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Friday 22 December 2023

KR|Horizon Review #31: Horizon Expansion Kit for Tahron

PoliganToys sent me their prototype of the fourth expansion kit for the epic Tahron playset/game. This kit is inspired by the KR|Horizon line, which was presented back in 2020. DekropolisTM Tower finally gets an upgrade and, at the same time, the Dekropolis Skyship makes its debut in toy form for a new great playing experience!

The KR|Horizon Expansion Kit includes:
• 24 booster tokens for the game
• An additional Dekropolis Skyship vehicle with many features and accessories, including the possibility to transform some of its parts into additional sections for Dekropolis Tower
• A bag with 75 translucent blue chips that are shaped like Antikythron crystals (or rather SpawnCrystals shards, as they are now referred to).

Except for giving an exhaustive description of the Dekropolis vehicle/playset, I'm not going to detail these components and the game rules with the expansion pieces. You can find all this information in my post about the Origin Expansion Kit. I only need to remark that besides the usual properties, i.e., class, faction, strength, agility, and in some cases a special ability or limitation, each expansion piece is also characterised by a particular era (in this case Horizon) and a number of accumulable credits. The credit-chips included in this expansion kit are translucent blue, and spending 40 of them allows a player to capture any rival’s piece that has previously conquered the paying player’s wall, and move it onto the rival’s wall. In limited cases (i.e., primary era variants), expansion pieces present no credit, but are characterised by additional strength values and/or different agility patterns compared to their primary counterparts.

List of Horizon expansion pieces and their properties.

List of possible primary pieces variants in the Horizon Expansion Kit (only one piece is included in the kit).

Dekropolis Tower additional sections / Dekropolis Skyship
Although this set comes in the form of a fortress that flies through the sky, the original concept is for four new towers to complement the main building that came with the Tahron playset. To make things clear, let's check out the process through which the five-tower decommissioned shipyard transforms into a skyship in the comics. The central tower is interconnected with the four surrounding smaller towers through metal grated bridges, forming a cruciform structure that kind of reminds me of Voltron's Castle of Lions. When the transformation begins, the four outer towers compress vertically, their levels merging to form four roughly disc-shaped power-source structures. The elevator shaft of each tower, initially positioned beneath the power-source, moves to the external side through a double hinge mechanism to assume the form of an engine nacelle, which generates either vertical lift force for take-off and landing or, by eventually swivelling horizontally, thrust for forward flight. The entire construction lifts off and, subsequently, the central tower's middle section divides radially into four sectors, revealing two pairs of additional nacelles at the sides and allowing the remaining portion of the tower to pivot into a horizontal position. As the central tower turns and the middle section recompacts, the four power-sources plus bridges also rotate from their front-and-rear layout to an over-and-under, X-Wing-like configuration, while maintaining their individual horizontal orientation. This synchronised movement transforms the static structure into a powered skyship, ready to take flight. The primary propulsion system uses a confined magma chamber located at the rear of the skyship, whose activation is indicated by an array of glowing portholes on the tail section, followed by an explosive thrust that propels the vessel forward. I wonder whether the worm-like creature originally inhabiting the magma reservoir beneath Dekropolis could withstand the ignition process! Manoeuvrability is ensured by the eight engine nacelles strategically located at the wing bases and tips. During normal flight, these thrusters are positioned horizontally and the four movable wings are spread open in a distinctive X-shaped configuration, with stabilising energy arcs connecting the pairs of power-sources on either side, maximising stability and lift. However, when engaged in combat, the wings can be locked into a closed attack position, transforming the skyship into a formidable strike aircraft. With a 90° rotation, the eight thrusters acquire a vertical orientation, granting the skyship VTOL capabilities as well as the ability to hover in mid-air. When taking off, landing or remaining in one place in the air or on the ground, the four power-sources and wings/bridges once again align in a front-and-rear configuration. Now, let's take a closer look at the toy.
Skyship - exterior: stretching from stem to stern, the massive (did I mention that it's big?!) metallic light-blue and pearlescent white skyship features a vessel-like hull that bears a front-facing, emerald-hued viewport reminiscent of a watchful eye, surmounted by a fairly long prow similar to a bird's neck (this detail reminds me of the Serenity spacecraft from Firefly). Four pairs of small wing-like retractable structures, resembling oars, adorn the ship's sides, while a saucer-shaped midsection houses the crew's quarters and control centre. A commanding bridge rises from behind the midsection, providing an elevated vantage point for the crew to direct their operations. Completing the skyship's imposing form are a powerful propulsion system at its rear (covered with a number of glow-in-the-dark portholes), and four main wings plus power-sources, each mounted on an additional engine nacelle attached to the midsection. The whole exterior of the ship is covered in sculpted tech-mech details, giving it a sleek and futuristic look: the upper side is adorned with multiple light defence turrets and sensing systems, while the underside boasts an array of small propulsors and GITD thrusters. The skyship's overall design is a cool mix of elements that obviously draw inspiration from iconic sci-fi vessels, like the above-mentioned X-Wing Starfighter and Serenity, plus some other neat ones such as The Gunstar from The Last Starfighter and The Odyssey from Ulysses 31.
Skyship - interior: after removing the five exterior panels on the top of the skyship to reveal the aircraft’s awesome interior, one is immediately struck by the seamless integration of the building's original features into the now airborne vessel. The front section of the ship showcases a cockpit with a seat (which is actually sculpted like two adjacent seats but can only accommodate one figure, whose face aligns with the narrow windshield at the front of the prow) positioned in front of a raised platform, on which a figure can stand to direct operations from behind the pilot. An elliptical floor observation window provides an unobstructed view of the ground and is topped by a 360° rotating, translucent holographic map of Tahron. A roundish double sliding door, once possibly a passage between floors, now serves as a transition point between the main front room and the command centre nestled within the mid-section, which is adorned with intricate sculpted details, including a network of pipes and cables as well as up/down pivoting control panels on consoles along the sides (these enable the deployment of hidden cannons on the ship’s remaining top exterior on the sides). This area also gives access to two smaller armouries flanking the cockpit, which are equipped with folding doors and store an arsenal of included weapons and accessories such as three golden-yellow swords that double as guns (reused from the Enmity Expansion Kit for Tahron) and three red parachute backpacks. Two side doors that once seemingly provided access to the exterior have been converted into floor panels that can be lifted for "maintenance" of the mechanical systems below, fictionally offering convenient entry points to the lower levels of the ship. Moving further into the ship, we encounter a jail cell located towards the rear of the vessel. It has functional shackles on the wall and a sliding prison door with clear yellow-green horizontal bars (probably made of energy) to keep captives secure, while its floor, once the main overhead gate, can serve as a posterior ramp that lowers to deploy an army of Destructomorph Goblins. Finally, the swinging walls that once defined the main building's defence system have been repurposed as storage compartment hatches on either side of the rear ramp, for stowing both explosives (with a sliding mechanisms to drop a set of two-plus-two included bombs on unsuspecting Therioms below) and the two assault vehicles that came with Dekropolis Tower.
Additional towers: the gimmick for this vehicle/playset is that all the bits of the wings, power-sources and thrusters come apart and then can be reassembled in the form of four towers, which can be joined to Dekropolis Tower from the Tahron playset by means of the four metal wing/bridge pieces. It has to be said that this configuration doesn't look fantastic and there's not really a lot to it in terms of playing use.
Each tower consists of four levels: a cruciform base, a mezzanine floor, a first floor equipped with lifting side panels, and a top turret. In its raised position, one side panel serves as a support for one of the bridges, which is loosely connected to the main tower at its opposite end; a finger-operated mechanism can cause the panel to close abruptly, leading to the collapse of the bridge. Without the turret, the tower's top surface can serve as a landing pad for some vehicles (it is indeed a slot for a flight stand on which, for example, a Rotakord can perch). Furthermore, each tower features several plug-in accessories, including a two-bladed, wind mill-like rotor, which also functions as a sort of radar antenna, as well as ventilation apparatuses attached to the front and back of the two upper floors, and a pivoting three-gun cannon that attaches to the top of the first floor. A semi-functional elevator (or rather a small goods lift) slides within the central shaft and is driven by a string and held by a hook. The mezzanine and first floors are additionally connected by two vertical stabilizing panels that also serve as tech-looking ladders. According to the comics, in the past these four towers featured multiple facilities for the shipyard staff, including sleeping quarters, a holodeck interface for advanced simulations, a medical wing, a canteen with a fully stocked kitchen, and a recreation deck equipped with training and leisure amenities. So, on the inner borders of the four mezzanine floors, we find different stickers that remind us of the original facilities that once occupied these spaces.
Transformation of the towers into the skyship wings: when disassembled, the central shaft of each tower transforms into two side jet engines housed in nacelles that are equipped with front-facing turbines derived from the ventilation apparatuses. The three main levels (the base, the mezzanine, which is equipped with wheels on the bottom, and the first floor) combine to form the casing of the power-source, which features rear and side storage compartments. The cargo bay on the back is accessible through a rear hatch and can be used to store the elevator cabin. The lifting side panels provide access to additional storage areas for the stabilising panels/ladders. The top turret attaches to the front of the power-source, forming a tapered nose with an opening panel that reveals a hidden missile launcher (alongside an included separate missile). The front rotating radar antenna attaches to the top, becoming an overhead rotor. The three-gun cannon can be reconfigured into three separate components: a main gun that can be attached to a slot on the front top of the power-source's casing, and two smaller side guns that can be mounted under the nose's two winglets. Finally, one thruster attaches directly to the power-source externally, while the other fastens to the side of the main ship and then connects to the corresponding power-source via a metal bridge/wing piece; the thrusters can be attached either horizontally (with over-and-under wings) for flight mode or vertically (with front-and-rear wings) for VTOL/hovering mode. The flight mode setup is finalised with two translucent yellow-green energy arcs joining the pairs of power-sources on either side as well as with a wheeled (seemingly tracked) landing gear piece plugged into the undercarriage of the ship's main body, to enable it to move smoothly over a flat surface. The VTOL mode is completed with five explosive thruster stands, four plugged in the outer nacelles and one in the ship's underside, to display the skyship as it begins to take flight or land (they can also be used as jet effects in the outer thrusters and in the main propulsion system with the ship in flight mode).

