fittings (the central fitting serves as a comfortable grip). The lowermost section bears a resemblance to a painted wooden stick; the second section displays an arrangement of small prism-shaped elements in rows; the third section shows a unique construction, with two rods elegantly entwined; finally, the uppermost section features a double-bitted bronze battle-axe (with an interesting mechanised look), crowned by a spearhead crafted from quartz. Actually, a part of the final section (comprising the upper halves of the axe blades and the spearhead) can rotate 90°, forming a five-pronged head. This configuration represents the staff of authority and only transforms into a weapon when necessary.
Finally, the figure includes a separate crown that, in the comics, Taragas dons after raising to a divine form. This crown is a relatively simple bronze piece adorned with four prongs encircling a purple field (basically a tall cap) topped by a bronze spike. Although it doesn't fit tightly on the figure's head but simply rests atop it, the crown stays securely in place.

Final thoughts
Overall: Taragas is definitely an impressive figure. His attire is excellent and his sculpt is top notch, making for a fantastic looking figure. I can't help but wish that he featured an articulated tail though, as its absence restricts his ability to strike some cool dynamic poses, which is a tad frustrating. Nonetheless, he remains a standout in the line thanks to his exceptional quality and distinctive design
Rating: ☺☺☺☺ / 5