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Monday, 27 June 2016

KR Review #52: Denortos

The Key Raiders line is marking the beginning of summer (or winter, depending on your location) with the figure representing one of the most interesting characters in the whole saga - DenortosTM!

The ranks of the Spektrosaurs are slowly growing and, while not exactly a member of this faction, I think Denortos is my new favourite. This 40th action figure prototype from PoliganToys bats a thousand in terms of impressive look.

Name: Denortos
Subtitle: alien menace
Classification: uncertain
Sex: male
Home: Cereutis
Affiliation: Spektrosaur (temporarily)
Rank: mercenary.

Background (with spoilers)
Denortos appears in the thrilling KR comic double-issue The Cereutian menace. A dangerous criminal from the extra dimension of Cereutis, Denortos lost his left arm and parts of his face during an ancient battle on Tahron, before being deported back to his dimension and imprisoned. He was then freed and armed with new face components and a powerful shooting arm by Deptilion, who offered promises of power and wealth in exchange for aid to take his revenge on the Therioms. Denortos returned to Tahron and, while secretly serving Deptilion, allied himself with Lor-Drek. Eventually, he grew ambitious and, reneging on his deal, raised an army of his own to fight both the Therioms and the Spektrosaurs. But a surprising alliance between the two factions proved to be too challenging for Denortos and, at last, he was forced out of Tahron once again.

Standard, with the addition of a hinged lower jaw, a diagonal swivel across the chest and a ball joint at the left elbow.

Head: elongated shape, dark-blue (almost black) skin, a strip of spade-shaped imbricate shiny silver scales (similarly to Merados' stripes) running centrally from the middle of the forehead to the back of the head (developing into a spiny cranial crest), two short tentacle-like dark-blue antennas, two pairs of curved dark-blue spines pointing backwards where one would expect to find the ears, yellow right eye (with a horizontal slit-shaped dark pupil resembling a series of four small holes, similarly to a Tokay gecko eye) topped with a jagged brow ridge, electronic left eye (this reminds me of HAL 9000's camera eye) mounted on a steel plate that covers part of the face, two large nostrils and chunky steel electromechanical jaws with sharp teeth. The lower jaw is movable and allows us to see very cool details sculpted on the inside of the mouth, such as two half-rows of sharp whitish teeth and some exposed flesh. It really looks like his face suffered a serious battle injury and some parts had to be replaced with bionic components
Body: his dark-blue (almost black) skin is stretched over a series of bony plates with spine-like tubercles, which are arranged in rings throughout his body, giving a general segmented, armoured appearance. His legs and right arm sport claw extremities and large strips of spade-shaped imbricate shiny silver scales running down the sides. The left arm has a great steel robotic look, showing some little details, such as rivets and cables, but not as many as, for example, Loghar's or Xonedar's cybernetic limbs. Finally, he has a short pointy tail emerging from his trunks and protected by a leaf-shaped, spiny-edged dark-blue tail shield
Wearables: a black armour with light-green details (the two colours alternate clockwise), one black gauntlet, two black boots, a black belt (displaying a small horizontal pocket on the back) and a ridged light-green crotch piece. The armour is not removable and shows some tech details, tubes, battle marks and a mysterious silver symbol (resembling a four-pointed throwing star with what looks like a trilobite embossed in the middle) on the front. Its two furthest-apart components are connected diagonally via a strap that also holds a pouch on the back. The exposed part of the abdomen displays a surgical suture closed with stitches by means of a metal wire.

Denortos' stylised armour; the circle at the centre of the chest piece represents a Cereutian symbol.

Action feature
In the comics Denortos is shown to possess extremely accurate senses thanks to his antennas. Well, this is probably the only faculty that couldn't be recreated in the figure, because regarding all his other abilities, there's so much going on here.
Let's start with his powerful mechanical mouth that can inflict ferocious bites through nearly anything; this feature is wonderfully rendered thanks to the spring-loaded lower jaw, which can swing open and then suddenly snap shut like a bear trap.
Denortos also has a long-range punching feature that is reproduced in two ways. First, by posing his torso, thanks to the unique diagonal swivel articulation, either to wind up or to follow through before and after the punch respectively. Second, by popping the cybernetic arm off at the elbow and attaching an alternative split arm. That’s wonderful too, it really looks like the fist has been propelled with force through the air by his strong swinging movement and, owing to an extensible cable (a simple string in reality) attached to the forearm, can eventually been drawn back.
Finally, this evil guy has the ability to exhale a gas that knocks his enemies unconscious. Since his appearance changes slightly when doing that, the figure comes with an alternative head. In this head the four spines of the cranial crest are set upright, forming a sort of spiky mohawk, while each pair of side spines is swung forward and spread out, forming a "bat wing"-shaped ear with a number of fissures, through which the gas is sprayed. His bionic components look different too: the eye is green rather than red, in order to see through the mist, while the jaws are converted into a breathing mask that also covers the nose. This mask is permanently connected via two pliable corrugated hoses to a twin-cylinders set (equipped with a pivoting control lever and a pressure gauge) that snaps into a socket on the back. Apparently, after his injury he lost the capacity to withstand his own toxic fumes. Oh, this head stinks... I mean, literally! I don't know what the guys at PoliganToys added to the plastic to make it smell like wet soil, but if the intention was to replicate the knockout gas, well, they perfectly succeeded.

