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Friday 15 March 2019

KR|Dimness Review #6: Barkos

Toy prototype details
Name: BarkosTM
Subtitle: defiant heir
Line: KR|Dimness
Item type: action figure (dual figure) - Nº 4 in the line.

Character details
Name: Barkos
Classification: human
Sex: male
Relationships: stepson of Wordron
Home: Tahron
Era: 5 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Dark Legion
Rank: rear marshal.

First appearance: KR|Dimness #1 - Into dimness: Part I – Awakening
Brief bio: raised as a hereditary duke, Barkos was in fact born to Modi-RhaTM and a fellow soldier in O-Kin's Golden Eagle armed force. When his biological father was mysteriously found dead, Duke Wordron, secretly his mother's half-brother, acknowledged his paternity of the newborn child. Marrying Modi-Rha and having a son, in turn, allowed Wordron to maintain his noble status in O-Kin's high society. After briefly encountering the Therioms during his childhood, Barkos was exiled with his family at Ucamur. In spite of his little talent for the supernatural, he inherited enhanced psychic abilities from his mother, which made him an excellent channel for the great powers of the prodigious helmet that was once more retrieved by his stepfather. Upon wearing the helmet, Barkos was transformed into a ferocious werewolf with incredible strength and the power to leap great distances, but when Wordron sent him to the Forseha settlement to subjugate the rebellious tribe, he faced Yla-Nha and was instantly defeated. When Modi-Rha, in an attempt to free her son's mind from Wordron's thrall, revealed the truth about his parentage, Barkos felt unable to oppress the Forseha clan further and, as a result, defected and helped the tribe members escape the Dark Legion's wicked plot. Following his adoptive father's death, he found it difficult to be recognised as a hero by his enemies despite his brave act. However, having discovered the gleam of hope within himself, he decided to hide the powerful helmet in a secret location, to prevent anybody with evil intentions from gaining possession of it.

Both figures have the standard articulation; the enhanced form also features a tail, which is a ball jointed separate piece.

In the comics, Barkos wears a magic helmet that in certain situations gives him incredible abilities and changes his look. Despite the two figures represent the same character, they render the two alternative forms and appear very different. Although it's not clear whether these figures will be released individually or in a 2-pack, I'm going to describe them separately.

Normal form
Head: pale white skin, a wide, long stringy black mohawk and blue eyes. To add further boldness to the look, his hairstyle is combined with shaved sides that include some wicked tattoos, which kind of recall claw scratches. He also has a pair of devilish pointy ears, while his eyebrows seem to be missing
Body: the exposed parts of his body (i.e., arms and chest) show pale white skin
Wearables: a short-sleeved dark-green vest with silver edges and armholes (which expand into riveted shoulder pads), a pair of dark-green trousers, two silver bracelets (each with a knuckle protector and a pair of spikes sticking out of the side), two silver boots (each with an ornamented knee guard that resembles a wolf face) and a silver belt (equipped with a buckle bearing the Dark Legion emblem, i.e., a diamond-shaped black gemstone, which, when looking deeply into it, shows a subtle discolouration resembling a demonic face). The vest falls just below the hips, features a stand-up mandarin collar and is open on the chest (although the two sides of the vertical opening on the front are loosely joined with two light-brown leather strings and secured by the belt at the waist), exposing two criss-crossed gold and silver necklaces.

Enhanced form
Head: similarly to other characters in the KR universe, Barkos wears one of the silver magic helmets, which in certain circumstances produces a wolf-like half mask (or visor) and gives him incredible physical and mental powers, changing his appearance significantly. The figure comes with an helmeted head, characterised by the grey-wolf visor activated, fierce bright yellow, glowing eyes and a covering of dark hair around the open mouth (which exposes large sharp whitish fangs). In addition to the standard side crests, the helmet is also adorned with two triangular metal decorations resembling canine ears
Body: he exhibits the bulkier sculpt that has previously been used for Grabtrak and Khon-Uhr, which displays a thick mottled grey to brown fur on the limbs, as well as claw hands and feet (unlike the normal form, this version of Barkos is barefoot). During his transformation, Barkos also grows a long bushy grey to brown tail, which in the figure is connected to the back of the loincloth via a ball joint
Wearables: a silver armour with dark-green details (which features a number of claw scratches on the chest plate), two laminar silver bracelets, two studded silver ankle bracelets, a studded silver belt (with a wolf face-shaped buckle) and a fairly long dark-green furry loincloth.

Barkos' stylised helmet with side crests.

Barkos' stylised armour.