The KR|Horizon Expansion Kit is fully compatible with the previous Tahron board game sets, including the KR|Origin, KR|Enmity and KR|Dimness Expansion Kits. Overall, this awesome set combines the coolness of a vehicle with the fun of a playset. The imposing skyship is the star attraction, and while it has a few minor imperfections, its impressive scale makes it a standout display piece. The transformation feature adds an extra layer of playability, but the towers could benefit from some improvements in their playing use. Still, this is a great set that's worth getting for the ship alone.
Fun fact: in the KR|Echoes of Future series, Silef's waterfront laboratory (which strongly resembles the Black Diamond library building in Copenhagen) is located at the very spot where Dekropolis will be built by the Therioms roughly 560 years later.

Happy holidays!!!

Tuesday 28 November 2023

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #10: Ah-Rak (EoF Edition)

Toy prototype details
Name: Ah-RakTM (EoF Edition), aka Ginger-Bodied Ah-Rak
Subtitle: hideous warrior
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: action figure - Nº 8 in the line.

Character details
Name: Ah-Rak
Classification: arthropod with eurypterid-like traits
Sex: male
Home: Cereutis
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Bogthropod
Rank: colonel general.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Related character(s): Ah-Rak
Character summary: a cunning warrior skilled in survival, who eluded capture after the Grand Resistance's decisive victory over the Bogthropods. Centuries later, magically re-emerging in an altered form, he became a vital ally for the Destructomorphs in their ongoing conflicts with their sworn enemies, the Therioms.

Standard (new scheme), with the addition of a tail, which is a ball jointed separate piece (it features two articulation points, two swivels at about one-third and two-thirds of its length), and four ball hinged arms.

Head: the head resembles the entirety of an arachnid's body and is composed of two parts: the upper part is a dark-blue (almost black) cracked shell/helmet, which carries four shiny dark-blue eyes in the front (two quite large lateral compound eyes and two smaller central eye spots; there are three more structures that look like eye spots, but they are completely black, so they might be different organs, such as chemoreceptors, or just bulges), an orange crest on the top and four pairs of orange spines (curved downward) on the sides; the lower part is orange with a bumpy texture and presents two chelicerae, which terminate in white venomous fangs, near the small mouth and two pretty large pedipalps, which terminate in scorpion pincers, more externally
Body: protected by a segmented orange chitinous exoskeleton with dark-blue (almost black) blotches. His limbs bear spinous ridges running down the sides and end with 2-clawed hands and feet. He also carries an extra chitinous neck piece that fits right on top of the body; this piece is glued on, but it might be possible to pry it off, if one had will to do so
Wearables: a dark-blue armour with metallic dark-blue details (including a Bogthropod emblem, which consists of what looks like a stylised trilobite crossed by three horizontal wavy lines, at the centre), two dark-blue bracelets, two dark-blue calf protectors (with metallised, armoured trimming on the bottom and top edges), a studded dark-blue belt, and a brand-new laminar metallic dark-blue loincloth with a fairly large piece that acts as a belt buckle (though it actually just rests in front of the belt).

Ah-Rak's stylised armour; the circle at the centre of the chest piece represents a Bogthropod symbol.

Action feature
Like with the original figure, most of Ah-Rak's action is strictly related to his body structure, especially his back, which is covered by a chitinous carapace with a cracked and bumpy texture. The colouration of this shell is predominantly dark-blue (almost black) with orange spots along the edges (where it blends nicely with the metallic dark-blue edges of the armour), transitioning into a central area that features an orange hue with dark-blue/blackish blotches. The lower part of the carapace ends with an articulated tail, which terminates in an expanded and flattened structure (reminiscent of a double-bitted axe) with a serrated median keel running down its centre, as well as an elongated spike. The middle part hosts two pairs of additional arthropod-like limbs: the upper pair of these seemingly jointed appendages terminates in a single claw, while the lower pair is partly covered in spines and is modified into a swimming paddle. The uppermost part of the carapace ends with a sort of cannon that fictionally shoots a parasite-like grappling hook, which Ah-Rak uses for climbing or capturing his enemies; this is rendered using a black string, which bears a plug-in element at one end (connecting to the "cannon") and the arachnid looking orange parasite (with four equally spaced, hinged double-leg hooks) at the other end. The carapace can be removed together with the armour and used with most other KR figures, which is a cool display option.

Weapons and accessories
Apart from the above-mentioned plug-in parasite/grapnel, Ah-Rak comes with four nicely designed large scimitars. Each weapon is a repaint of his Foundation sword and has a metallic dark-blue hilt (looking like a square-shaped spider whose back slightly resembles a human skull) and an ornately carved ivory (or maybe bone) blade; Ah-Rak's wrist and shin guards also exhibit a subtle hint of the same ornamentation, which I had never noticed on the original figure. I believe the original concept was for the swords to have off-white hilts and blue blades, but for some unknown reason the colours were eventually swapped. Unfortunately, there's only a small longitudinal slit in the centre of the carapace, accommodating just one stowed scimitar blade (alternatively, you can use the slit to wind the grapnel string around one side of the carapace). On the other hand, each handle was modified with a trefoiled handguard, enabling Ah-Rak to hold the weapon firmly with any of his six hands, regardless of whether they feature one or two claws or a broad, flat extremity.

Together with the action figure we get the first comic issue The secret origin of chaos. Millions of years ago, the Multiversal Balancers from the extra dimension of Cereutis intervened on the land that was later named Tahron, sending miraculous crystals to prompt evolution after the extinction of the giant reptiles. This led to the rise of intelligent, anthropomorphic beings from various species, coexisting harmoniously without conflict. Gladorr, a reptilian inmate with psychic powers, is manipulated by a reptilian faction on Earth's future to alter history. His mission is to empower reptilian civilisations, framing mammalians for a crime and destabilising the interspecific balance. Gladorr's plan begins to unfold successfully when Silef, a reptilian alchemist, becomes embroiled. Silef, influenced by Gladorr, disrupts peace, leading to conflicts and a war between reptilian and mammalian civilisations. The events develop with intricate alliances, battles, and personal vendettas. As the conflict reaches its peak, a resistance led by the brave warrior Catos fights back. Ultimately, after significant destruction, the resistance prevails. Silef, gravely injured, aligns with Gladorr's dark plan by ascending to a demonic form, leaving a lingering impact on both Tahron and Cereutis.