Weapons and accessories
Denortos comes with a great deal of accessories. Apart from the already mentioned alternative arm and head-plus-cylinders, we also get two weapons and a blasting effect for the bionic eye. The first weapon is his light-green petrifaction-beam gun. This is beautifully sculpted and has a barrel equipped with two "stag beetle mandible"-shaped silver blades at the sides. The raygun has an additional handle, so it can also be displayed as a melee weapon. In addition, it has a small hook on its top, which allows it to be hung from a loop on the side of a supplementary large glossy black removable belt adorned with silver rivets and spikes.
The second weapon (sort of) is a silver shield. This is quite bulky and has a strange trapezoidal shape with intricate tech patterns. But here's the thing - both surfaces are made of hinged fold-out pieces (one on the back and three on the front) that allow us to convert the shield into a hovering jet-board. The feature really works great: when shrunk, the shield attaches securely either at the figure's robotic wrist or at the back armour (plugging into the same socket that can be used to stow the air tanks, which are also fictionally produced by the shield itself) via one peg; when spread out, the jet-board fastens snugly under his feet (with the figure standing on it). Additionally, Denortos' standard head bears a small hole in the cranial crest that can be used to make him glide on his jet-board by means of a string from one point to another (similarly to a zip line).
Finally, the translucent red blasting effect can replace the red bionic eye, to simulate the emission of a lethal laser beam.
There's more! In the comics, when travelling from Cereutis to Tahron, Denortos possesses the ability to transform into a falling body of matter, like a meteor. So, the figure also comes with his meteoric form, which looks like a coarse-grained, banded, porous dark-blue stone with hints of a red glow coming from its inside.

Together with the action figure we get the eighth comic issue The Cereutian menace: Part I – Downfall. On Tahron, a monstrous warrior named Denortos is sent from the extra dimension of Cereutis to pursue an alliance with Lor-Drek. Denortos explains that he can bring him Deptilion's halberd in exchange for help to retrieve an ancient machine that can save Cereutis from destruction. Lor-Drek agrees and sends his soldiers to break into Theriom City's understructure, where the machine is supposedly hidden. Once the incursion is discovered, the Therioms try to fend the attackers off, but Denortos, before fleeing, turns Sei-Lha and Elykta into stone with his petrifaction weapon. At Koptros' suggestion, Masq-Lor and Fai-Rha travel to Artelon, to reach a compromise with Lor-Drek, who may have a remedy. After some struggle with a few Spektrosaur soldiers, the two siblings make it to the leader's command post. Lor-Drek agrees to provide them with an antidote to free their fellows from the curse, only if in return Fai-Rha reunites with his army. Fai-Rha accepts generously, but Masq-Lor eventually regrets and, while keeping the cure to save Sei-Lha's and Elykta's lives, goes back to rescue his sister. Using the element of surprise, the hero confronts the Spektrosaurs, but Lor-Drek stops the fight and proclaims that it was all just a test of Masq-Lor's love for his sister, in which he succeeded. In the meantime, Denortos attempts a new attack on Theriom City and manages to find and activate the machine. This creates an inter-dimensional bridge that brings Denortos' sidekicks on Tahron. Masq-Lor, Fai-Rha and Lor-Drek realise that the only way to overcome this new threat is to form a coalition.