Action feature
To simulate the retractile claws seen in the comics, a pair of large ivory claws can snap into each bracelet of Barkos' enhanced form.

Weapons and accessories
Barkos' normal form includes a dagger with a greenish wooden hilt (whose shape is made to resemble the end part of a long bone) and an S-shaped silver crossguard that develops into two intertwining blades; each silver blade ends with a sharp point, making the weapon recall Thulsa Doom's dagger from the 1982 movie Conan the Barbarian. The dagger can have its blade inserted in a light-brown leather sheath attached to a loose fitting belt, which is a separate piece that can be repositioned to one's liking.
The enhanced form comes with a sword that is an augmented version of the above-mentioned dagger. This weapon has a greenish oxidised bronze hilt (whose pommel resembles a wolf skull) and two S-shaped silver crossguards set side by side, which develop into two long parallel blades; each blade, in turn, is composed of four smaller intertwining blades (two made of silver and two made of gold) and ends with an arrangement of four prongs that recall the claws of a wolf paw. The sword can have one of its two blades inserted in a dark-brown leather scabbard attached to the back of a removable harness, whose shoulder straps are ornamented with silver spikes and massive shoulder pads (each equipped with four large bony claws projecting sideways).
Finally, there is an alternative head for the figure's normal form, which wears the inactive helmet, i.e., with neither the grey-wolf visor activated nor the metal ears. This head works as the necessary bridge between the unhelmeted and the helmeted-with-visor heads.

Final thoughts
Character value: ♦♦♦ Yes, Barkos lacks that natural evil of his stepfather, but his defiant nature makes him definitely boss
Articulation: ♥♥♥ The long hair of the normal form restricts the neck articulation somewhat. Otherwise, both figures can take very natural poses, allowing for some great display potential
Sculpt and paint: ♣♣♣♣ This adult version of a character that we had already seen as a kid in the KR|Enmity series turned out really nice - he's one bad ass looking dude! Most of the paint work is quite good, especially on the fur of the enhanced form, which looks terrific
Accessories: ♠♠♠ I really love his augmented sword, with its double blade and ornate hilt. Unlike the smaller dagger, the sword is also a very sturdy piece
Playability: ♪♪♪♪ The KR|Dimness series is more and more proving great fun, and Barkos is just another example of how good PoliganToys can be when they want to... fortunately, they often do!
Overall: ☺☺☺ I wasn't expecting a whole lot out of Barkos, since he doesn't have the cool dragon/skeleton theme of Wordron. But once he was out of the package, I began to appreciate his overall look and design, and it's actually nice to have another animal-looking enhanced warrior in the series.

Friday 1 March 2019

KR|Dimness Review #5: Yla-Nha

Toy prototype details
Name: Yla-NhaTM
Subtitle: charming shieldmaiden
Line: KR|Dimness
Item type: action figure - Nº 3 in the line.

Character details
Name: Yla-Nha
Classification: human
Sex: female
Home: Tahron
Era: 5 years before Foundation
Affiliation: Forseha (indirectly)
Rank: leading amazon.

First appearance: KR|Dimness #1 - Into dimness: Part I – Awakening
Brief bio: daughter of the KmutukTM tribe’s chieftain, Yla-Nha was a sharp-witted fighter and champion athlete who rose quickly in the strata of her clan. She trained in the art of war under several masters, learning vital close combat techniques, especially with the aid of edged weapons. When young, she was very impulsive, sometimes putting herself in serious danger, but fortunately her excellent skills always saved her. Yla-Nha became a celebrated figure in her tribe, until she was deceived by the treacherous clan's spiritual leader, who, in order to become chief, secretly tricked and manipulated her into murdering her parents. During the territorial disputes in the area near the Ucamur region, the Kmutuk clan fought against the Forseha tribe and Yla-Nha, rejected by her people, asked the rivals for succour. Once she discovered the truth, she sought revenge and assisted the Forseha people in defeating the evil Kmutuk chief, freeing her tribe from his despotism. Yla-Nha’s resourcefulness impressed Dakun, who enlisted her help whenever the Forseha tribe found itself in the middle of turmoil.

Standard, excluding hinged abdomen.