Final thoughts
Overall: this new version of Ah-Rak caters to a specific segment of the KR fandom, giving a cool twist to the original character. The orange hue might be overwhelming for some, but those who are into a hairless look will likely find satisfaction. The figure retains its original quality, but a bit more colour separation in his armour could have elevated its appeal. Still, if you're after something unique for your collection, this Ah-Rak version brings a whole new vibe to a character that's, at least in my book, pretty darn beloved
Rating: ☺☺☺☺☺ / 5

Saturday 28 October 2023

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #9: Multiversal Squires

Toy prototype details
Name: Multiversal SquiresTM
Subtitle: crystalline protectors of Cereutis
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: multi-pack (army builder 3-pack) - Nº 2 in the line.

Character details
Name: unknown
Classification: extradimensional elemental being
Sex: masculine or feminine
Home: Cereutis
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Multiversal Balancers
Rank: esquire.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Character summary: when the Multiversal Balancers saved the multiverse from a trans-universal, potentially annihilation-causing meteoroid, they fortuitously discovered the Faceted Caverns, where an ancient group of warriors, transformed into crystalline beings by nourishing themselves with precious metal from the cavern walls, had been trapped for eons. The Multiversal Knights enlisted these brave rock-like warriors as their squires, who became expertly trained in energy-manipulation combat and skilled in using various pyritizing power weapons. These elite guards defended Cereutis from the menacing Bogthropods and protected the Multiversal Balancers, remaining ever vigilant against dark forces that threatened peace on their world.

Standard (new scheme).

The set includes three figures: one female-looking and two male-looking characters.
Heads: mineral-like, differently coloured (orange and light-green for the male-like figures, light-blue for the female-like one) almost opalescent skin. The head of each figure is also characterised by the presence of a pair of white glowing eyes (except for one of the two male figures, who has a cybernetic implant for a left eye), a protruding chin that makes me think of a beard-like structure (yes, even in the female character), and a metallic purple helmet equipped with nape-, cheek- and nose-pieces as well as an interesting crown of pointed, translucent red gems, which gradually increase in length as they converge toward the centre
Bodies: most of each figure's body shows the same coloured skin seen on the head, which is supposedly made out of a mineral material (referred to as topaz at some point in the comics), so their whole body is given strong lines that make it more geometric than organic, and is speckled with a very fine glitter. Additionally, the left arm wears a purple armband equipped with a short spike
Wearables: each figure wears a metallic red armour with purple details, two narrow ribbed red bracelets, two red boots (each with three short spikes protruding from the shin guard), a red studded belt with a round buckle, and a scale armour purple loincloth. I really like the fact that their costume was given translucent coloured mineral encrustations with some glitter sprinkled inside the plastic (I'll get to that in a minute), and is angular and boxy in design. There's even a short, permanently attached blue cape, which is genuinely very, very cool - it is cast in a clear plastic (so you can kind of see through it), but it is finished in a deep blue pearlescent paint that really sells the gem/mineral effect. The armour is characterised by a high neck, a bright white glow-in-the-dark (GITD) triangle on the breastplate, and a pair of shoulder pads covered in translucent purple crystals. There are more crystals coming out of the back (in red, where the cape attaches to the armour) and boot tops (in purple, forming a pair of knee guards), and their forearms-plus-elbow guards are completely made up of the same red crystals as well.

Multiversal Squire's stylised armour.

Action feature
In the comics, the Multiversal Squires can use different kinds of energy manipulation to battle their enemies. They are able to absorb, convert, emit and deflect both mechanical and electromagnetic energy, either for defence (for example to create an invisible shield around their body or an optical effect that gives them a different appearance) or attack (for example to produce shock waves, heat flows, flashes of light and radio interference). To possess this power, they wear armour enhancements such as a chest plate that can project powerful energy blasts to stun or even disintegrate those who confront them. In each figure, the energy-blasting chest plate is recreated using the above-mentioned GITD triangle.
Additionally, when the Squires utilise their energy-controlling powers, their "skin" changes colouration. Similarly to other figures in the various KR lines, this colour change feature can be achieved using warm water or a hairdryer, which will result in the Squires' bodies (and heads) turning brass-yellow.

Weapons and accessories
The Multiversal Squires come equipped with three weapons, each fictionally capable of transmuting enemies into a substance resembling pyrite. First, there is a staff, whose metallic purple shaft is composed of two distinct sections connected by a handle: the lowermost section has an undulating design, while the uppermost one consists of two curved rods that diverge and then converge toward the head. The head features a GITD disc surrounded by a spinning ring of silver blades, while the opposite end of the pole is intersected by a red crystal shard that vaguely resembles the blade of a scythe. Next, there's a shield that complements the sceptre theme, meaning that it is bordered by the same silver blades and hosts two GITD discs on its triangle-shaped metallic purple plate. Lastly, there is a double-handle, metallic purple gun, whose barrel terminates with a large muzzle equipped, again, with a central GITD disc and encircled by a series of silver spinning blades. In each weapon, the silver blades (which rotate for real on the staff and gun) are reminiscent of the "stag beetle mandible"-shaped blades seen on Krenodos's staff.

Final thoughts
Overall: although some may view them as uninspiring characters and question their existence in the first place, I personally find the Multiversal Squires' colourful presence to be a unique and welcome addition to the KR|EoF lineup. Moreover, the three-pack format, in my opinion, adds to their charm. While not everyone may share my enthusiasm, I'm glad to have them and look forward to more interesting prototypes in the coming months
Rating: ☺☺☺ / 5

Thursday 28 September 2023

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #8: Krenodos

Toy prototype details
Name: KrenodosTM
Subtitle: malevolent Bogthropod overlord
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: action figure - Nº 7 in the line.

Character details
Name: Krenodos
Classification: arthropod with xiphosuran-like traits
Sex: male
Relationships: ancestor of Denortos
Home: Cereutis
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Bogthropod
Rank: army general.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Character summary: the malevolent leader of the Bogthropods, who initially allied with Silef but ultimately fell under his influence when Silef's spirit merged with him, turning him into an even more monstrous and sinister entity. With twisted power at his command, Krenodos led the Bogthropods in an unrelenting war against the Multiversal Balancers, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

Standard (new scheme), with the addition of a hinged lower jaw and a ball jointed tail.

Head: elongated shape, greenish-grey skin, a strip of small rounded protuberances running centrally from the middle of the forehead to the back of the head, two pairs of curved greenish-grey spines pointing backwards where one would expect to find the ears, four orange eyes (two quite large lateral compound eyes topped by jagged brow ridges, and two smaller central eye spots; there is one more central bulge that looks like an eye spot, but it is silver-coloured and might be a different organ, such as a chemoreceptor), two large nostrils, and two rows of sharp, piranha-like whitish teeth lining the jaws
Body: his greenish-grey skin is stretched over a series of bony plates with spine-like tubercles, which are arranged in rings throughout his body, giving it a general segmented, armoured appearance. His limbs sport clawed extremities, while a long tail-spine emerges from under his loincloth and ends in a venomous sting
Wearables: an orange copper armour with light-green details, two orange copper wrist guards (each ornamented with studs and a light-green gemstone), two orange leather shin guards with turn-down tops, a double orange belt (composed of a larger copper belt bearing a four-pointed silver throwing star embossed in the middle, and a smaller loose fitting leather belt underneath) and a fringed light-green loincloth characterised by a porous texture. The armour shows some nice details such as tubes, battle dents and marks, as well as a Bogthropod emblem consisting of what looks like a stylised trilobite crossed by three horizontal wavy lines, whose vibrant blue colour contrasts beautifully against the light-green backdrop of the metal disc in the front.

Krenodos's stylised armour; the circle at the centre of the chest piece represents a Bogthropod symbol.

Action feature
In the comics, apart from having extremely accurate senses owing to his multiple eyes and chemoreceptors, Krenodos is shown to possess the ability to inflict ferocious bites on his enemies. This feature is wonderfully rendered thanks to the spring-loaded lower jaw, which can swing open and then suddenly snap shut like a bear trap.
In addition, this evil guy has the ability to exhale a gas that knocks his enemies unconscious. Since his appearance changes slightly when doing that, the figure comes with an alternative head. In this head, each pair of side spines is swung forward and spread out, forming a "bat wing"-shaped ear with a number of fissures, through which the gas is sprayed. Although this head lacks a hinged lower jaw, it stinks... literally! I don't know what the guys at PoliganToys added to the plastic to make it smell like wet soil, but if the intention was to replicate the knockout gas, well, they perfectly succeeded.