Overall, Denortos is such a fun figure and, in my opinion, the most detailed in the entire KR line yet. The bionic parts are fantastic, they really look sharp. The torso even gets him an extra articulation point, which helps open up the poses for his body greatly. He is solid from top to bottom and has a very unique look to help set him apart from the reptilian guys he will be standing with. Yes, I am thrilled to add him to my Spektrosaur display, even if he has to stand off to the side due to his ambiguous background. And I should have no problem to find a configuration that fits my needs with all of the accessories included. Let’s hope that his critter form (right, he can also transform into a beast) shows up sooner rather than later, to make him even more complete.
The comic is very nice too, despite having one of those silly morals. One may object that the story doesn't make much sense - why would Masq-Lor first agree to 'abandon' his sister, but then go back on his word? Well, as Koptros (a new interesting character, by the way) explains, all the trouble was due to evil and selfish moves from others, which makes it legitimate to break a promise, if this can counteract those actions. Good point!

Sunday, 19 June 2016

KR Review #51: Volcrotran

What good is an army without their commanding leader? In the interest of keeping things well ordered, Lor-Drek delegates his vice-marshal to lead the charge in his absence. Yes, VolcrotranTM has come and just about two weeks after Nar-Aja's arrival I have another evil snake fighter to add to my shelf.

We are finally starting to fill out the ranks of the Spektrosaur army and this 39th action figure prototype form PoliganToys will make this faction a force to take into serious consideration.

Name: Volcrotran
Subtitle: snake warrior
Classification: lepidosauromorph reptile
Sex: male
Relationships: husband of Nar-Aja
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Spektrosaur
Rank: vice-marshal.

Volcrotran makes his only appearance in the seventh KR comic issue The siege of Erlokat, where he is presented as Lor-Drek’s loyal right-hand man. He was the first of Bi-Harr's soldiers to defect to the newly born Spektrosaur faction and worked with Lor-Drek to enlist as many warriors as possible. Once strong enough, the Spektrosaur army began a three-way war against the Therioms and the Rexodons, with Volcrotran leading many battles. Eventually, he was nominated second in command for his cunning military skills and married his fellow soldier Nar-Aja. After sounding his threatening rattle, Volcrotran wickedly poisons his enemies with dreadful snake bites.

Standard, with the addition of a neck extension and a tail, both of which are ball jointed separate pieces. The tail features two articulation points, two swivels at about one-third and two-thirds of its length.

Head: similar to a viper, characterised by a triangular shape, dark-orange scaly skin, blue-green eyes with slit-shaped pupils and a closed mouth. He has a horned silver diadem adorned with a snake skull on the top of his head, and a snake-shaped silver ornament coiled around his neck, appearing to lengthen it. This neck ring is actually an extension piece that can be removed if one has will to display the figure without. Originally, Volcrotran was intended to have a scaly neck extension, but later he was equipped with the neck-ring instead, simply because it looked a more innovative element
Body: multicoloured scaly skin, claw hands and feet. His limbs are covered with keeled, imbricate dark-orange, dark-green and blueish scales arranged in a complex geometric pattern, similarly to an Atheris squamigera. Also, he has a long, slim dark-green (except for the underside that is blueish) tail, which is a separate piece emerging from the bottom edge of the armour and ends in a glossy turquoise rattle
Wearables: a golden armour with dark-blue details (the chest piece displays the Spektrosaur symbol, i.e., a greenish flame, at its centre), two golden bracelets, two golden calf protectors, a golden belt (whose large buckle resembles a viper head) and a dark-blue loincloth. The wrist guards are reused from Lor-Drek and are shaped to resemble a reptile head, while the shin guards and the loincloth look like made of large overlapping scales.

Volcrotran's stylised armour; the circle at the centre of the chest piece represents the Spektrosaur symbol.

Action feature
In the comics, Volcrotran is equipped with two enormous retractable fangs, which are almost as long as half the length of his body. These are normally concealed in his mouth and swing into biting position when his jaws open, to allow them to penetrate deep into an unfortunate enemy's body and inject large quantities of venom. So, the figure comes with an alternative head, whose jaws are wide open and bear few small sharp white teeth, except for a pair of substantially enlarged fangs pointing downwards. Interestingly, each fang shows a small forward-facing orifice near the tip, suggesting that the tooth is actually a hollow venom channel. Of course, there is also a forked tongue sculpted on the inside of the mouth.
Additionally, the figure makes a rapid succession of short, sharp knocking sounds when shaken, similarly to a rattlesnake.

Weapon and accessories
Aside from the alternative head, Volcrotran comes with a sword. This is going to be my favourite sword in the entire line, the guys at PoliganToys did a great job designing it. I love the dark-blue viper-head hilt and the long curvy, jagged silver blade. I don't know whether the shape of the blade (a combination of a falcata, a zulfiqar, and a harpe) is supposed to be reminiscent of a snake body or a reptile tongue; however, for me, it evokes a flash of lightning.