Head: Nordic features, white skin, long blond dreadlocks decorated with copper beads, and purple eyes
Body: the exposed parts of her body (i.e., left upper arm, right forearm, right leg and stomach) show white skin. The right arm and the left leg are protected by a pauldron (equipped with an ornamented besagew) and a thigh armour respectively, both metallic purple with copper details
Wearables: a basque-like metallic purple armour with copper details (including a pair of ornamented bra cups and a spaulder curved upward on the left shoulder), a large metallic purple wrist/elbow guard and a copper armband on the left arm, a narrow metallic purple bracelet on the right arm, two brown leather boots (each with metallic purple toecap and chain mail sides, and the top widening sideways), a metallic purple tasset belt (with two horn-shaped copper ornaments hanging down in front) and a short orange skirt. A metallic purple choker fits closely round her neck, while the armour seemingly has a vertical opening on the front side, all the way down, which is fastened with two buckled brown leather straps and a copper button.

Yla-Nha's stylised armour.

Action feature / Weapons and accessories
In the comics, Yla-Nha wields a six-piece set of blades (she is shown to skilfully handle up to four of them at the same time), which come in a variety of shapes (mostly machete-like, with copper blades and the hilts wrapped in brown leather) and sizes, and are thus suited to a wide array of combat situations.
Furthermore, the blades can be assembled to form a single large sword, which in its various states of combination serves as her primary weapon. The concept is very similar to Final Fantasy's Fusion Sword. As detailed in the diagram below, the six-blade assembly consists of:
- One fascine knife (1) with a distinctively large handguard (which the other swords lock onto) and a wide, straight length of blade that tapers to an equally long but thinner length ending in a point. This is the main blade that forms the base of the six-piece sword and is the only one among the six that is double-edged
- One panga machete (2) with a grooved blade that broadens on the backside and has a sharpened upper inclined portion. This weapon is actually hollow, meaning that it's essentially a thick sheet of metal folded in a V-shape when looked from above (the edge of the blade being the bottom point of the "V"), with the lower third of its length wrapping around a double-hilt. This blade locks onto either edge of the main blade, snugly covering most of its length and serving as the front edge of the assembled sword
- Two identical tsakat/saw combos (3 and 4), each with a long saw-toothed, billhook-like blade. These two weapons attach to both sides of the main blade's free edge, with the two pointed curves projecting towards opposite directions, and form the back of the assembled sword
- Two identical double-daggers (5 and 6), each with a cane knife blade accompanied by another short, highly curved blade (like that of a kukri or a kopis) attached near the hilt at an angle. These weapons have a mechanism between the hilts and the blades that allows them to partially fold up like a switchblade. It is in this folded form that the two daggers lock onto the two sides of the assembled sword, with their most angled blades projecting towards opposite directions. These knives fictionally possess some sort of locking mechanism designed to hold the other blades in place and to cover their hilts, and their addition completes the assembled sword's asymmetrical, spiky silhouette.

Yla-Nha's stylised assembled sword; the left half represents the front edge, while the right half represents the back.

The figure comes with all these weapons in both their separate and assembled configurations (seven pieces in total). The blades in their disassembled state can be stored in a number of loops that Yla-Nha carries on her armour: two in a criss-cross pattern on the back (for the fascine knife and the panga machete) and two on the sides of the tasset belt (for the two tsakat/saw combos). Although the fact that there are only four loops seems strange, considering that there are six weapons, it could imply that Yla-Nha would never be in a situation where all six blades need separate carrying. So, it is possible that each tsakat/saw combo and each double-dagger might be fictionally combined in one piece in order to fit into the same slot.

Final thoughts
Character value: ♦♦♦♦♦ Yla-Nha looks a lot like a female version of Foundation Masq-Lor, much more barbaric and bad-ass than other formidable amazons we have seen in other series of the KR universe
Articulation: ♥♥ The hair and the skirt are cast in a stiffer plastic than it would be ideal and, as a result, they hinder movement a bit. It’s not the worst I've seen, but it could have been better
Sculpt and paint: ♣♣♣♣ Everything about the looks of Yla-Nha is top notch, from the top of her head all the way to the soles of her boots. I really like the metallic purple and copper-orange details of her outfit. Her skin is a little bit glossy, though in normal light I don’t find it too unacceptable
Accessories: ♠♠♠♠ The figure comes with a set of really nice weapons. The assembled sword is a beautifully detailed piece of work with a great design, I love it! Too bad, however, they replaced the leather scabbards seen in the comics with simple loops
Playability: ♪♪♪♪ I was hotly anticipating this prototype when PoliganToys announced it, but my excitement was reduced a bit by the news of the scabbards removal. I’m glad to say that such a change is not as ruinous to my enjoyment of this figure as I thought it would be
Overall: ☺☺☺☺ Yla-Nha looks great alongside the more barbaric characters like Solamya and Dakun, while still fitting in with the rest of the KR line. I’m more than happy to add her to the shelf!