Weapons and accessories
Apart from his alternate head, Krenodos comes with a multi-bladed light-green staff. This is beautifully sculpted and has two "stag beetle mandible"-shaped orange copper blades at the sides of each end. In the comics, this pole can transform into a three-section staff, i.e., a weapon that is composed of a longer central stick and a shorter flail head on each end. The toy weapon can separate into three staffs, which are subsequently connected by two additional silver-coloured real metal chains.

Final thoughts
Overall: if you're not particularly fond of what looks like a faded version of Denortos, that's OK! This Cereutian creature remains an excellent prototype. If one happened to miss out on the Origin Denortos release, perhaps considering repainting this guy would help fill a slot in their collection. He's a solid figure with the extra bonuses of interchangeable heads and a transforming weapon, which add to his coolness. While he does have a few minor sculpt issues (for starters, I wish he had a bendy tail), I'm generally quite satisfied with him
Rating: ☺☺☺☺ / 5

Monday 28 August 2023

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #7: Taragas

Toy prototype details
Name: TaragasTM
Subtitle: respected commission head
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: action figure - Nº 6 in the line.

Character details
Name: Taragas
Classification: rodent mammal
Sex: male
Home: Idakarr (Tahron's former name)
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Interspecific Commission
Rank: first secretary.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Character summary: the charismatic and wise leader of the Interspecific Commission, who decided to retire after a lifetime dedicated to fostering peace and unity among diverse beings. While Veen-Ak appeared as the natural successor, Gladorr's influence on Silef brought uncertainty to the commission's future. During a fight with Silef in the Quartz Tower, Veen-Ak desperately tried to contain the damage by courageously deflecting a large quartz crystal shard, but Taragas was tragically killed in the process. From then on, he carried out his purpose as a divine presence.

Standard (new scheme), with the addition of a pair of pivoting ears.

Head: broad (sort of square-shaped) with a short muzzle, covered in short and shaggy greyish-brown hair that is grizzled with black and white. He has large, rounded ears that are positioned laterally on the head (pointing downwards by default, but can be oriented in any directions) and are covered in fine, pinkish hair, while his eyes are small and black, and are topped by bushy eyebrows. He also has long whiskers that grow from his cheeks as well as a very long, fine beard that is tied with a brown string near the tip. The upper incisors, which are sharp and yellowish, faintly project over the lower lip. I was bit worried that he would look like a cross between TMNT Splinter and Mickey Mouse, but thankfully he doesn't
Body: covered from neck to ankle with a very elegant kamishimo. His clawed hands and feet (the latter being longer, thinner and more robust, although mostly concealed by the garment) exhibit a grey-pink and hairless (except for a fuzz of greyish-brown hairs on the backs and insteps) complexion. Additionally, a lengthy tail, which is covered in greyish scales arranged in overlapping rings, emerges from under his hakama-like skirt (the non-articulated tail is actually part of the skirt's sculpt)
Wearables: a regal purple kimono accented by mid-brown leather collar, lapels, armbands, cuffs and hem, a light-brown hakama with purple trimmings towards the hem (designed with a central slit to allow for leg movement), and an open, dark-brown kataginu, i.e., a long sleeveless jacket with exaggerated shoulders pads (made from overlapping bands of leather). The thigh-length kimono is wrapped across the chest with the left side overlaying the right, and is tied closed by a mid-brown frog fastener; however, although the garment is secured by a purple waist sash, the lower torso remains uncovered, revealing a light-brown shirt adorned with a dark-brown shoulder belt that runs across the abdomen. Beneath the long, wide sleeves it's possible to glimpse two square metallic purple wrist guards (reused from K'Ran). Adding a touch of intrigue to his outfit, a silver key dangles from the right side of the belt (is it the key to the Quartz Tower?)

Weapons and accessories
While Taragas lacks an action feature (his sole strength appears to be his great wisdom), he does come with a cool staff-like accessory. The shaft is composed of four distinct metallic purple sections, interconnected by three mid-brown leather fittings (the central fitting serves as a comfortable grip). The lowermost section bears a resemblance to a painted wooden stick; the second section displays an arrangement of small prism-shaped elements in rows; the third section shows a unique construction, with two rods elegantly entwined; finally, the uppermost section features a double-bitted bronze battle-axe (with an interesting mechanised look), crowned by a spearhead crafted from quartz. Actually, a part of the final section (comprising the upper halves of the axe blades and the spearhead) can rotate 90°, forming a five-pronged head. This configuration represents the staff of authority and only transforms into a weapon when necessary.
Finally, the figure includes a separate crown that, in the comics, Taragas dons after raising to a divine form. This crown is a relatively simple bronze piece adorned with four prongs encircling a purple field (basically a tall cap) topped by a bronze spike. Although it doesn't fit tightly on the figure's head but simply rests atop it, the crown stays securely in place.

Final thoughts
Overall: Taragas is definitely an impressive figure. His attire is excellent and his sculpt is top notch, making for a fantastic looking figure. I can't help but wish that he featured an articulated tail though, as its absence restricts his ability to strike some cool dynamic poses, which is a tad frustrating. Nonetheless, he remains a standout in the line thanks to his exceptional quality and distinctive design
Rating: ☺☺☺☺ / 5

Friday 28 July 2023

KR|Horizon Review #30: Combining Cyborg (SDCC 2023 Exclusive)

The Combining Cyborg made its debut in the first issue of the KR|Horizon comic book series as a transitional character, introducing fans to the mecha-centred atmosphere of that line. When combined, the Cyborg itself takes on the appearance of a mecha and consists of three individual characters: Xonedar, Tang-Lha and Wrapthur.

Now, fast forward to the present time, when PoliganToys has decided to release a large-scale Combining Cyborg action figure at SDCC 2023! Up until this point, we only had the three separate figures I mentioned earlier (with only a few Horizon-accurate alternative parts for Xonedar). Having put my hands on this new figure, I can honestly say it is i-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-e!

Toy prototype details
Name: Combining Cyborg
Subtitle: hyper-technological giant warrior
Line: KR|Horizon
Item type: large scale figure - Nº 3 in the line.

Characters details
Names: Xonedar, Wrapthur and Tang-Lha
Classification: partially humans
Sex: males and female
Home: Tahron
Era: 15 years after Foundation
Affiliation: Theriom
Rank: colonel and lieutenant colonels.

First appearance: KR|Horizon #1 - The Destructomorph legacy
Brief bio: two former Troopers who had displayed unwavering loyalty to Senior Minister Tir-Hing, Tang-Lha and Wrapthur were among the most valuable members of the Theriom Armed Forces thanks to their intelligence and incredible fighting skills. Always eager to carry out their mission without question, the two soldiers were seriously injured and almost killed during the first battle of Ra-Hal. They were eventually healed by their mentor and, in a way, adoptive father Colonel Xonedar, who transformed and grafted their bodies with cybernetic parts by encasing each of their cells into a microscopic robotic structure, a technology previously invented by and applied to Xonedar himself. By adjusting the properties of those techno-elements in their bodies, Tang-Lha and Wrapthur gained the ability to shape their physical forms into a plethora of highly advanced devices for use in battle. Equipped with multi-optic visors that could effortlessly see through any structures and a wealth of built-in capture weaponry that could subdue any adversaries, the two warriors were soon back in the forefront of the defences of the Republic of Tahron, now providing an outstanding service to Senior Minister Desion. When confronted by particularly tough opponents, Tang-Lha and Wrapthur could even merge with Xonedar to form a towering mecha endowed with tremendous robotic strength, which would allow the Therioms to win in any combat situations.

Standard (new scheme).

With an adequate height of 30 cm (approximately 12''), this figure displays an extraordinary construction that incorporates numerous die-cast metal parts. Its articulation is equally remarkable, allowing for seamless movement and posing to recreate a wide range of dynamic battle scenes, giving the figure a lifelike appearance.
Speaking of meticulous attention to detail, this figure takes it to a whole new level. Every inch of its body is adorned with intricate sculpting and impeccable paintwork. From the amazingly designed circuitry patterns on its limbs to the prominent bolts accentuating its shoulder and elbow articulation, this figure captivates the eye with its awe-inspiring look. It faithfully replicates the appearance of the three individual figures that serve as its components (a detailed description of how they combine is in my review of Tang-Lha & Wrapthur), featuring armoured forearms, thigh pads and lower legs complete with knee guards. The paint job is also exceptional, with metallic red coating on its legs, glossy black on its abdomen and arms, and metallic blue on its head and chest. The addition of silver accents throughout (mostly on the mid torso, hips and the above-mentioned armoured parts) further enhances its visual appeal, adding a touch of brilliance to this already impressive masterpiece.
The figure's ball-jointed head draws inspiration from the iconic mouth-shielded face of Xonedar, but with a more mecha-like twist. Borrowing elements from CoBoN's robotic head design, this portrait exudes a coolness factor, complete with a crown of silver horns that make a bold statement.