Overall, among all of the new prototypes that arrived this months, I think Volcrotran has been executed in the most spectacular fashion. Yes, he does have an unpronounceable name, but he is certainly one of those rare figures that hits on every level. The body sculpt is impressive and the paint deco absolutely stunning. He's just standout and pops on the shelf.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

KR Review #50: Alterok & Zor-Kan

Since this is my 50th review regarding the Key Raiders line (can you believe I have written that many already?), I think I have discussed the rich KR mythos on several occasions. That being said, the set I'm going to review connects to a part of the story that I have not had the chance to reveal yet. And I'm not doing it here, I'll wait for the relevant comic issue to come out.

This 10th multi-pack (technically a 2-pack, but actually a 3-pack... I'll clear this up) from PoliganToys is the third set that includes an action figure packaged with a creature - AlterokTM and Zor-KanTM!

It is strange though, Alterok is the second Herrion's variant I'm reviewing before the regular Herrion figure even shows up. The prototype run is going in some crazy cool directions... and I am just glad to be a part of the ride!

Name: Alterok
Real name: Herrion
Subtitle: monstrous alter ego
Classification: uncertain
Sex: male
Relationships: supposed son of Tir-Hing, twin brother of Desion (Masq-Lor), older brother of Rhadiel (Fai-Rha)
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Destructomorph
Rank: interim chief marshal.

Alterok's only appearance takes place in a KR comic issue that hasn't been printed yet, but I had the chance to preview. Like I said, I cannot reveal much about his backstory here; I can just anticipate that Herrion, once rescued from a long-lasting segregation, receives the third prodigious helmet from Elykta, in order to channel the same ancient power that Masq-Lor and Fai-Rha use to acquire incredible abilities. However, due to a reason related to his personal history that I can't explain now, something goes wrong and instead Herrion transforms into an evil monstrosity, Alterok, who teams up with Demo-Rha.


Head: he wears a silver helmet with a hideous red-orange visor, which displays two diamond-shaped solid light-blue plaques covering the eyes. This Deadpool-like design creates an interesting effect for me... I know where his eyes are supposed to be, but they’re not quite there. The exposed part of the face shows red skin around the diabolical mouth, from which two sharp whitish teeth protrude upward. The helmet has a circular opening on the upper rear that allows a long white ponytail to come through
Body: red skin, exposed torso, arms and legs, claw hands. He has a dark blue-green serpent coiled around his trunk, with the reptile's head emerging over his left shoulder. This snake-like creature is characterised by warty/scaly skin, a pair of purple eyes, a pair of small ears, a beak-shaped, orange-tipped muzzle, and a sequence of grey-brown spikes projecting from the upper side and spanning almost the body's entire length. Only the serpent's tail and neck are attached to Alterok's lower and upper back respectively, while the rest of its body crosses the front of the figure's torso diagonally, without being glued on it. Such a trick, together with a moderate flexibility of the snake's body, allows the abdomen to bend freely
Wearables: two golden bracelets, two golden boots, a golden belt and a medieval-style black armoured loincloth. His torso is split diagonally by the serpent - while the top-left part is bare, the bottom-right part is covered with a brown spiderweb-like vine net, which extends towards the back and ends in being absorbed by his skin.

Alterok's stylised helmet with frontal crests.

Action feature
In the comics, Alterok is equipped with a pair of retractile pincers produced by his wrist guards. So, the figure comes with two long brownish grasping claws that can snap into the bracelets.

Weapons and accessories
Aside from the pincers attachments, Alterok comes with a menacing scythe, which has a large semicircular toothed silver blade at the end of a long black shaft.
Additionally (and surprisingly), we also get Herrion's head wearing the inactive helmet, i.e., without visor. There are a couple of interesting things to say about this accessory. First, this head basically combines Masq-Lor's face with a new helmet; it makes sense, after all they are identical twins, even if Herrion's skin colour, in my opinion, is slightly lighter. Second, this head doesn't really match Alterok's body; rather, it likely functions as an alternative head for Herrion's future regular release. Update: this alternative head will be probably included with Herrion's figure and replaced here with a mid-transformation head.

Name: Zor-Kan
Subtitle: four-winged fighting bird
Classification: pseriform* bird
Sex: female
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Theriom (formerly belonging to a reptilian faction)
Rank: military animal.
*PseriformsTM are fictional birds of prey.