Action feature
In my previous review, I described how the three cyborg characters, Tang-Lha, Wrapthur and Xonedar, combine to create this ultimate mecha warrior (their fusion reminds me a lot of Saikyo Robo Daioja). When they merge, their respective chest reactors are placed in unique positions: Wrapthur 's reactor finds its place on the waist/groin area, Tang-Lha's one is split into two parts, positioned on the inner sides of the feet, and Xonedar's one dominates the chest region, its appearance enhanced by its larger size. The real showstopper, though, is the amazing light-and-sound feature embedded within this large chest reactor. Powered by a battery and activated by a button on the back, the Combining Cyborg comes alive with dazzling red-and-green lights and futuristic blasting/whirring sounds. For those who prefer a different experience, the cyborg comes with the option to replace the LED chest reactor with an inactive one, featuring a lenticular sticker instead. The process is simple - by detaching the chest plate, you'll unveil an internal arrangement of colourful non-moving parts such as gears, turbines and tubes, and will be able to disconnect the electronic assembly and attach the alternative piece.

Weapons and accessories
Similarly to its smaller counterparts, the Combining Cyborg also includes multiple silver-coloured (with a dark sheen) interchangeable weapon attachments that can replace its left hand. These consist of a rocket-shaped cannon, a grabber with four gripping jaws arranged in an X shape, and a cylindrical drill bit. It also comes with two handheld weapons such as a sort of trident-halberd, which is made up of a long dark-blue shaft and a double bitted silver battle-axe topped with a silver spear spike, and a round, fan-like laser shield with a mostly translucent yellow disc, which is seemingly produced by the unfolding silver blade of a machete-like sword. All these accessories are reminiscent of some of the weapons that came with Tang-Lha & Wrapthur, but they are of course much larger and more detailed.
Last but not least, there's an alternate faceplate that bears an exposed steel mouth, i.e., without the regular mouth shield. Replacing the faceplate is a piece of cake, but popping off the head from the ball joint takes a bit of effort. Even though all these pieces are included, most of them are never seen in the comics.

Final thoughts
Overall: this is an exceptional toy, a true marvel of engineering and design. Standing tall and boasting awesome articulation, sculpt and paint job, the Combining Cyborg is a must-have for any KR collector or fan. This figure seamlessly combines the best of three characters into a masterful creation. The light-and-sound feature elevates the play experience to another level, and the ability to switch to an alternate chest reactor is a thoughtful addition. Update: I heard rumours that there may even be a rare chase variant with switched colours of the chest and legs (inspired by the incorrect colour scheme appearing in a concept design), making this collectible even more desirable!
Rating: ☺☺☺☺☺ / 5

Wednesday 28 June 2023

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #6: Dreanogs

Toy prototype details
Name: DreanogsTM
Subtitle: lethal techno-invertebrate annihilators
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: multi-pack (army builder 3-pack) - Nº 1 in the line.

Character details
Name: unknown
Classification: arthropod with tardigrade-like traits
Sex: male or female
Home: Cereutis
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Bogthropod
Rank: frontline soldier.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Character summary: a swarm of techno-invertebrates deployed by Silef and KrenodosTM, the masterminds behind the Multiversal Balancers' demise. These agile soldiers crawled as lookouts and guides for their masters, delivering punishment to the people of Cereutis and Idakarr. Equipped with built-in tech armour and a deadly arsenal of laser blasters, orientable cannons and heavy clubs, they fearlessly carried out any order, even resorting to self-destruction, making them relentless frontline combatants.

The Dreanogs' articulation scheme differs from the standard one significantly and is the following:
  • shoulder (ball hinged, x4)
  • elbow (ball hinged, x2)
  • wrist (swivel + hinged -for left wrist front-to-back movement and right wrist side-to-side movement-, x2)
  • waste (swivel)
  • hip (ball hinged, x2)
  • knee (swivel, x2)
  • ankle (double hinged -for both front-to-back and rocking movements-, x2)
  • tail (swivel)

Each Dreanog features a spheroidal body, which is small in size, yet infused with menacing elements.
The head/torso is enclosed in a striking tech armour, predominantly flat red with metallic accents, showcasing a futuristic design. Standing out prominently at the centre of the armour's front opening is a large, dark-green chitinous face (bearing numerous details such as cracks and bumps), which surrounds a single circular dark-red structure resembling a compound eye, giving it a frightening and otherworldly aura. At the heart of this eye-like structure lies a tubular mouth equipped with ten small, sharp whitish teeth, ready to deliver a fierce bite. At the centre of the action figure's "forehead", sits a headband that features a prominent Bogthropod emblem consisting of what looks like a stylised trilobite crossed by three horizontal wavy lines, and whose vibrant blue colour contrasts beautifully against the red backdrop of the figure's armour. The three longitudinal lobes of the symbol, whose lengths vary (with the central section being the longest), are embossed onto the surface of the headband and symbolise power, agility, and a relentless spirit.
Three pairs of stocky limbs and a stubby tail protrude from the armour, all covered in segmented, spiny dark-green chitinous plating. Apart from the two main arms and the two legs, the figure boasts two additional smaller arms that end with sharp, barbed whitish blades, perfect for close combat encounters.
Adorning the main arms are eye-catching red shoulder pads, while the hands and feet display pairs of red armoured, robotic gauntlets and boots, which feature spiked cuffs and tops, and are equipped with eight digits each (divided in two groups of five and three long sharp claws respectively, giving each extremity a grapple rake-like appearance). One distinct feature of the Dreanog's outfit is its red waist-belt, which includes a cool rectangular lenticular sticker (giving an illusion of coursing sound waves) on the buckle, providing the figure with an extra touch of technological sophistication and suggesting its ability to analyse and interact with its surroundings.

Action feature
The Dreanogs bring an array of exciting features to our playtime adventures. First, each figure's face is ingeniously designed to spin vertically - the dome-shaped armour effectively conceals the mechanics responsible for this face-switching action, but there are visible knobs on the sides, where the arm holes are located. By turning these knobs, you can seamlessly switch between different face options. Apart from the regular face with the compound eye, there is a large human-like bloodshot eyeball with a red iris and a black pupil, while the third portrait is a cool robotic face; the last features a sleek silver panel adorned with intricate copper highlights resembling circuitry patterns, at the very centre of which is a circular white structure reminiscent of a cluster of photo detectors; this eye-like structure opens into a triradiate, Y-shaped aperture that reveals a black background, at the core of which lies a round blue hollow similar to the lens of a camera.
Furthermore, the three Dreanogs are designed to connect with one another to create different combat formations. They can be joined front-to-back, utilising two ball jointed connection pieces seemingly derived from the extending robotic faces, to form a centipede-like configuration. Alternatively, they can be connected top-to-bottom, using the same pieces that in this case replace the fictionally retractable lower body and form some sort of counter-gravity field generators, to construct an impressive living tower.

Weapons and accessories
Apart from the two extra connection pieces, the Dreanogs come with four accessories that can be used across the three figures. First and foremost, a formidable mace can be wielded to deliver devastating blows to their adversaries. The mace features a reddish-brown wooden head reinforced by metallic red tech parts, such as spikes and a side axe blade. The combination of the organic material and technological enhancements creates a striking visual contrast, highlighting the Dreanogs' unique blend of monstrous and futuristic elements.
Additionally, an alternative snap-on emblem that fits perfectly on the "forehead" of any one of the three figures provides us with even more display options. After removing the standard-looking crest described above, the second one enables us to recreate the character's ability to unleash devastating energy beams. This accessory features an energy blast effect moulded in translucent blue plastic, accentuated with orangish-yellow paint applications at the end.
Finally, we get a pair of long silver bendy appendages that resemble mechanical tentacles, seemingly emerging from the figure's back (where in fact they plug into two well-suited quadrangular sockets). Each appendage ends in a gun with a rectangular barrel (which is taller than it is wide), designed to surprise enemies and keep them at bay.

Final thoughts
Overall: the Dreanogs 3pk is an absolute must-have for potential collectors and fans of the Echoes of Future line. These soldiers may be small in size, but they pack a punch with their unique design, intimidating presence and a fun action feature
Rating: ☺☺☺☺☺ / 5

Sunday 28 May 2023

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #5: Veen-Ak

Toy prototype details
Name: Veen-AkTM
Subtitle: valiant shapeshifting fighter
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: action figure - Nº 5 in the line.

Character details
Name: Veen-Ak
Classification: mammal of uncertain group
Sex: male
Home: Idakarr (Tahron's former name)
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Interspecific Commission
Rank: envoy.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Character summary: one of the three commendable envoys of the Interspecific Commission and the likely successor to the ageing TaragasTM, who was ready to pass on the leadership torch. When the evil forces led by the revengeful Silef gained control of Idakarr, Veen-Ak was unjustly imprisoned, while his companions secretly formed a resistance and eventually managed to set him free after years of conflict.

Standard (new scheme).

Head: human-like in appearance (although it reminds me of a mix of a Vulcan and a Klingon), characterised by a light-greenish hue to the skin, pointy ears, a series of horizontal ridges on the forehead and on the bridge of the nose between the eyes, long pearl-grey hair, arched and upswept pearl-grey eyebrows extending much beyond the eyes, pearl-grey facial hair suggestive of an Asian style (including long, thin moustaches), irregular and prominent teeth. His hair and facial hair (including the eyebrows) have black tips, while his eyes are deep blue and are said to possess an inner eyelid, which protects Veen-Ak's vision from bright light
Body: light-greenish skin, partially exposed torso and arms
Wearables: a short-sleeved orange vest with shoulder pads, double bracers and boots (each composed of a yellow-orange leather covering fastened with laces, and an overlapping brownish-orange copper wrist/shin guard ornamented with studs, engraved patterns and amber gemstones; interestingly, the shin guards predominantly cover the calves rather than the shins), a brownish-orange leather belt equipped with a metallic yellow-orange buckle, and a pair of off-white trousers. The vest falls just below the hips, features a stand-up mandarin collar and is open on the chest (although the two sides of the vertical opening on the front are loosely joined with an off-white leather string and secured by the belt at the waist), exposing a yellow-orange amber pendant on a brownish-orange leather string worn round the neck.

Action feature
In the comics, Veen-Ak is highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship, enabling him to defeat even the most highly skilled fighters.
Additionally, he possesses a unique ability to transform rapidly into any mammal he is familiar with, although he tends to favour the form of a jackal. Surprisingly, his clothes are capable of shapeshifting with him, allowing him to morph effortlessly between animal and humanoid forms. While transformed into an animal, Veen-Ak gains all the physical abilities and characteristics of that species, while retaining his human-like intellect and memories, but losing the ability to speak. This remarkable body structure also enables him to heal from wounds, burns, and broken bones in a matter of seconds. The figure accomplishes this transformation feature with a separate jackal figure that is fully articulated (i.e., has ball jointed upper neck and tail, hinged lower neck, swivel shoulders and hips, swivel-hinged elbows and knees), plus some part-swapping. The base colour of the jackal's pelt is reddish-brown to tan, which is particularly pronounced on the flanks and legs. A buff-grey saddle intermixed with silvery hair extends from the shoulders to the base of the tail. Two long, dark-grey stripes extending along the flanks separate the saddle from the rest of the body. Two additional light-grey, almost silver stripes are present on the flanks, running from elbow to hip. The throat, chest, and inner surfaces of the limbs are also light-grey, while the bushy tail is black with a light-grey tip. His eyes remain blue regardless of the form he takes. An alternative head, a pair of full alternative arms and a pair of alternative lower legs (from the boot-cut down) can be used with the humanoid figure to simulate a mid-transformation stage. These body parts display a furry texture, a prognathous and toothed snout, and clawed extremities with colours that match the animal figure, although the alternate arms only have furry forearms (but no sleeves). After removing Veen-Ak's standard arms, the exposed arm-sockets allow for detaching the two shoulder pads, which partly fit in the sockets, and revealing a pair of tattered armholes. The jackal figure's tail can be detached and connected to the humanoid figure using a socket that is concealed under a flap on the back of the trousers. Originally, the plan was to include an overlay that would combine the partially transformed head and chest into a single translucent piece. This piece would then be placed over the figure's front upper body after removing the vest, simulating the early stages of the character's mutation. While it's unfortunate that there isn't an option to display the transformation of the torso, I'm pleased that the designers at PoliganToys chose to pursue the alternate head approach instead.

Weapons and accessories
Apart from the alternate jackal parts and figure, Veen-Ak comes with his signature translucent white jian, a double-edged straight sword fictionally crafted entirely from a shard of milky quartz.

Final thoughts
Overall: Veen-Ak is set to make a lasting impact on fans and ignite countless discussions in the years to come, as his portrayal as the ultimate background character is quite extraordinary. It's evident that he was originally intended for further development, positioned as a devoted sidekick to his fellow envoys and the likely new leader of the Interspecific Commission. Personally, I appreciate his appealing look and abilities, and even if his characterisation may not resonate with everyone, he shines as a great warrior. Whether employed as a cunning spy thanks to his shapeshifting powers, a skilled melee fighter with his trusty quartz sword, or a humble counterpart to the confident Catos, this figure is a great addition to the line
Rating: ☺☺☺☺ / 5

Saturday 29 April 2023

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #4: Gladorr

Toy prototype details
Name: GladorrTM
Subtitle: scheming reptilian time-traveller
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: action figure - Nº 4 in the line.

Character details
Name: Gladorr
Classification: reptile of uncertain group
Sex: male
Home: North America
Era: Earth's 21st century (later transported to ancient Idakarr - 570 years before Foundation)
Affiliation: CorpSTar
Rank: mercenary.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Character summary: a grotesque 21st-century reptilian inmate with psychic powers, native to the Great Lakes region of North America. After a supermajor energy company had stripped his homeland of its resources to fuel the world's largest hydroelectric dam, Gladorr joined a revolutionary movement against the construction of the facility. As a creature dependent on the native waters of the lakes, he could only survive in dry environments with the help of a containment/powered suit designed by the movement's leader. Eventually, Gladorr became one of the leader's most trusted warriors in their fight against the energy company. However, when the company's CEO began to manipulate the leader, he was forced out of the movement's inner circle. Feeling disillusioned, Gladorr turned to a life of crime to survive and spent a considerable time in prison. Facing a death sentence, he was given the chance to regain his freedom by working for the tech giant CorpSTar. Despite their questionable intentions, the company's promise to clear his name swayed Gladorr to join their cause and help them alter history. Sent to the past, he initially clashed with Silef, but later formed a tentative alliance with him, using his telepathic abilities to manipulate him towards his own goals. Despite Silef's demise, Gladorr continued to operate, using the former envoy's legacy to further CorpSTar's plans.

Standard (new scheme).

Head: his head has a peculiar appearance, similar to a fungal growth - it has a domed cap on a thick stalk, with a pair of ears shaped like bat wings extending from the cap and a large single eye in between the cap and the stalk. The skin covering this structure is scaly, bumpy and greenish, while the eyeball is painted in a glossy amber colour with a slit-shaped dark vertical pupil. He wears a glass-dome helmet fictionally filled with liquid, possibly to facilitate breathing
Body: scaly, bumpy/warty greenish skin, webbed clawed hands and feet. His slender limbs are supported by blocky midnight-blue components of a powered exoskeleton, which are adorned with white cables connecting the upper and lower parts of the limbs and transparent piston chambers seemingly containing a reddish liquid. These actuators run from the shoulders down to the forearms and from the thighs down to the calves. He carries an extra neck piece that fits right on top of the body (it is glued on, but it might be possible to pry it off if one had will to do so) and looks like a tangle of scaly tentacles, possibly merging into the head's stalk
Wearables: an off-white (i.e., a white colour with a slight greyish tinge resembling tarnished silver) armour with midnight-blue details, two off-white bracers (each made up of three metal bands), two off-white shin/knee/instep guards featuring fins at the sides, an off-white belt and midnight-blue trunks. All these elements combine to create a cohesive, cyber/armoured look. The armour, which is really detailed and has some great paint applications, appears to function as a type of containment/powered suit, with the actuators fastening to various points on Gladorr's body, such as the shoulder, wrist, thigh and shin guards. On the back, the armour bears a backpack adorned with tubes (two of which seemingly connect to the armour near the flanks, while two others look like exhaust pipes), four white wires running to the actuators (they can be unplugged from the shoulders and thighs), and an offset tank, indicating that there is quite a lot of technology behind this creature's health maintenance. One thing I really like are the various thermionic valves here and there on the backpack, which are different sizes and filled with different little electrodes - they look great and really add a further dose of detail and coolness to the figure.