Zor-Kan makes several brief appearances throughout most of the KR comics series, but it's in the very same issue where Alterok also appears that she gets the spotlight. A bird of prey originally trained by Bi-Harr for hunting the mammalian enemies, Zor-Kan served as a fearsome fighter alongside Elykta, until the enchantress set out to end her own allegiance to the reptilian army. Elykta tried to convince Zor-Kan to follow her and join the fight to protect Tahron rather than destroy it, but the bird's thinking had been severely twisted by the reptilian influence. With time, Elykta' gentleness helped to heal Zor-Kan's mind, who eventually became a loyal member of the Theriom air force.

Action feature
In the comics, besides being described as having an excellent long distance vision, Zor-Kan is showed to absorb part of the power of Alterok/Herrion's helmet via a sort of panther spirit, acquiring various enhanced features. Unlike Ki-Wun and Merados though, such improvements are not included with the figure as add-ons, even if this possibility was actually explored and eventually discarded. Instead, we get two different figures, one for Zor-Kan's normal form and one for her enhanced appearance, which I'm going to describe separately with regard to sculpt, paint and articulation.

Normal form
In her normal form, Zor-Kan essentially resembles a multicoloured eagle. Her dark-red head displays a pair of green beady eyes and a hooked yellow beak, and the ruff (i.e., a ring of feathers round the neck) has light-orange and black stripes. The upper back has a great green to black fade across its length, while the lower back and rump are golden-yellow. She also has a scarlet breast, flanks and underparts, including the upper legs, but the lower legs and feet are covered with dull yellow scales. The feet have black talons (three of which point forward and one goes backward) that can grip a perching surface, but they are also designed to stand on their own. The tail has black feathers spotted with reddish-brown marks and includes two much longer black feathers, each ending in a reddish-brown fan (in the comics it is explained that this unique twin tail is used for balancing her body weight as she hunts or lands). She may look like a common bird until one notices that she has four wide blue, dark-red tipped wings, two on either side. Articulation-wise, she can look down and to the sides thanks to the ball jointed neck, while each leg features two points of articulation: a hinged hip and a swivel ankle. Each wing is connected to the body via a ball-hinged joint, which allows the wing to fold, spread and flap.

Enhanced form
Zor-Kan's enhanced form has a heron-like appearance and, although similar to the normal form in terms of texture and paint job, her great multicoloured feathery body is larger and has longer neck and legs. Her head has a very nice sculpt, characterised by a metallic red-orange-brown (I'm going to call this colour/material "rust" from now onward) headpiece or face-mask (which includes a magnificent white crest with a rust wing emblem embedded in each side) and a large, long arcuate beak with a hinged lower jaw. An S-shaped neck extension with light-orange and black stripes connects the head to the body. The back is equipped with a rust harness, which carries a white saddle and a pair of tail-mounted white booster rockets, to help speed her in flight. The upper legs are muscular and feathery, while the lower legs are slim and mostly covered with a rust scale armour. The feet have long sharp steel talons in an open pose and the peacock-like tail has nine feathers spotted with glowing-translucent orange "eyes". But it's the two pairs of broad rust, flaming wings that steal the show. With an impressive wingspan of nearly 45 cm (18"), this baby is going to take up so much space on my shelf! However, the gap between the front and hind wings allows the saddle to accommodate for Alterok (or another figure) with no problem. Also, for being "just" a bird, the articulation is quite impressive. She can look in any direction thanks to the ball jointed upper neck and the hinged lower neck, each wing has a ball-hinged joint and the nine-tipped tail is simply hinged. Additionally, each leg features four points of articulation: ball-hinged hips, hinged knee and ankle, and swivel-hinged talons.

Weapons and accessories
Zor-Kan comes with a small set of accessories. First up is a translucent crystal perch, onto which the bird's normal form can alight; this perch can turn into a flight stand for Zor-Kan's enhanced form by replacing the horizontal bar with a large clip.
The other accessories are two white pivoting side guns, which can plug into the headpiece, and two propulsion-blast effects for either the booster rockets or the side cannons.
In addition, we get the small translucent blue panther spirit (a wrong repaint of Merados' one—it should actually be orange!) that allows Zor-Kan's enhancement.