Gladorr's stylised armour.

Action feature
In the comics, Gladorr possesses limited psychic powers typical of his species, which include the ability to move objects with his mind as well as the ability to read the thoughts of others and communicate with them mentally, or even influence their thoughts and emotions to some extent. He can also temporarily weaken his enemies during combat by targeting their nervous system, causing dizziness, disorientation, or even paralysis for a short time. Additionally, his powered suit grants him superhuman strength, enabling him to lift heavy objects and hold his own against even the most powerful foes. The suit also provides Gladorr with enhanced durability, protecting him from physical harm.
However, his head is permanently encased in a glass dome full of the lakes' waters on which he depends to survive. The figure has a unique feature that allows you to fill its dome with water. The dome, which is securely attached to the armour with a screw cap mechanism to prevent any leakage, covers the head of the figure, which is connected to the armour by a ball joint. You can even add a few drops of an included colourant to the water, to achieve a comic-accurate pinkish hue. Of course, when the dome is fixed in place, it makes it impossible for the figure's head to move in any direction. Fortunately, the dome can always be easily unscrewed without affecting the figure's ability to hold water. It's worth noting that while the water feature adds to the figure's fun factor, it has the potential to damage the head's paint or leave limescale marks.

Weapons and accessories
Gladorr comes with an impressive cannon that fits snugly into his hands. This heavy, massive metallic midnight-blue firearm (with some white accents) features a fairly long rectangular barrel (which is taller than it is wide) ending in a squircular muzzle (complete with two fin-shaped axe blades on either side), which in the comics has the ability to shoot deadly blasts of plasma. The bulky, hi-tech main body of the weapon is equipped with a rear grip extending from the butt, an L-shaped fore grip (i.e., with a handle sticking off the side for two-handed firing), and a longitudinal drum magazine embedded in the rear part. Additionally, the cannon includes an attached tank, similar to the one on the backpack, that is connected to the barrel via a white tube. The barrel and the butt of the weapon are connected by a black pliable baldric that doubles as an ammo belt, retaining and feeding special yellow cartridges into the drum magazine (the plasma blasts are apparently created through the interaction between the content of the cartridges and the gas supplied by the tank). It is definitely an oddly shaped weapon, but it does add a cool extra element to Gladorr's hi-tech equipment. The ability to hold it in both hands also adds to its practicality, making it easier for the figure to carry it... it's clear that functionality was a top priority in its design, and that's something I can definitely dig.
The figure also includes an alternative portrait that shows a slightly different, angrier "expression" (in the comics, Gladorr speaks by moving his eye in a manner similar to that of a mouth).

Final thoughts
Overall: this figure is an impressive addition to the KR|Echoes of Future line, featuring a unique and detailed design that captures the essence of the character in the comics. Gladorr is a well-crafted figure that fans of the KR universe will appreciate for sure. However, the potential risks of damaging the figure when filling the dome with water may dissuade some collectors to use this feature altogether
Rating: ☺☺☺☺ / 5

Tuesday 28 March 2023

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #3: Catos

Toy prototype details
Name: CatosTM
Subtitle: brave resistance leader
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: action figure - Nº 3 in the line.

Character details
Name: Catos
Classification: human
Sex: male
Relationships: father of Tah-Ron and ancestor of the Amhalgaard family
Home: Idakarr (Tahron's former name)
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Interspecific Commission
Rank: envoy.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Character summary: a respected member of the Interspecific Commission and a skilled archer, swimmer and inventor. After becoming the brave leader of the Grand Resistance, he fell in love with Lemu-RhaTM and had a son named Tah-Ron, whom he entrusted to the KimarhanTM tribe for his safety during the war against Silef.

Standard (new scheme), except that the right hand is especially engineered with a hinge to hold an arrow.

Head: light brown skin, green eyes, and a black stubble in which the moustache is disconnected from the lower beard line. He wears a pair of golden earrings and a turban-like white headdress secured with a colour-changing gem in front (this is normally golden-yellow, but if you dip a finger in warm water and then touch it, the gem will become purple). The daring expression on his face emphasizes his resemblance to Masq-Lor
Body: light brown skin, partially exposed torso and arms. He wears a taupe necklace with a gold medallion resembling the Interspecific Commission emblem, i.e., a misshapen concave-sided rhombus. His arms are partially covered by wide white sleeves (each has a slit that goes from the cuff all the way up to the elbow, exposing the forearms completely), while his legs are covered by wide white trousers tucked into the boots (each leg is adorned with an intricate golden side band reminiscent of traditional oriental motifs)
Wearables: a pearlescent white vest (whose edges are adorned with oriental-inspired, flowing line golden patterns) worn with the front open, two wrist guards consisting of multiple brown leather straps that are stitched together and secured by golden buckles, two dark-grey boots (each featuring a turndown top, a golden-jewelled tongue, brown laces and intricate brown stitches at the welt), and a zebra-like (i.e., with taupe-and-gold stripes) sash round the waist. It looks like the material used to make the vest is distinct from the material used for the sleeves, suggesting that the vest is worn over an unbuttoned shirt. The figure also wears a removable brown leather harness composed of two shoulder straps that converge on the right side of a waist strap; the back includes a rucksack, a quiver with sculpted arrows, two straps that secure a sculpted rope, and a clip for stowing a separate bow, while the front features a sheath holding a sculpted horn-handled knife on the larger shoulder strap, as well as two pouches for storing small tools on the sides of the waist strap.

Action feature
In the comics, Catos is accompanied by a snake-like golden underwater robotic beast of his own creation (unofficially named Kimaerha), which has a slender, elongated body, a bulbous snout with white glowing eyes, a long whip-like tail, and a set of fin-like structures: two dorsal fins spaced widely apart (a large triangular first dorsal fin with an erect spine on the front edge, and a low rectangular second dorsal fin), two pectoral fins (large enough to generate lift), two smaller pelvic fins, and a caudal fin divided into two lobes, the top one being larger, tapered and inclined upwards. When Catos is in danger, the creature activates (an act usually accompanied by purple light emitted by the jewel on Catos's headdress, hence the colour-changing feature), emerging from the water and dismantling the forepart of its body, to generate a high-tech suit of powered armour around Catos's body: the snout becomes a full face, seemingly flip-up helmet, the neck splits into two spaulders, the chest becomes a cuirass, the pectoral fins break down into rerebraces and gauntlets, and the first dorsal fin produces a longbow, while the rest of the creature incorporates Catos's lower body from the waist down. When in use, the suit grants Catos several abilities, and can reconfigure itself to produce a wide array of weapons; the most common functions consist in super-fast swimming by generating waves that travel the length of the tail fin, increased strength and endurance, energy shield generation, blasts/beams creation via the gauntlets, enhanced senses via the helmet, and production of a set of trident-shaped powered arrows (which can be shot with the longbow) via the spaulders. On dry land, the lower part of the suit can free Catos's legs while equipping them with thigh guards and shin guards. So, the figure comes with a plethora of extra pieces for changing Catos from his basic look to his enhanced form. Firstly, there are two alternative heads with the golden helmet closed and open. When closed, the helmet bears a fin-like crest from front to back, a chin bar and a face shield for absorbing impacts, and resembles a humanoid face (with purple glowing eyes) framed by what looks like the robotic creature's mouth. Its chin bar and face shield can be fictionally pivoted upwards to reveal most of Catos's face, as in an open-faced helmet. His battle outfit comes in the form of a cuirass (replacing the removable vest and harness) and two alternative armoured arms. The golden cuirass with pearlescent white details is not a completely new item, as it is mostly reused from Combat Masq-Lor. It's a two-piece armour that features the Kimarhan/Grand Resistance symbol (i.e., a laterally stretched, 14-rayed golden-yellow Vergina Sun symbol, from which the Theriom emblem derives) and functions like the above-mentioned Masq-Lor figure, where the armoured chest panels swap out. Catos has three newly made panels, the second of which depicts purple cracks forming across the symbol (indicating energy shield/blast projection), while the third one features some damage across the emblem. The arms, on the other hand, are reused from the enhanced form of Myneran and display various golden-and-white pieces of armour such as spaulders, rerebraces and gauntlets. Finally, there are two alternate lower sections that replace the regular legs and attach to the upper body by a peg at the waist: one with the robotic tail fin and one with armoured legs. The tail fin has amazing tech-mech details, golden paint deco, and articulation in three parts (hinged crotch, swivel-hinged "knees" and swivel-hinged tail fin). The second type of armoured lower body is human-like and is reused from Myneran too. It features two criss-crossed studded belts as well as pairs of tassets, thigh guards and boots with knee/shin guards, all with the same golden-and-white colour scheme and intricate decorative details as the upper limbs. The small gem-ornamented Theriom emblems on the wrist and knee guards have been retooled into Kimarhan symbols, while the little gaps here and there reveal pearlescent white chain mail details beneath the armour.