Overall, this multi-pack makes a stunning entrance into the KR world. Alterok is certainly a winner, I love the look of this figure and I am very happy to get him. Even though my evil-side shelf already has a lot of weird monsters, this guy breaks up the leaders clan and surely increases the evilness; he's most definitely in my villains top five. Also, the fact that he's a Herrion variant makes me want to see the definitive incarnation of this character coming into the line even more; so, bring that missing brother figure on soon! I also think Zor-Kan is a complete knockout in the looks department and does a wonderful job in fitting in with the creatures club. She's beautiful and strong in both versions, but I think the double-figure solution will make people feel very split on her final construction. Personally, I like the idea of having a Zor-Kan for each Herrion version: normal and... altered.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

KR Review #49: Nar-Aja

Is there finally a snake fighter in the KR line, or are my eyes deceiving me? After almost nine months full of dinosaurs, crocodiles and lizards, I am ecstatic to see a snake-woman making her way into the reptilian ranks.

I’m also overjoyed that this 38th action figure prototype from PoliganToys has come out so well. You can bet Nar-AjaTM has a well-earned front spot on my KR shelf.

Name: Nar-Aja
Subtitle: snake amazon
Classification: lepidosauromorph reptile
Sex: female
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Spektrosaur
Rank: colonel.

Nar-Aja makes her only appearance in the seventh KR comic issue The siege of Erlokat, where she is presented as a descendant of an ancient lineage of mystical snakes created by the reptilian wizard SphenoratTM. Nar-Aja became fascinated with Lor-Drek's audacity and decided to join forces with him soon after the newly Spektrosaur army had been formed. Believing in the cause of exterminating all the mammalian opposition, she often had a crucial role in storming the enemies' territories with overwhelming terror. Loyally devoted to serve her fearsome master, Nar-Aja deprives her rivals of the ability to escape by the power of a gaze and then kills them with her evil venomous spit.

Standard (excluding the hinged abdomen), with the addition of a tail, which is a ball jointed separate piece. It features two articulation points, two swivels at about one-third and two-thirds of its length.

Head: similar to a cobra, characterised by reddish scaly skin (except on the lower jaw and on the throat, where the skin is yellowish), light-blue eyes, two large fangs and a forked tongue sculpted on the pinkish inside of the open mouth. Her neck is spread to form a flattened, widened hood, whose dorsal surface is reddish and exhibits two circular patterns connected by a curved line, while the underside is yellowish and displays a hypnotic eye-shaped reddish mark on either side. Although the neck-hood hampers the head movement a little bit, good poses are still possible
Body: yellowish scaly skin, claw hands and feet; her limbs sport large reddish bands that run down the sides. Also, she has a long, slim reddish (except for two yellowish crossbands) tail, which is a separate piece emerging from under the loincloth and ends with a pointy triangular (or spade-shaped) yellowish tip
Wearables: a brown armour with light-green details, two brown bracelets, two brown calf protectors, a brown belt (whose buckle resembles a cobra head) and a light-green loincloth. The cuffs, the shin guards and the loincloth look like made of large overlapping scales.

Nar-Aja's stylised armour.

Action feature
In the comics Nar-Aja has the ability to squirt venom from her fangs in self-defence. As you may guess, the figure comes with a translucent yellow plug-in spitting effect for her mouth. With this attachment, we get the fifth (!) repaint of the same effect we've already seen with Nibeon, Steel-Monster Deptilion, Blomok and Aktahnor. Please, PoliganToys, sculpt a new effect!

Weapons and accessories
Apart from the venom attachment, Nar-Aja comes with her frightening multi-bladed whirling scythe. This cool weapon has five long curved silver blades forming a rotating piece, which is attached at the end of a long light-green pole and spins when is given a flick.
In addition, a really fun and unexpected accessory comes in the form of Nar-Aja’s snake collaborator. I am not going to question why a snake woman has a snake as a pet, I just go with it. Anyway, this little greenish pal clips right on Nar-Aja’s left wrist, giving the illusion of wrapping around her forearm. Moreover, the 5-blade wheel can detach from the scythe shaft and clip into the snake's mouth, to form an intimidating wrist mounted buzzsaw.

Overall, Nar-Aja is a figure with all the points in her favour: a new sculpt, a unique weapon and two extra accessories to complete her equipment. However, an articulated jaw or a closed mouth head might have been nice, but their absence doesn't diminish the worth of the figure for me. Similarly, I’d have loved to get a newly sculpted attachment to simulate the venom spitting feature, but again it’s not a big issue.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

KR Review #48: Tornado Masq-Lor & Merados

Even though my passion for the KR line mostly lies with unique characters, throughout the course of this blog I've reviewed several variations of Masq-Lor. It makes sense, he's the hero of the story and shows several incarnations in the comics. So far I've enjoyed most of his variants and Combat Masq-Lor has probably been my favourite. But I just wasn't excited about reviewing Tornado Masq-LorTM.