Catos's stylised alternative cuirass; the oval at the centre of the breastplate represents the Kimarhan symbol.

Weapons and accessories
Apart from the wealth of interchangeable parts, Catos comes with two longbows. The first one is for his basic form and consists of a large, nicely shaped brown wooden cable-backed bow with off-white leather strips wrapped around the grip and the ends of the limbs, and a taupe bow string. This bow is reinforced with a brown tensioned cable along the face of it, and is complemented by a long brown wooden arrow with off-white fletching and a pointed dark-grey head. The second longbow is for Catos's enhanced form and consists of a beautifully sculpted golden bow (with a white "energy" string) fictionally derived from the spined dorsal fin of the robotic creature, and is accompanied by a golden arrow whose head has protrusions on the sides, giving it the look of an H-shaped trident (the arrowhead is flanked by two barbed prongs extending side by side with both the central pointed tip and part of the shaft).
Furthermore, we get a translucent purple blast effect for Catos's enhanced form, which is attached to an alternative open hand that replaces the default bow-drawing hand.
The final accessory is the robotic creature's foremost body! Made from the same golden-painted plastic and equipped with white glow-in-the-dark eyes, this piece attaches to the tail fin, to assemble the full Kimaerha figure. Also, included with the figure is the water-looking, articulated posing stand that was used for Xehrea. It has a sort of clamp for the robotic tail, which allows either the creature or Catos to be displayed in a few different swimming poses.

Final thoughts
Overall: Catos is simply epic! He's a really cool looking figure that is tons of fun. Lots of accessories, a great action feature, and plenty of play value. However, there are two areas where the toy could be improved, both of which were featured in the comics. I would have loved to see an additional head with Catos's thick black hair exposed, or perhaps a removable turban on the regular head. Also, it would be great if the trident-arrow could attach in some way to either shoulder pads. Despite these minor shortcomings, I'm really excited to see what this line has in store for us in the future
Rating: ☺☺☺☺ / 5

Tuesday 28 February 2023

KR|"Echoes of Future" Review #2: Silef

Toy prototype details
Name: SilefTM
Subtitle: revengeful reptilian alchemist
Line: KR|Echoes of Future
Item type: action figure - Nº 2 in the line.

Character details
Name: Silef
Classification: reptile of uncertain group
Sex: male
Home: Idakarr (Tahron's former name)
Era: 570 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Interspecific Commission
Rank: envoy.

First appearance: KR|Echoes of Future #1 - The secret origin of chaos
Character summary: a reptilian alchemist who started as a commendable envoy of the Interspecific Commission, but later became an ambitious and revengeful conqueror after being removed from the Commission and transported to Cereutis.

Standard (new scheme), plus a hinged lower jaw, a pair of ball hinged wings and a tail that features two swivels at about one-third and two-thirds of its length.

Head: identical to Foundation Lor-Drek's dragon/Spinosaurus head, characterised by a long and narrow snout, burgundy (i.e., a dark shade of red) skin, a large dirty-yellow (I can only describe this colour by noting that it is defined by the hex triplet #cdc50a) cranial crest, long pointy ears (each ending in a rather long, curved horn, whose colour fades from grey-brown to off-white), evil large amber eyes with vertical black pupils, large sharp whitish teeth along the edges of the jaws and a faintly forked tongue sculpted on the inside of the mouth
Body: burgundy scaly skin, clawed hands and feet. His limbs are mostly reused from Origin Lor-Drek and display large dirty-yellow ridges that run down the sides. On the back, a dirty-yellow neural spine sail and a pair of large bat-like wings (although their shape is vaguely reminiscent of butterfly wings) project through openings in the armour's back piece. Also, a long, thick tail (reused from Foundation Lor-Drek) emerges from the bottom edge of the armour and extends downwards, ending with a zigzagged point whose colour fades from grey-brown to off-white. The wings and the tail are painted in burgundy on the underside and dirty-yellow on the upper side
Wearables: a harness (whose diagonal strap on the front is made of a dark-green fabric, while the metallic parts are greenish with golden details), a studded dark-green belt and a scale armour (i.e., consisting of several overlapping gold plates laced together) loincloth. The harness bears a golden plate displaying the Interspecific Commission emblem, i.e., a misshapen concave-sided dark-green lozenge, embossed on it.

Silef's stylised harness with lower strap unfastened.

Action feature
In the KR|Echoes of Future comics, Silef has limited psychic abilities, occasionally enabling him to contact others through telepathy and mentally control individuals, as well as a deep alchemical knowledge, which gives him the ability to transmute some substances into others (mostly with the aim of replicating the SpawnCrystals) and, eventually, the power to transform the molecular structure of some parts of his body. However, flight is his most obvious ability. This figure's impressive wings work in a similar way to Lor-Drek's ones - they plug into the back armour (they can easily be removed) and each has a really great range of movement despite the presence of only one swivel/hinge point of articulation.
Additionally, the comic book gave this character two different appearances, so PoliganToys has offered the possibility to change Silef from his basic look to an enhanced form. To deliver the latter, the figure includes a wealth of extra pieces. First up is an alternate portrait, whose crowned, 5-horned golden helmet is by far the most impressive part of this enhanced look. There really is so much going on here, including an elaborate half mask, a dark-green gemstone on the forehead and those crazy cool wing-shaped ornaments in the back, which resemble his own wings. The horns (both the real ones protruding from the back of the helmet and those that belong to the helmet itself) are excellently moulded with no bending or warping in sight. The headsculpt beneath the helmet is amazing as well, and pulls much of the detail from Silef's dragonish visage in the regular head, but with solid amber eyes and steel-coated teeth, to accurately reflect the source material for this look (no hinged jaw here, though). There are also other alternative body parts in the package, which include the hands and feet with large steel-coated claws, and the tail end with a zigzagged steel-coated point. To complete the look, his alternate outfit comes in the form of several separate items, namely a metallic dark-green harness with golden details, two bracelets (which have spiked bronze cuffs and metallic dark-green studded forearm guards), and two brown furry calf protectors with turndown tops (which show a paler shade of brown on the inside and are equipped with studded metallic dark-green shin guards). The harness is equipped with a dragon skull-shaped chest armour (which includes a replica of the symbol displayed on his regular outfit as well as what looks like a brown fur tail hanging down in front), while the lower strap bears a bronze buckle that is ornamented with a complex heraldic design (a dragon skull with two pointed bones crossed below it on a web-like background) and holds a short strip of silver chain mail hanging down in front. The rear part of the harness has slots for attaching the sail, wings and tail from the regular gear. The two side straps extend and cascade down as ankle-long, dangling tassels, seemingly tucked beneath the lower strap. These tassels are adorned with intricate designs resembling metal reliefs sewn onto them, and add an intriguing element to the costume. The patterns resemble hieroglyphics, evocative of a story, and suggest that they may be remnants of items Silef gathered during his time in Cereutis, possibly imbued with mystical powers or sinister essences.

Silef's stylised helmet with half mask.

Silef's stylised alternative harness.

Weapons and accessories
Silef comes with a double sided poleaxe that has a pretty nifty design. It consists of a long dark-green wooden shaft fitted with a golden spear tip, two golden blades mounted on both sides, plus a pointed, zigzagged golden counterweight fixed to the other end of the shaft. The spearhead loosely resembles Silef's head, while the two side blades are shaped like his wings and have a slightly worn finish.

Final thoughts
Overall: Silef is an impressive piece of toy craftsmanship. The inclusion of both versions of the character's appearance in one package is a welcome feature that, for now, sets this figure apart in the Echoes of Future roster. The excellent sculpting work is evident in the attention to detail and the quality of the alternative parts. In sum, this figure is a must-have for any fan or collector of the KR toys, particularly given its connection to Wordron
Rating: ☺☺☺☺☺ / 5