One reason is probably his execution - the guys at PoliganToys are usually very accurate, sometimes at the cost of money saving. This Masq-Lor figure though, strangely, goes for heavy reuse over comic accuracy.

Another reason is that he comes with MeradosTM. Don't misunderstand me, this creature has been on my wishlist for long and I was really looking forward to him. But although it is true that he belongs to the Theriom army and most KR figures can ride him, in the comics he's mostly shown as Fai-Rha's ride. Then why did he come packed with Masq-Lor?

So, when opening this ninth multi-pack prototype from PoliganToys, I decided to look at it objectively. Not as a "Fire-Fists Masq-Lor reuse plus creature that doesn't belong to him" set, but as just the newest KR 2-pack. And in that regard, it’s really okay.

Tornado Masq-Lor
Name: Tornado Masq-Lor
Real name: Desion
Subtitle: twisting-punch warrior
Classification: human-primivod hybrid (but he looks completely human)
Sex: male
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Theriom
Rank: leading warrior.

Masq-Lor's first appearance with his Tornado equipment takes place in the fifth KR comic issue The factory of doom. Following two disastrous attacks to their stronghold, the Therioms are eager to stop their enemies by destroying a Rexodon key military target. Masq-Lor, who quickly recovered from a severe injury, rejoins forces with his fellows always in need of his aid. With even more will to tap into the deepest power unlocked by his helmet, Masq-Lor becomes equipped with incredible twisting weapons and is ready to rescue his twin brother Herrion, who hosts the evil spirit of Loghar.


Head: identical to the head that came with Fire-Fists Masq-Lor, characterised by the sabre-toothed visor, metal cat ears, fierce feline eyes, light brown skin around the mouth and a short black ponytail coming out from the base of the helmet. This is the first time we get a full reuse (i.e., with no sculpt nor paint differences) of a head in a Masq-Lor variant
Body: this is also a reuse of Fire-Fists Masq-Lor - the arms and part of the torso are exposed and show light brown skin with black-tawny ocelot stripes, while the legs are covered with tiger-striped trousers (which are repainted in a darker blue compared to FFM)
Wearables: a golden harness with dark-blue details, two golden bracelets, two golden boots, a golden belt and a dark-blue crotch piece. The harness features a vac-metal golden Theriom symbol on the chest plate, while the back piece is extremely detailed, with plenty of sculpted techy components and buttons. The bracelets, the boots and the belt are new, more futuristic reinterpretations of the clip-on elements seen in Masq-Lor's regular release.

Tornado Masq-Lor's stylised harness; the oval at the centre of the chest piece represents the Theriom symbol.

Action feature
In the comics TM's bracelets transform into two large drilling tools capable of perforating any materials, which represent a spectacular evolution of the original claws. So, the figure comes with a pair of dark-blue snap-on rocket-like pieces equipped with golden rotating cutting tips. Each device can be connected to either TM's wrist guard via a peg and, despite being exceptionally large, the tight joints prevent the arm from falling under its weight. Also, since the drills can fictionally be fired like missiles or allow Masq-Lor to fly for a short distance, we get two propulsion-blast effects that can be connected to the butt of each tool.

Weapons and accessories
Besides the two drilling tools with their blast effects, TM comes with two more accessories. First, is his signature sword. Or should I say swords? Yes, because the cool feature about this new weapon is that, for the first time ever, it can transform from the not activated version to the enhanced one. The normal silver-bladed sword separates into two sides, which can then be attached to a third middle golden-bladed piece. Both versions have a bronze hilt for uniformity reasons, but only the augmented version can be stowed in a holster on the back of Masq-Lor's harness. The only downside is that the enhanced sword ends in having two handles due the "out-of-phase" overlap of the two silver halves, but it doesn't look too bad and Masq-Lor can hold it comfortably.
The second accessory is an alternative unhelmeted head, which is basically the same as regular Masq-Lor, except that part of his thick black hair is pulled back and arranged into a ponytail, in order to match the helmeted version.

Name: Merados
Subtitle: valiant horselike steed
Classification: tarmotherid* mammal
Sex: male
Home: Tahron
Affiliation: Theriom
Rank: steed.
*TarmotheridsTM are fictional ungulates.

Merados makes his first appearance in the fourth KR comic issue A fateful secret, where he's presented as a mighty steed of the Theriom cavalry. Trained from birth to carry Tir-Hing's soldiers into combat, Merados served the Therioms with uppermost loyalty during many great battles on Tahron. He befriended Fai-Rha after she had learnt of her true identity and had joined her family. Enhanced by the power of Fai-Rha's newly acquired helmet, Merados remained with her to aid the Independent Warriors in the continued fight against the reptilian armies. After saving numerous lives thanks to his skillful moves on the ground during the siege of Erlokat, Merados followed Fai-Rha back to Theriom City, to fight heroically alongside his army once again.

Merados is not quite as articulated as Ki-Wun, but I think it is still possible to get all of poses one may want. Thanks to the ball jointed upper neck and the hinged lower neck, his head has a great range of movement, which gives him a lot of expression. The tail is swivel-hinged, while each leg features three points of articulation: hinged shoulder/hip, swivel-hinged knee/hock and swivel-hinged fetlock.

About the sculpt, I can say that Merados looks, well, like a horse. However, his coat pattern is rather peculiar - zebra-like in the front and more like a proper horse in the rear. He has black and silver stripes on the neck and part of the head (including a wide silver stripe down the middle of the face), reddish-brown upper parts and most of the head, white belly and legs, and black mane and tail. The stripes are boldest on the front and become gradually fainter further down the body, blending with the browner colour of the back and flanks, until disappearing along the hind quarters. His standing, mohawk-like mane fades into a broad dark dorsal stripe on his back.
There are lots of nice little details throughout his body, especially on the zebrine stripes, which seem to be composed of imbricate shiny silver plates (or scales) on a black background.
He has a removable bridle, consisting of an arrangement of purple straps to which the reins are attached, as well as a saddle, which has a button closure on the bottom, and is characterised by a purple leather texture and equipped with silver pommel, cantle and stirrups.

Action feature
Like Ki-Wun with Masq-Lor, Merados can also occasionally absorb part of the power of Fai-Rha's helmet via a sort of panther spirit, acquiring various features that are included with the figure as add-ons (it's necessary to remove the bridle/reins, the mane and the tail beforehand):
- A silver barding composed of a peytral that protects the chest (it fits around the neck and connects to the pommel), two flanchards that protect the flanks (they connect to the sides of the saddle, under the stirrups) and a croupiere that protects the hind quarters (it connects to the cantle)
- Two snap-on pieces, i.e., a criniere with a flaming mane and a short tail guard with a flaming tail, that replace the standard mane and tail
- A silver chanfron with purple details (including a gemstone between and above the eyes), which incorporates two ear guards and the reins (these are partially armoured with steel plates riveted to them), and replaces the standard bridle/reins piece
- Four clip-on purple hoof protectors, each with a number of badass golden studs screwed through the steel sole.
The armour components (many of which are held in place by magnets) give the ride a bit of a robotic feel and provide an effective substitute for the full body metallization seen in the comics, which I guess would have been too difficult to recreate in the action figure.

Weapons and accessories
Merados' peytral has two sockets over the shoulders, which allow to display the figure in different ways thanks to four plug-in pieces: two purple&gold Theriom escutcheons and two silver pivoting side guns. Each gun is shaped to resemble a vamplated lance with a small wing on the side, which are references to both medieval and mythological elements related to horses, and can optionally be displayed with a blasting effect.
Additionally, Merados comes with a glittering purple soft-plastic covering that can be placed under the saddle to protect his body from neck to tail. This kind of blanket has a silver hem, is adorned with a number of heraldic symbols (which are references to the Theriom Troopers' emblems and insignias) and is used to display Merados as an ordinary mount of the Theriom cavalry.
Finally, there are two fun accessories. The first is a silver brush for grooming Merados' coat, which can be held by most KR figures. The second is the small translucent purple (which should actually be red!) panther spirit that allows Merados' enhancement.

Overall, I am pleasantly surprised by the excellent quality and appeal of this 2-pack. Despite my initial hesitance to review him, I am pretty happy with Tornado Masq-Lor, I think he turned out to be a nice variant. Merados is also another great piece in the line and his vibrant design will certainly make him stand out on my shelf. I am very glad to finally have him and the great part of it is that we also get a nice base for a regular Theriom Trooper's mount. However, while Masq-Lor and the Troopers can certainly ride Merados (the saddle features a raised centre to accommodate for quite a few of the KR figures), I think I’ll most often have him carrying around Fai-Rha. Now I only hope to see more beast prototypes soon... Bi-Harr and Lor-Drek are still on foot!